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that guy23442

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About that guy23442

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  1. How about you skip the low effort shitposting phase

    1. that guy23442

      that guy23442

      i put alot of effort into it

    2. that guy23442

      that guy23442

      i probaly spend more than 10 hours on this new map i just wonna make hard maps 

    3. IcarusOfDaggers


      Well, then your approach is wrong. I'll send you a pm.

  2. Im sorry admins (also in the beginning with the pinkies just dont touch the red) alright so in this wad there's not a lot of ammo or health very closed in areas a lot of hard enemy's and a massive maze and cool music it might take you a couple hours to beat the stage and no im not trolling tips: there's 2 shotguns in the beginning area that skips the 2 chain gunners and archvile when you find an exit sign in the beginning area you have to touch it it opens the door to the outside don't try to fight the enemy's outside try to find a small maze be care full with your ammo once you enter the exit of the maze kill all the cacodemons and make sure your sourceport doesn't make all the enemies infinitely tall just run straight get lucky and enter the big maze area there's not a lot of ammo you have to take the perfect route its kind of bad ill make a video showing the route tomorrow once you find a big hallway there's gonna be a teleporter enter it and good luck. the wrolds hardest wad.rar
  3. the wrolds hardest wad.rar I dont gotta explain any more its not impossible only on uv
  4. i hid the exit cause someone beated my other map in 24 seconds. The original title of this map and your posts in general lead me to believe you are trolling. If that's not the case, would you kindly tell us what you are trying to accomplish here? idk make a relly hard wad i like making the maps i enjoy it yea about the screenshot with it covering everything i was just kinda lazy sorry about that
  5. well man i did it cause u beated my level in 24 secs so i decided to hide the exit its better than not putting it
  6. i think youre wrong when i said i hid it i was serious
  7. funi wad its funi i laught hahaXD works with gz and crispy if you get stuck maybe put the map in doom builder the exit is hidden one of the teleporters it broken watch this video to see how its suppoe to look like just hope u have luck about a 50% chance if its broken reset :( https://www.mediafire.com/file/e3lbfmtu16wjqgz/funi.zip/file 100% kills btw
  8. its just 3 man but ok il just keep it well il make the next wad harder just for you doomdude
  9. cries yea to much bfg il try better next time
  10. so uh kermit the frog about the 3 dollars add me on steam
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