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About Kraaienpoot

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  1. I saw a run on DoomSpeedDemos that I thought would be fun to beat. Aarrghh.wad map 02 UV-speed in 2:22 map 08 UV-speed in 0:32 map 08 UV-max in 1:42 aarrghh02-222.zip aarrghh08-032.zip aarrghh08m142.zip
  2. Thanks! I came back to this one after I saw you posted a good time. I didn't play for quite a while, though. I often feel like I play better after a couple of months not playing.
  3. I decided to give this map a couple more tries. Map 07 UV-Max in 2:49. drn07-249.zip
  4. And while I'm at it, also UV-Max. It's basically the pacifist run + cleanup with BFG. Frog and Toad MAP01 UV-Max in 3:17. ft01-317.zip
  5. Frog and Toad MAP01 UV-pacifist in 1:15. ft01p115.zip ft01p115.zip
  6. There is definitely a couple of seconds to be shaved off when the stars align :D
  7. Frog and Toad MAP01 UV-pacifist in 1:18. ft01p118.zip 1:17 record seems within reach, but it will probably take me another 1000 attempts or so.
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