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About Monosabi

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  1. This seems like a bit of an overreaction, but in the end it's your choice. Take care.
  2. Allow me to be a broken record with you as well, for a moment. It blows my fucking mind. I am one of the folks who came here after playing the newer Doom games, and I wasn't too sure how active of a community this place would be considering the age of the games. Not only did I find that this place is active, it's actually growing like you said. Although I wish I could have found out about this place sooner, I'm glad that I'm here now.
  3. I didn't really know about Doom in 2004, and I wasn't really on the internet much either. Now, I haven't played Doom 3, but from what I can tell they really upped the whole "horror" aspect. Were people generally excited that there was another doom game, or was it more like "what the fuck is this?" Maybe somewhere in the middle? I'm probably going to give it a spin at some point because it does kind of look like fun.
  4. It's already been said in this thread, but I'm saying it too. The community. This is a 28 year old game that has gone through many other massive and innovative games and despite that it is still going as strong as ever. Doom has a community with endless creativity as you have no doubt seen through things like wads, music, fanart etc.
  5. I've died more times to a lost soul flying right by me as I'm shooting a rocket than I care to admit.
  6. Good looking out. I haven't been on a proper forum in quite a few years, so it's always nice to have a refresher.
  7. That dude can really pull off the mohawk. Nice color, too.
  8. Hello! I'm pretty new to the doom scene. I've played the new ones, and I've beaten the first doom (ultimate doom on steam or something). I'm frankly astonished at how well this community is doing considering how old doom is. I guess this just goes to show just how great doom really is. Any worries I had about the community dying have been immediately squashed. I figure if the doom community was going to die, it would have died a LONG time ago. Here's to many more years of ripping and tearing!
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