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Everything posted by Arsinikk

  1. From the Doomsday of UAC wiki page (WAD that uses this):
  2. Ah yeah I do see that. I just said that as that's what the wiki stated... Though it's probably out-of-date. I will agree that is good. Although my main point is specifically that the COMPLVL lump is severely limited in the "Vanilla" area, and therefore not useful for me as a mapper: https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/blob/877836530867a100f91834c05c362b48b7dc7c30/src/g_game.c#L3277-L3302
  3. Again, while I would agree on this for many of the obscure higher complevels and possibly complevel 0 and 1, I'm just asking to be able to specify between complevel 2,3,4. They are distinct enough that having the source port try to adapt it can cause a lot of problems / unintended behaviour. - Complevel 2 (Vanilla Doom 2 / Doom 1 Before Ultimate) - Allows for multiple bossdeaths in Doom 1 - Complevel 3 (Ultimate Doom) - No multiple bossdeath support for Doom 1 - Lost souls can bounce on ceilings/floors - Complevel 4 (Final Doom) - No multiple bossdeath support for Doom 1 - Introduces teleport bug that can be used by the mapper for some cool effects / teleporting flying monsters mid-air For example, my latest WAD RUST is complevel 1 (which is really close to complevel 2 tbh) and relies on multiple bossdeaths. I'd assume using the COMPLVL lump with "Vanilla" would default to "Ultimate Doom" compatibility, which would make E1M8 incompletable.
  4. Hi Doomworld, Today I'd like to talk about the COMPLVL lump and how while it's a great addition that many source ports have adopted, it's a bit flawed in execution. If you don't know about the COMPLVL lump, there is a wiki page about it. Basically it's a way to enforce a complevel via a lump embedded in a WAD, instead of requiring the use of the "-complevel x" parameter with the exe. It's just a simple text lump instead a wad (called COMPLVL, of course) with some text saying like "mbf21". This, in theory, is a great tool for mappers as it allows mappers to theoretically enforce a complevel if one isn't specified. It's honestly sorta similar the compatibility options you can force in ZMAPINFO for GZDoom. It's a little strange because I'm a little unclear about what options it accepts (it's tricky cuz the wiki page has no sources to follow). But I know for sure it accepts: vanilla boom mbf mbf21 Now at first, I thought this lump was awesome because it would force a certain complevel when the player didn't specify one or just drag-and-dropped the WAD. That was... until you start dealing with Doom 1 or Final Doom WADs. My problem with this implementation is that the "vanilla" option is far too vague. While Doom 2 WADs are often "complevel 2" and using "vanilla" works fine, once you start getting into Doom 1 or Final Doom complevels, things start to get unclear. It's possible that the source port tries to make a guess based on the IWAD, like DOOM.WAD with "vanilla" should be "complevel 3"; TNT.WAD or PLUTONIA.WAD should be "complevel 4"; etc. But it'd be really nice if we could actually specify the exact vanilla compatibility in the COMPLVL lump. While it's very rare for Boom, MBF, or MBF21 WADs to be something other than the complevels 9,11,21 respectfully, Vanilla WADs are more often to alternate between 2,3,4 depending on the WAD. Especially old Doom 1 WADs often rely on complevel 2 behaviour. Many of these Vanilla WADs will break as the behaviour between 2,3,4 is quite different. (I'm not even going to advocate for complevel 0 or 1, as I know some ports like Woof do not currently support them). It'd be really nice to have the added options: final (for final doom) ultimate (for ultimate doom) doom (for doom 2 / doom 1 before ultimate) The reason I'm mentioning "doom" instead of the "vanilla" option above is because "vanilla" has already been implemented in wads, so it'd be a bad idea to change how it works at this point. I'm guessing that this COMPLVL lump works similar to the "-complevel" parameter in Woof works. Which in Woof, it has the bizarre decision to also have a second parameter called "-gameversion" to determine "1.9", "ultimate", "final", or "chex". This is honestly bizarre to me that it requires two parameters to specify the right Vanilla compatibility in Woof, whereas in DSDA Doom, I just need the one parameter "-complevel" with a number. I honestly think it'd be better for just one parameter; having two just over-complicates things. (To be honest, I'm pretty sure this is holdover from the "-gameversion" parameter from Crispy / Chocolate Doom. The problem here is that for Crispy / Choco, it makes sense, since they don't have a "-complevel" parameter. For Woof, it's just really over-complicating how to specify what kind of Vanilla compatibility is needed). The reason I'm making this post is because the COMPLVL lump is often useless to me as a primarily Vanilla mapper, unless I'm just making a normal Doom 2 WAD. I'd like to be able to use the COMPLVL lump, but unfortunately its oversimplification results in it not being very helpful.
