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Everything posted by Arsinikk

  1. Don't worry, I still have this project in my sights. I've written a bespoke midi for the map, and have made significant headway into it. I may have gotten distracted with a new personal project of mine, but I will try and get something finished before the deadline. Don't want the new midi to go to waste :)
  2. Hell Revealations and basically all my WADs are currently broken in GZDoom. They have technically fixed the issue via the development build, but for 5 months now haven't updated the stable release. I thought that a new stable version of GZDoom would have been released by now, but unfortunately it has not. Over the last few months, I've been getting countless bug reports about this wad not working in GZDoom. Moving forward, I will not be adding GZDoom support to my future WADs until this is fixed, because it's not my bloody fault that they broke their own damn source port. I'm sick and tired of having to tell people that my WADs don't work because of people downloading the stable release. Telling people to download an unstable development build is stupid, and I'm not longer doing that. Saying it's fixed in the development build is useless or else I wouldn't be getting these "bug reports". If you want to play my WADs in a specific source port, go tell them to fix their damn stable release.
  3. Playing more TNT Goes Boom! and then probably something after :) https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  4. Playing even moar RESURGENCE (Blind UV) https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  5. Playing even moar RESURGENCE (Blind UV) https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  6. ENDOOM for 150 Line Massacre: The Golden Skulls.
  7. Playing even moar RESURGENCE (Blind UV) https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  8. Playing moar RESURGENCE (Blind UV) https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  9. Hmmmm regarding Doom Zero, it doesn't even have any MAPINFO lumps (so no forced compatibility options). So my guess for those softlocks is manually setting the compatibility options to "Doom" or "Doom (Strict)". Specifically the "Use Doom's floor motion behavior" option. Whenever the specific option "Use Doom's floor motion behavior" is set to on, no matter the mapset, softlocks can happen. I think the biggest trigger I've noticed for this is when a zero height sector has an item on it, it will not lower down and get stuck for some reason because of that item. (obviously an item has no collision, so it shouldn't stop the sector from lowering, but it does for some reason).
  10. Coooool, I think? Most of the screenies aren't showing up on my end :/ (edit: images have been fixed now, looks very cool indeed)
  11. Extremely fun maps (UV). Fights were well designed in all the right ways. While not super punishing, the last few maps are fun combat puzzles to solve. Made me work a bit in the early maps just to get those pesky item bonuses :P
  12. Playing new ribbiks stuffs (cr2.wad) and prob more stuff after. https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  13. I don't think the length of the maps in necessarily a bad thing. Everything in this WAD is full of high quality meat. I'd say my thoughts on the map length come from the expectation of the first Eviternity, which in general had shorter length maps. This just means that I think EVII is a bit harder to jump into if you just want some quick Dooming fun. EV was much more approachable in this aspect. Not a bad thing mind you, but it is a bit of a shift nonetheless. As a result, I think some of the larger EV maps made more of impression due to the maps that surrounded it. If all the maps are full of meat, they all can end up feeling same-y, even if they are all good maps. I do think with my "min 40 minutes" statement, I did forget there are definitely some shorter maps in the set such as MAP10 and MAP12. Though I think that the later half of the megawad, it mostly does away with the shorter maps.
  14. Finally got around to playing through Eviternity II. The megawad is very large, so I feel that it's worth me doing a map-by-map review of what I thought. I played RC5 in DSDA Doom. Please note, I can be very blunt with my criticisms. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a friend or not, I will say what it is that I think without filter. Please do not take my criticisms personal, as I bear no ill will towards any mapper or their craft. I simply wish to express my overall thoughts, hopefully in order to make Eviternity II better. You can watch my Eviternity II streams on Twitch (Let me know if you want me to make permanent video archives of the vids): https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm Overall Thoughts (SPOILERS): General Episode / Map Order Thoughts (SPOILERS): Map-by-Map Review (SPOILERS): New Weapon / New Monsters / Misc Dehacked thoughts (SPOILERS): Bugs:
  15. Playing Eviternity II (UV Blind MAP26-??) https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm I'll prob be finishing EV II today! :)
  16. Currently working on a map for this (with a bespoke midi to boot). That's all I'm gonna say for now.
  17. Playing Eviternity II (UV Blind MAP20-??) https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  18. Playing Eviternity II (UV Blind MAP13-??) https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  19. This is a community project / contest with prizes that I don't see listed:
  20. For those WADs, it happens because "compat_floormove 1" is set in ZMAPINFO. The reason it is set that way is because when "compat_floormove" works like it's supposed to (as a compatibility setting), some of my maps require it in ZDoom ports to work correctly. Use Doom's floor motion behavior (Yes/No) compat_floormove (CVAR and MAPINFO) This option undoes a Boom fix to floor movement logic. If this option is on, a floor may rise through the ceiling, or a ceiling may lower through a floor. Since my WADs are made for Vanilla, there are maps that specifically rely on behaviour that can possibly break in Boom or higher. That compatibility option is there for a reason and does things. I can't simply turn it off, as it could also cause problems in certain maps. What I do know is that if you have "compat_floormove 1" in the ZMAPINFO lump config (which I'm sure mapsets do besides mine do), it will force the setting to be on for a map or all maps if in the "defaultmap" section. It can also be triggered in the compatibility menu via the "Use Doom's floor motion behavior" option or by turning on the "Doom (strict)" compatibility. This will also cause the same issues. I also know that GZDoom has some mapsets / maps where it automatically applies certain compatibility patches to, which if that compatibility setting is enabled has the potential to cause problems. To be honest, I'm less concerned about fixing it myself and more about others who play my wads. I can't just remove it or else it can cause other unintended issues in maps. The compatibility option is there for a reason. I've already had some bug reports for some of my WADs having softlocks or not working correctly because of this. Honestly the best solution at the moment is to just tell people to use GZDoom's Dev Build. However, I kinda hate doing that because it's a Dev Build. Using Dev Builds, by design, invites many other things to potentially go wrong, because they are testing builds. *Edit / Addendum : The ZDoom Wiki entry on this compatibility option is severely simplified and doesn't explain everything that it does. The way Boom does floor movement is quite different than the original Doom, especially with adjacent sectors with the same tag. Say you have an action to move a tagged sector to highest floor, and that sector is adjacent to a bunch of other same tagged sectors. In Boom it looks at each sector with a certain tag and does the action for each sector. This means, depending on the height of the sectors touching each of tagged sectors, the tagged sectors can end up at different heights. In Doom, however, it instead looks for the first lowest indexed tagged sector in a group of adjacent sectors, and then applies that action to all sectors which it is adjacent to. Which means in Doom, all those sectors would end up at the exact same height of the first lowest indexed tagged sector (in the exact same setup where in Boom the tagged sectors would end up with different heights).
  21. This floor compat issue has been an issue for a majority of my megawads and has been an issue since GZDoom v4.11.0. It has to do with a broken implementation of Compat_floormove 1. I brought it up here on Github and it has been fixed in the dev version: https://github.com/ZDoom/gzdoom/issues/2236 But there has not been a stable GZDoom release since that has been fixed (back in October 2023). This has been increasingly annoying for me personally since my own WADs like Hell Revealations and 100/200 Line Massacre break and have softlocks in GZDoom because of this.
  22. Umm, I don't usually map in SLADE3. I'd suggest asking questions like this in the Discord server, where one of the SLOTTER mods or members might know more about this. After all, Ninja and I aren't really supposed to answer too many questions for mappers / composers in threat of influencing the contest.
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