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  1. Hey threre

    I hope that is fine for me asking here - if not, please let me know
    I was playing hadfest 2 and a I loved the Midi Kalimba - there is any website that I can check your work or download just the midi?


    Thank you 

  2. Map25.zip I just finished the map and the midi for it. I'm beyond the deadline so I'm not really sure if this is making it in. Still, here it is. Sorry for the delay, it has been difficult to manage my free time lately. In any case, if something needs to be changed let me know. I made the last parts very rushed both in the midi and the map, so if some bug slipped through, I'll make sure to change it asap
  3. I'm working on the final part of my map. Here's a couple of screenshots. I was swamped with Uni this last month so all this progress has been made these last days and I'm trying to have it ready for now in saturday. I'll do my best for it.
  4. Last update to Charlie Was Here. Made some final changes out of suggestions I got and things I missed before, and a bit of nitpicking. I probably won't update it again, unless a game breaking thing is found, which I doubt would happen. 30mc_LPad5vFinal.rar
  5. I don't really have a soundcloud at the moment. But I can work on it, it would be fun. Let me know if anything, so I could have some idea you'd like for the music or I could test the map and find out what could work. Or both. I think it'd be better if someone who wants some music would PM me, so we don't flood this post with questions or requests. I'm at your service guys
  6. Well, to show you some stuff here, I made a small compilation of random sections of music I've made over the years for different projects outside of doom mostly, and some other ideas I have developed. I tried to narrow it down to certain slightly playful rhythmic stuff (it's still 12 minutes of musical sections), but it can certainly be something different too. Just let me know what you need and I can work on it, or if you wanna ask anything you could ask me in pm too. musicccccc.zip
  7. Hello! Just popping in to say that if I could offer some custom music for some map, let me know ^^ I've been interested since a lot of time on making music in a mood/style like the one this project conveys.
  8. Thanks a lot for playing it!! Well, JOOM is the idea for the project I was planning. It's based on that meme of "Go set the Jable" or the "Jouch". I saw them and I was like "HmmM WhaT if DooM". And here we are. I made this project when I was a bit bored at some point in 2021. I finished this map, and a couple of months later I participated on this 30 Monsters Challenge where I submited my first maps to the community. But this is my first finished map at least. About experience, I had some experience before mapping for heretic, but never finished any map. Never went too far from starting them. I focused too much on the visuals and ended having beautiful detailed rooms but just a couple of them. About the textures, I edit some random textures in Krita and use them as PNG. The biggest one is like 256x1024 I think. The Zipper elevator sound is pretty good! I'll see what I can do about that, I'd love to implement it xD. Buttons and switches are supposed to be buttons and the part of the belt where you lock it in place. I dunno how that's called. The enemies with Jeans are also an idea that's in stand by for the moment. And well, I'm uploading it just now because as a novice mapper I instantly went with the idea of "I could make a whole megawad of Jeans!!". But it takes time, planning, and mostly, texture editing, which is what swamps me the most. So after having this sitting around for a lot of time, and because of a couple of friends' recommendations, I uploaded it here. But I plan to continue it when I have some time and more ideas. I have the plans of what maps are about, but just map02 and map17 are the ones I have something of for now. I was kinda wanting to see how people would see this idea, and maybe see if someone else would like to collab or contribute in a future, after I have a more worked out texture set. But that is just speculation for now, I just wanna share this for now and see what you guys think :) I really like experimenting with random ideas. I also experimented a bit in that community project I mentioned to see what people think of some ideas, and the feedback has been interesting so far. I'm just rambling now, I'll stop now. Thank you a lot for the playthrough and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for your playthrough as well! I focused in making something that kept you moving. The central area is more like you would design a small arena for UT or a game like that, I think. In terms of placement, cover and that kind of stuff. It definitely needs some fixing in health and the Rocket Launcher as mentioned before, and probably some visibility too. It's got a lot of enemies for a level one, but that encourages me to find new ways to keep a good challenge in the next levels. All in all, I'm happy with the results so far! For being my first completed map and out of such a random idea of jeans, I think I can feel a bit proud about it. And yee, I will keep making some Jeans maps as soon as I have the organized time to do it ^^
  9. Thank you for your feedback!! Yeah, I should probably add a bit more of ammo and health. About the rocket launcher, my mistake was putting it in a secret and then counting on it when making the rest of the level. I'll probably move it to a more visible position early on. I'm thinking of switching places the rocket launcher with the SSG and see how that works. I'd have to test that. And yeah, about the secrets, that's something I still have to figure out. I'll find the right visual cue eventually. For now they're in places where I'm used to look for secrets, and that's it. I'll work on it, thank you! Also, thanks for the gameplay!
  10. Hello everyone! I'd just like to use this space to share a map I made last year. It's nothing much, but a few friends saw it and told me it would be nice if I shared it here, as I haven't made any progress on the rest of the maps since almost a year ago. It's actually my first finished map, and the only one I've done outside of a community project, so I hope you like it, and if you have any feedback, idea or anything really, feel free to share your thoughts ^^. I tried to make this first map with a dynamic gameplay. It has no skill settings yet, so Ultra Violence is there as default, it's not really hard, but it's certainly not easy. The idea is just making Doom but with jeans textures. That's basically it, really. Format: GZDoom - UDMF Tested in: GZDoom 4.7.1 You can use freelook if you want, but no jumping or crouching is intended. It looks better without Doom's software rendering because it limits the color pallete, so True color or Hardware Rendering is advised. I hope you have fun :) Download: Joom Map 1.rar Screenshots:
  11. Update in Charlie Was Here. Fixed a buggy ladder, small hom at the center area, slightly moved a tree and a box, added difficulty settings, and other minor fixes. I hope it works properly now, from three gameplays I saw, an important part got bugged in two of them. I hope that's solved now. 30mc_LPad5v3.rar
  12. I'd like to contribute as a composer! I'd like to try and map too, but I can't confirm that for now, as I'm a bit short on time
  13. Hey sorry for updating just now. I was extremely busy with uni, and I haven't had time. But I fixed a couple of things in Charlie was Here. I hope its not too late... 30mc_LPad5v2.rar
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