Hey man, nice WAD! Very breezy, comfy map with a lot a satisfying brutality. The environment was immersive as hell and expertly done. Big fan. Very easy even on UV but like others have said, it's part of a larger set so you don't want to blow your 'WAD' right at the beginning.
Two things to mention.
1) There is a misaligned texture in the LBF was 'ere secret. If you are facing the wall that you jump over to reach the area, the wall a little to the left of the candle platform isn't lined up properly.
2) The player can get the red key from the supercharge secret. I don't think it really matters since you can't get the red key until the secret is accessible anyway, so there isn't any sequence-breaking or anything. Just thought I'd point it out.
I skimmed the thread to see if either of these have been mentioned but wasn't thorough, so I apologize if they were already addressed. Anyway, I'm excited to see what comes next with this set. Like I said, big fan!