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Everything posted by GermanPeter

  1. Yeah, I wrote that in a pinned comment, I get my textures from the Textures-Resource (not Realm667, that was only for Quake 2), and if they're not uploaded there, I can't talk about them. These would have definitely been interesting to mention, especially SANDY'S WIFE MY BELOVED, but I didn't know about them. Trust me, I would NOT have missed any of these, they're far too obvious! I kind of don't want to point fingers at the folk who voluntarily upload resources online for free, but I really can't do anything about it otherwise. The same happened in my Wolfenstein 3D video, as some Spear of Destiny textures were never uploaded. At the very least, they should disclose certain textures are missing or something. But thanks for pointing these out!
  2. Another video I made about certain Doom sprites, textures and even sounds that made their way into other games. This time, it's about Doom 64, Doom RPG and Doom II RPG, as well as all the Quake titles. Please let me know if I missed anything! I can't always think of everything. Oh, and also let me know what you think :)
  3. Managed to capture this before hyperrealistic blood poured down the screen and my game turned off. Messaged John Romero about it, he said he used to have a brother, but he's no longer with us.
  4. I love the twist that happens when you pick up the chaingun, and the abstract sections. Really awesome trip. Even after reaching the Nether section I'm not sure I've seen everything, heh. Not sure what the Doomguy with white eyes that stares at you from the skybox is all about, but neat concept. Could have maybe done with less basic textures here and there, but I don't know how many are available. It just looks a bit empty and awkward in certain rooms, especially with the clashing colors like lime green against dark blue. Not bad overall, and for a small little WAD, it's perfectly fine. That's definitely not meant to be like this though, right?
  5. Looks pretty good. Don't forget that the Wolfenstein maps in Doom 2 didn't have purely gray floors, they even had brown ones in the wooden parts of the levels. I'd recommend breaking up the monotony that way. You can even add different ceiling textures, as some Wolfenstein 3D maps had blue or brown or red ones, sometimes to indicate a sky of sorts. Even Grosse had that blood ceiling, which is so iconic. But this definitely gives me some vibes of the later Wolfenstein 3D maps. The big room with the brown floor and all the pillars reminds me of a room in a level right before Hitler's. Also, what's the deal with the cut-off room in the upper left part of the map, I assume near the player start? The one with the sharp corner?
  6. Really happy that this one is finally coming out :) Definitely always showed a lot of promise, and it looks astonishing. Really getting some Quake 3 vibes from this, and probably some other game. Updating the "Media" tab on the website is absolutely mandatory, though. I'd love to look at all the screenshots of the maps and characters!
  7. That makes sense. I was thinking to myself: "Wow, imagine creating a community project just to not only get booted from it but also lose everything you made for it" lol Well, as long as it's all consensual, it's fine.
  8. I don't get this, are you gonna get rid of MAP01 eventually and replace it with a new one, or what?
  9. Here's an idea I had the other day. Not sure how well it'd work, since I'm assuming people would be sick of hearing "Running From Evil" three times in a row, but why not combine it with "Get Them Before They Get You" from Wolfenstein 3D? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAXUaaSEp7w I got the idea from MyHouse.WAD, because it seems they did the same thing there, as both tracks play during the first level of each respective game. https://youtu.be/X3zrtIIbEpc?t=355 And I think it'd fit the Mansion map, because what is a mansion if not a big house? So it'd be referencing Doom, Wolfenstein, and even MyHouse. I dunno, I thought it'd be cute.
  10. I'm glad you're reviewing past maps, because that is a very important, but also VERY late addition. Luckily, I made my map with multiplayer in mind, but I'm not sure if you can even do that for other maps. Mine certainly gets extremely cramped at times, and it's a good thing that it's so open-ended, because otherwise that'd be a slog to play through with up to 3 other people. Since you're also going to revise "Song Only", I'd recommend leaving that bit about co-op out. Heck, maybe even the rule about all three difficulties will be impossible to enforce for that one, unless several maps were remade from the ground up. At this point, you kinda really have to take what you can get, at least with that project. Seems like people put more effort into their maps for this one, so maybe it'll be easier here.
  11. I figured the same, since that frame looks VERY out of place compared to the other ones in Doom. It's as if they only had the last two frames, thought "Hm, this looks a bit weird" and added the SNES one to the start. OR they began with the SNES one and added the others afterwards.
  12. I thought about it and they look extremely similar, but I'm pretty sure it's based off of a real drawing. Then again, so could Doomguy be.
  13. This is part 2 to a video I've made the other day about sprites, textures and sounds from Wolfenstein 3D that made their way into Doom, and vice-versa! Would really love to hear what you guys think! Please also let me know if I missed anything, I really hope not :D
  14. Also, what about Doom 2 in Song Only, does that mean that project is dead, or..?
  15. It's all good. I was mainly worried that you were someone that took criticism personally, which for you, as a creator, would be a terrible thing. My criticism also would have been more appropriate wasn't the map already submitted and accepted almost a year ago, but that was an issue with the project itself. I'll also say that I could have and probably should have been a bit less harsh with my words in general. That being said, I don't think we need to bring up everything again, so let's leave it at that. Aside from that, I didn't feel I was being disrespected, at least in this project, so I don't really see why I'd need a public apology like that? I wasn't even aware that Johnny had been rude towards other people, since I didn't join the Discord or anything. @DoomGappy
  16. I don't really have strong feelings towards the texture (I mean why would I), but I think for the future, it'd be better to decide from the start whether or not custom textures like that are allowed. Feels weird doing it so late, because someone MIGHT have made a map differently if they had known they could have used it. I doubt it, but that's what rules are for. I don't think we need more discussions on the direction this project has taken :P
  17. It's a neat addition, just felt it was a bit out of place for the project's theme (as it's not about beta restoration). But it's just one texture and this is also not my project, so it doesn't matter.
  18. Invisibility isn't a bad powerup at all. If used effectively (i.e. against large groups of hitscanners and especially the Spider-Mastermind), it's incredibly good. I feel like people hate on it so much because projectile-based enemies are way too prioritized in WADs, so it doesn't ever get the chance to really shine. Kinda goes together with the "hitscan is good, actually"-opinion of mine. If done right, both work extremely well together. Also, the chainsaw is incredibly good, but is barely ever utilized well. Another item that people hate on but have never actually given a fair chance. I'd say it's far better more versatile than Berserk is, honestly. You can chainsaw a whole bunch of enemies very effectively while saving on ammo. It's not just for sawing Pinkies in vents. Oh, and I haven't seen many examples of people using the Lite Amp Visor well either. You can so easily hide secret passages or enemies in the dark that only get revealed with it.
  19. Decino, of course, but also Shallow! Really love his super laid-back style of playing through WADs. I sometimes put them on in the background while working on other stuff.
  20. Aw, goddamnit, you post this just as I'm burnt out on making custom Doom maps. I'd love to have joined a month or so ago. Oh well. Very excited to see everyone's submissions, though! Edit: Nevermind, all the maps I wanted to pick are taken anyway.
  21. I was really hoping that, because just taking a screenshot of the dioramas would be such a waste of details!
  22. Aw, that's just cute! Is it possible to include the dioramas as optional maps that you can only load in via cheats? Because I'd love to walk around in those.
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