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About gdrzx

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  1. This post will act as table of content, that gets updated every week or two. Table of Contents: - Doom 2 -- Conversions (Total, or Partial with very significant changes) -- Community Projects and Special Events -- Wad Series -- Speedmapping -- Niche Slaughter and Challenge -- Megawads (General) -- Mapsets (General) -- Single Maps (General) -- Multiplayer - Ultimate Doom - TNT and Plutonia - Heretic and Hexen - Standalone Current: 0 completed entries | 0 total entries Doom 2 Conversions Community Projects and Special Events Wad Series Speedmapping Niche Slaughter and Challenge Megawads (General) Mapsets (General) Single Maps (General) Multiplayer Ultimate Doom TNT and Plutonia Heretic and Hexen Standalone
  2. I'm that type of a guy who like to play every wad released in the year, guess if I've had a topic dedicated to wads released in one year cycle, some sort of a library, but for wads... The dedication of this topic is pretty straight-forward - have a minimalist recap of every notable or substantial release. I'm not gonna reinvent the wheel, and use already familiar guidelines and formats that we got (with some minor changes), thanks to @rd.. Inclusion guidelines: Some more info (pretty much a copypasta, still take a look):
  3. Nice starter map, which hooks with corroded metallic textures and an ominous, gloomy illumination. I like the lighting design, notably in the roofed areas where the computer panels are located. Texture work is simple, yet atmospheric and viby, especially with right soundtrack, that I guess will come later. Also, i like using of new monsters. Zombified marines are really evil on uv, and you have to use meatshield (thankfully, we have these zombies for that) tactic against, while trying to snipe them at the same time. We also provided we some simple non-linearity, that I always appretiate. Main difficulty is coming from hitscanners, but it is not plutoniesque, where you just getting surrounded by chaingunners, here you're engaged in some sort of tactical combat. Ammo here is never a problem, but health is, tho we have helpful secret in our expose. Overall, this map catched me, and I'm looking forward what this wad will be like in the end. Thanks for your work!
  4. Usually review wad map by map, with a lot of screenies and spending hours looking at textures, listeting midis and limit-testing difficulty Active/Partial Playtester: Active Preferred difficulty: uv/uv+pistol Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): Any Genres don't like: Any genre, except terrywads or pointless wads Preferred souce ports: GZdoom, zandronum, actually any Refused source ports: None Demos or written comments: I'm a writter Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): Pm or disc(gdrzx#6489)
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