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About thiccyosh

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    Eats rockets for lunch
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  1. Map18 in Doom 2. At first very frantic, but unremarkable, yet, it faintly sticks with you afterwards. Although you usually don't actively notice it, there is this very odd mystique to it whenever you look closer into the map, unveiling secrets and rooms filled with goodies you haven't found on first go. The Midi "Waiting for Romero to play" only underlines that feeling of mystique, almost as if it's patiently waiting for you to uncover everything. Not many vanilla Doom 2 maps can replicate that same, almost nostalgic feeling, even if it's your first time playing the map. Also it's fucking green :3
  2. O mai god guys it real. Realy Doom 1997 shoutgun I hope it get added in Doom the drak ages pleas hugo matitn add
  3. *whips out ol' reliable dictionary* Hmm, lets see. Ah! That one looks fitting. The Scorcher?
  4. In Postal 2 you can light these funny looking plants on fire and overcharge your health up to 200 without having to worry about withdrawl. (Friday, Non-descript warehouse)
  5. I refuse to elaborate. Ok if you really want a non-shitposty answer, it probably would be Expression by Contriver.
  6. There is an Imp in The Inmost Dens that tried to sell me some really shady performance enhancing "medicine". Not saying he's stealing catalytic converters but I think there might be a criminal ring going on behind the scenes that also steals them. I swear ever since I moved to Downtown I see demons on the regular trying to break into comically blocky sector cars and try to get away with it. Man I hate Episode 2 city.
  7. Y'know as much as HDoom is memed on by 13 year olds as the "haha funny Doom porn mod", there is some serious effort put into the sprites and animations, and the fact there is more to come in the future makes it the longest running pornograpic work on the Internet made by a small team of dedicated fans. Probably. Not sure about other fandoms. Call me coomer all you want but I like HDoom.
  8. Guys help how do I get back to 2024 I'm stuck in 4096 the people here still make dumbass threads like these please its very urgent I beg you
  9. Aw, I thought you people didn't exist outside Doomworld :(
  10. Be dead after they got their heads blown off.
  11. I eat lemons. With the peel. Bonus unrelated fact: I only fear God.
  12. This mega wad really makes you feel like SAndy Peterson in Doom 2's map13. Increble gamplay. 10/10 Cacowarts, would highly recommend to s
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