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About minichibisart

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  1. Been chipping away at my submission. Here's a view of the starting area and the first firefight you get into. Maybe I shoulda made something besides a naturalistic cave / ravine, those are a bit trickier to get looking right...
  2. Stylish! I like the way you use bright colors and lights, and the contrast between that and the more naturalistic areas.
  3. This is really nice! It looks very pleasing and evokes a lot of the best parts of vanilla, and the way the map interconnects with itself is very fun. Firefights are entertaining too, and it was really fun exploring all the little nooks and crannies to try and find secrets.
  4. Would I be able to take a crack at Slot 10? I'm pretty new to mapping but the title gives me some fun ideas and I'd like to see if i could make something interesting out of them.
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