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About hurtchow

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  1. Koji Kondo (Super Mario, Legend of Zelda) and Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy) are elite and pretty untouchable. Bobby Prince is kind of a hack. I am only saying "kind of" because everyone here seems to love him. As far as Doom music goes, James Paddock is easily the best. Still, Kondo and Uematsu are on such a high level, head and shoulders above all the rest.
  2. Hi, I have been having a lot of problems with GZDoom. It crashes constantly on big maps or busy maps. Go2it, Central Processing, Administration Centre for example. My computer is an i5 and we purchased it in October of 2020. I have had no crash problems on my other laptop from 2008. I don't know why this should be happening. Are there any settings you recommend tinkering with? Thanks in advance.
  3. I don't really get the point of pistol starting. Do you guys not feel that megawads are designed to be played through continuously? Watching MtPain27's videos is proof of that, when he complains about how in... level 26 let's say the level doesn't offer a super shotgun or something. Yes, because you should already have it by then.. Sometimes it feels like levels are designed with a pistol starter in mind, Wormhole from TNT works great that way. No Rest For The Living also. But definitely not the originals. What do you guys think?
  4. Vivisection from No Rest for the Living Congo from Plutonia Black Tower from Master Levels Hell Beneath, Perfect Hatred, Against Thee Wickedly from Thy Flesh Consumed
  5. Unity Port. Save at the start of a level, use another slot to save throughout the level. When I get to the next level, I go over my 2nd save and repeat the process. So far I have played Ultimate Doom, Sigil, No End in Sight, Deathless, Double Impact, Doom 2, Master Levels, TNT, Plutonia, Earthless. I still have maybe 4 or so more downloaded WADS to play. I also design levels and have made maybe 8 over the last 16 months. My 7 year old son likes to design maps and I think he has made 15 already.
  6. I mentioned this in another thread, but: The single barrel shotgun is a good medium/long range weapon, the super shotgun is practically worthless outside of close range. I don't think the single barrel is made obsolete by the super, as long as you realize this.
  7. The SSG is horrible at mid to long range. The single barrel is still pretty effective at least at mid range. Long range isn't quite as good as the chaingun, but the SSG is trash beyond mid range imo
  8. Thanks for creating Plutonia! Your knowledge of Doom theory is very impressive and it has inspired me to understand the game more. Hopefully we get more content from you in the future. Lots of people would be thrilled to play it, I'm sure.
  9. While I have played Doom 3 and enjoyed it, I don't like ranking it alongside proper classic doom as it is too far removed. Out of all the official classic doom wads, I would rank them as follows, for these reasons: #6 TNT - While this is a must play, and is absolutely essential for any Doom 2 fan, there are some maps on here that are really annoying and long and include huge rooms with hit scanners and lost souls which I don't enjoy. Central Processing is just a dull, slow experience for me and it leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. I don't think Habitat and Administration Centre are as bad as I've heard others say, but they are a lot worse than the better maps in this WAD. Wormhole, Power Control, Hanger, Prison, Storage Facility, Nukage Processing, and most of the first half are wonderful and work great either in their context among the entire campaign, or from a pistol start. Sadly, things get really boring through a lot of the second half, until the last 5 maps (27 through 32) which are as good as anything else here. #5 Doom 2 - It's a good game. It's the first attempt at a new playing field. The super shotgun is game changing, and so are revenants! Level design is awkward and gimmicky in a lot of places. Not to say that there aren't any good levels. The first 10 are fresh and inspired, but somewhere in the second third it loses steam creatively. Fortunately, the addition of new monsters and the super shotgun create so many possibilities that any creative problems can be overlooked at first. I imagine it would be weird if someone had played a more polished WAD (like my #2 choice) before playing Doom 2. Its flaws would be more noticeable if that were the case. #4 Master Levels - I've only played this all the way through once, but I have played through several of the maps repeatedly because I especially enjoyed them. TTRAP, BLACKTWR, BLOODSEA, and TEETH are better than maybe anything in Doom 2 in terms of creative level design. PARADOX, ATTACK, CANYON and GERYON could have made great replacements to some of the quirkier Doom 2 levels, if only that were possible. Sadly, some levels are pure WTF and stupid on a level that Doom 2 or TNT never even reached. MEPHISTO being the most guilty of these offenders. #3 Plutonia Experiment - A remarkable showcase of Doom 2 theory, the levels here put monsters and areas together in ways that show a deep understanding of how this game really works. Definitely not for beginners, but if you're able to get through the first two maps, the rest should be doable. It reminds me of Super Ghouls and Ghosts, which has a similar difficulty curve as Plutonia; steep and immediate, where it never peaks too much past there (certain situations aside). #2 No Rest For The Living - Builds off of the deep understanding shown in Plutonia, but adds WAY more style and creates a fabulous arcing set of levels. From level 1 to level 8 (and 9 in between), everything links together so perfectly in a way no other official WADs have ever done, except for my #1 pick on this list. Not only that, but pistol starting these levels all works in its own way, too. Vivisection and Inferno of Blood are God-tier in terms of design and gameplay. #1 Ultimate Doom - It's the foundation of everything above and was the most fully realized project, in my opinion. I imagine the entire development team was 'in the zone' and had a lot of strong creative momentum throughout the making of this game. It certainly feels that way when playing it. All the other WADS that followed Doom 1 are efforts to push the engine and explore all the potential that is implied in these three episodes. While other WADs were able to take the game theory farther than this game did (including the later added episode 4), none of them were able to express the vibe and true Doom experience like we get here. I credit John Romero with a lot of this, I think he is the one that really stylized it in a way that put it over the top.
  10. Getting the BFG edition on the 360 was my first exposure to E4 and NRFTL, which I love. Changing weapons is horrible. You have to scroll through them one at a time, though you can use shortcuts on the d-pad, but the d-pad on the 360 sucks and rarely does what I think I am telling it to.
  11. Hi guys, I've browsed around and sadly haven't been able to figure this out myself: I have a few maps I've made that I'd like for someone to play and review. Do we not have a review thread or level submission thread anywhere? What's the process exactly? Is this even a thing? Thanks in advance.
  12. Hey there Jimmy, I created this account because of this thread! What an exciting first post :) I love your work! I first heard about you after playing Sigil in the spring. Hate Machine is wonderful and that stuck with me long after the first map had finished. Quell the Beast is also especially memorable. I remember the other tracks fitting into the game wonderfully. Sigil is so spooky and I think your music did just as much to create that vibe as the John's lighting and texturing did! Last month, I played Deathless on the unity port and I was hooked on it, probably completed it all in a week. I especially loved the first two episodes, I think I burned through each of those in one sitting. Really great maps and gameplay. E1M8 was such a great update to the original idea for experienced players. My kids enjoyed that map especially, too. I was playing No End In Sight this week, but when I saw that Earthless was added to the unity port, I slammed the brakes, switched over to Doom 2, downloaded it and am now 4 levels in on UV. Everything has been great so far, and very inspiring. Like you, I am also a musician and I've recently gotten into mapping over the past year. I am literally taking notes as I am playing. Your style reminds me of the Casali brothers, in how perfectly FUNCTIONAL everything is. You seem to have a good reason to have each switch/lift/window/texture/monster/item/key/area/map/megawad figured out. Thanks so much for your work! I'm a big fan. :)
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