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About Bucket

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  1. 1) host a dedicated tf2 server your god damned self 2) ban botting players there, i fixed it
  2. I can't wait for their next video, "The Most Backtrackingest Metroidvanias"
  3. pink floyd as a band has not aged gracefully. makes me glad to be a genesis fan. though i could've sworn waters's last tour was well liked.
  4. Let me just add my voice to the choir of "this is just Heretic with extra steps"
  5. I think I've mentioned this before but the original Rogue is available on Steam (not the original original, obviously, but the DOS port). It makes a surprisingly good pick-up-and-play game when you're not waiting 10 minutes for it to load.
  6. i have plenty of art and music that i've lost over the years. mostly because i have a bad habit of not saving my source files, especially if it was quick and low effort. several times i've found old projects cleaning out my parents' house or running undelete programs on old drives and it feels like getting part of my soul back. the one that hurts the most is from catholic school, where i had only one friend (who wouldn't admit he was my friend to anyone else). at the end of fifth grade, before i transferred to a different school, i gave him a notebook that was filled cover to cover with my artwork. it was something to remember me by, very important to me, i had spent literally the entire school year on it. a week into summer vacation i called him up and asked if he had a chance to look through it. he said his mom threw it out. this is the same "friend" who had asked to borrow my copy of super mario 3. i was one of the poorest kids at that school but my mom worked at a toy store so i managed to get the game a couple days early. yeah, it made a few of them jealous and it made me feel pretty good to have something the other kids didn't. after a while i asked for it back and he said his dog ate it. one angry phone call from my mom to his mom later, the video game magically materialized. it had a few dents in it like someone tried to make it look like a dog chewed on it. it still worked, though.
  7. I was very interested in playing this. For a minute I thought I was looking at a SuperCPU accelerated demo. Play it back at 0.5 FPS and I would've been fooled.
  8. I just got a Framework 16. It unfortunately won't be suiting my needs so I'll be returning it, but I'd definitely recommend one if you're not as particular as I am.
  9. Doom is a 30-year-old game with an active online component; Id Software don't spend one red cent to maintain it. Studios have invented these BS pretenses - that games NEED always-online functionality, NEED anti-cheat spyware, NEED inconvenient DRM - and we will lose the conversation if we let them define the terms. Asmongold is a dusted React Andy who has been gaslit by his community into thinking his hot takes have value.
  10. Fun experiment: try to run original Plutonia speed demos with this WAD and see which ones get the farthest.
  11. the lo-fi synths are really giving off late 70s/early 80s Genesis vibes...
  12. oh, mass shootings here barely get a mention these days. otherwise they'd all take up the whole 20 minutes.
  13. there is only one name that comes to mind the legendary MORBIDTWATT
  14. Yes but no. Good concept, awful execution. The animation was terrible, the weapon feel was weak, and the objectives often confusing. Plus there was that game breaking bug that caused every NPC to become hostile if they got hurt by any means (almost always getting hit by a bus).
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