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About Screamapillar

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  1. Lego minifigures. Stopped years ago, but I still have many of them on display.
  2. Congratulations! It's always super impressive when pretty much one person does whole megaward by themselves!
  3. I guess since this award was given, yeah, Devilution is finished and should be released already. This map was only thing holding it back
  4. Shame it was not released today, could line nice with anniversary. Oh well, looks like I misunderstood.
  5. It appears that it got released without most people's knowledge.
  6. Well, Escapist is going under. I feel like Yahtzee was only person who even remotely made people interested in that website.
  7. TNT: Devilution, despite not being finished yet, has some absolutely gorgeous tracks. My personal favourites are TyraNt's Tomb, Dark Omen, Behind Bars, The Noose Tightens, an amazing remix of Cold Subtleness In TNT to Kill and Paddock's extended remixes of Aim Shoot Kill and Into the Beast's Belly. Special shoutout to @Bucket, and his creative usage of letters T, N and T in titles of his tracks.
  8. Doom the Way id Did, and its sequel. Pretty chill and fun to play.
  9. I think they just screwed up, otherwise I don't know. It sounds awful, and completely ruins TNT's and SIGIL's OST.
  10. A bit unusual question, but I was wondering what is the joke behind name of the map 27 in D2TWWRI "Million IQ House". I understand names of most are puns or references, but I have no idea what this means.
  11. Not sure if anyone still wants to convert midis from GZDoom, but if you do, here is the way (all credit to Dragonfly): - Drag and drop MIDI onto GZDoom.exe - Once in GZDoom, open the console. - In the console, type the following, replacing "MIDI_Name" with the file name of your MIDI: writewave MIDI_Name MIDI_Name_Export.wav * * fluidsynth * So you need to type d_runnin if you want to export track from first map. Names of tracks can be found on doomwiki.org.
  12. Wow, I haven't read whole thread originally, so I was really surprised when you put Stronghold as No 1. I really dislike that map, it's absolute pain for me. I do however like that you put Heck in top 10 - I feel like it's a really good map, and my favourite from last third of mapset. Also, Baron's Den is not worst? I have to finally play Administration Center to confirm it for myself, huh.
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