  5. As promised, I mentioned if GZDoom came up with an update that fixed their Vanilla compatibility, I would add support. RUST now supports: GZDoom 4.12 and up! Eternity Engine (Dev Build) Zandronum ZDoom *** Make sure to download the latest GZDoom before playing RUST or you will run into issues! *** GZDoom Update Changelog:
  6. Figured I'd mention that I streamed the whole WAD on Twitch (Tuesday and Thursday). https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm I did come across some bugs and stuff, although for the first stream I was playing RC3. Stuff I ran into / notable comments:
  7. Made a few updates based on Vile's playthrough and other minor things I found. None of these really affect overall gameplay or the experience, but are just to fix a few minor issues. Changelog:
  8. Thanks! Hopefully it wasn't too rough :) Codex Spoiler Stuff:
  9. Playing more McDoomguy's Slaughterific Sample Platter! https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  10. Every map has a super secret non-secret rocket launcher. I'm afraid I kinda don't wanna spoil how to get each one, as that's kind of the point of them (staying secret :P)
  11. Made a minor update based on @TheShep's stream. Fixed a misspelling in E1M7. (OP link updated) Also I have expanded the text file to now include author commentary with interesting information on development and goals for each map. May be an interesting read for mappers and the like :)
  12. Playing Forsaken Compound and some more new Doom WADs :) https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  13. Thanks. This was really just a one person project, with some of the playtesters' feedback being implimented. This is fair. It's exactly why I put a photosensitive warning on the WAD. Personally it doesn't bother me, but for one playtester it did. Interestingly enough I did actually tone down some of the flashing lights specifically on E1M8. Lol it used to be worse. I think the flashing lights is part of the 90s influence, but also because the episode is very techbase focused. Future episodes will have different main themes, and so they will most likely have a lot less flashing lights. So..... spoilers (if you want to experience RUST blind - DO NOT READ THIS): Glad you enjoyed it. Sorry about the complevel experience, but I'm glad you were able to get passed it :) It's interesting to hear that the enemy encounters were difficult, as being episode 1, this was meant to be on the easy side. I know that the combat is more of a modern take, but still just surprised to hear that. I'm afraid I don't really wanna answer this, due to a spoiler. In a way me saying anything about this is a spoiler. If you want a tiny hint, open the spoiler below:
  14. Ugh, I'd rather not go too far in this direction for this thread, since the thread is supposed to be about the WAD, and not the differences between complevels or source port feature support and the like... I will slightly indulge those are interested about such things a tiny bit though: So it's not GZDoom compatible because I don't want to make it compatible. My role as a map maker and WAD creator is to create experiences for players. If a source port is currently broken (see Shepardus' comment), I can't guarantee a consistent experience for all players. As much as developers like to say that users can download a dev build of their source port, many users do not like using a dev build and just get the stable version. It's because the stable version is supposed to be less prone to issues. I don't like telling users to download dev builds, because what happens if the port breaks something in the dev build that affects someone playing my WAD? Someone could come across an issue and think it's the WAD's fault and not the port. There is no way for me to test whether a WAD will work on a build that's compiled every other day. I cannot tell you how many comments I've gotten recently about my WADs softlocking in GZDoom. It's one thing to tell one or two people to download a dev build. But that doesn't stop the influx of players complaining about a bug in my WAD that's literally not the WAD's fault, but GZDoom's. So I'm not adding support for GZDoom until they release a new stable version, so I can stop getting comments about my WADs not working correctly. That way I'm not getting false bug reports over and over. If they fix it, then I will add support. Until then no GZDoom support.
  15. You can probably get away with running the wad in Nugget Doom / Woof under "-complevel 2". "-complevel 1" and "-complevel 2" are very similar, except for some minor things such as HELP lump behaviour, and possibly some other minor things. Whatever you do, do NOT run RUST under "-complevel 3". I didn't write this in the post because I think that Nugget Doom / Woof should support the "-complevel 1" command. Regarding OpenGL, the mapset is designed for DOS, and thus OpenGL renderer of DSDA Doom is not accurate. This is mostly noticeable in E1M7.
  16. Special Thanks to these wonderful Playtesters: @finnks13 @Large Cat @NinjaDelphox @Cacodemon187 Special Thanks to @Spectere for his D!ZONE'D YouTube series as it was a huge inspiration. Check out his YouTube Channel here. If you're stuck on finding the RUST CODEX passcode, you can take a look at this hint system here. Minor notes I couldn't fit in above:
  17. The contest is now ended. Thanks to all who participated :) Stay tuned for updates regarding the project.
  18. Map name: "Fuck Me Faster (It's No Fun to Slow Down)" Author: Arsinikk and Large Cat Music: "BANG X3" by Arsinikk [bespoke] Restrictions: - Pacifist map - 3 textures and 3 flats - 10 sectors Notes: - Tested in DSDA Doom and GZDoom. - Physics work differently in GZDoom, but it won't break anything. - Some parts may be harder or easier in GZDoom. Credits: - Overall design, progression, layout, and gameplay concept by Arsinikk - Fancy visual flourishes (lots of curvy ribbon-like mid-textures) and an area layout in the south by Large Cat ------>DOWNLOAD<------ Screenshots (minor spoilers obviously):
  19. Just a little update on my end. I've teamed up with @Large Cat to help get the map done, and the map is in it's final stages of development. To be honest, at this point I'm just waiting on Large Cat for final touches / visual flourishes / etc. Plan to post the finished map tomorrow, whenever we get the map up to snuff. Just for a bit of a spoiler, the restrictions for the map are: - Pacifist map - 3 textures and 3 flats - 10 sectors
  20. Moar FIREFLY https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  21. Just do this in Ultimate Doom Builder. Vanilla walk-over "Change Texture" actions are numeric. Meaning it looks to the lowest # linedef of that sector (and looks the sector on the other side of that line) to determine what effect and texture to pull. All you do is find a line of your sector, with the sector of the effect and texture you want on the other side, and just change that linedef index to 0. Then it will use the effect and texture that you want.
  22. Checking out FIREFLY https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  23. Hey, it's been a while since the contest has been going. I figured I'd give an update to how the contest has been going. Currently we have: Total Map Submissions: 17 Unique Map Submitters: 11 Total Midi Submissions: 4 Unique Midi Composers: 3 Regarding map submissions and unique submitters, we are actually doing well in getting a full megawad's worth of maps each made by unique mappers. Regarding midi submissions and submitters, it's actually been a lower turnout than expected. There's not been much competition for the midi side of the contest, so if you've been looking for an excuse to write some music then now is the best time! Just as a friendly reminder, both contests do have prizes associated with them, and I am looking forward to giving them out. Don't make it too easy for me :)
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