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Everything posted by Arsinikk

  1. Playing Eviternity II (UV Blind MAP08-??) https://www.twitch.tv/arsinikkdm
  2. It’s truly hard to believe that it’s almost been two years since I ( @Arsinikk ) and @NinjaDelphox released 100 Line Massacre. I never would’ve thought that it would become a multiple entry series (200, 150, 100mas, 200mas), or that it would lead to the creation of THE SLOTTER TEAM (Mapping Team). I don’t think it would be an understatement to say that 100 Line Massacre has pushed my doom mapping career in a direction I could never dream of. Anyway, enough about that… With the two year anniversary coming up soon, I thought it would be fun to do something a bit special. At first the main plan was to do a 100 Line Massacre remaster with a full original soundtrack, instead of the half original soundtrack that it released with. But then I thought, how about we make this Anniversary version even more interesting… with a mapping/midi contest! ==== Map and midi submissions are currently closed ==== The Anniversary Edition of 100 Line Massacre will expand the half-original soundtrack of the original to a full original soundtrack. Here is a few demos of some of the new tracks you can expect: The goal is to include a tribute-style megawad created by the Doom Community, with the maps in the style of either NinjaDelphox’s heavy emphasis on challenge and combat or Arsinikk's more experimental vanilla tricks / exploits. It is recommended to play through 100 Line Massacre to help get a feel of the type of maps we are looking for. All maps will be rated solely by @Arsinikk and @NinjaDelphox. It is up to us AND ONLY US who wins first, second, or third place in the contest, as well as what maps get included in the tribute megawad. The two mapslots MAP07 and MAP15 will be taken by us to provide a more equal rating level for map submissions. If we receive more than 28 maps, then the maps that don’t make it into the tribute wad will be included in a secondary bonus "Maximum Doom" wad. Mapping Prizes: First Place: $250 USD Second Place: $150 USD Third Place: $75 USD Planning to only send out payments via Paypal. Keep this in consideration when joining the contest. Mapping prizes are separate from midi prizes. MAPPING RULES In addition, there will also be a contest with separate prizes when it comes to the tribute wad midis. This is for you musicians to also get in with the fun. Midis should be composed in a style similar to my own midi work. These midis will be used for the soundtrack of the tribute wad. It is recommended to listen to Arsinikk’s 100 Line Massacre midis as well as their other midis to get a feel of what kind of music we are looking for. All midis will be rated solely by @Arsinikk. Quality of the midi is up to my own interpretation, as I have more than a decade of music writing and producing experience. I will decide who wins first, second, or third place in the contest, as well as what midis get included in the tribute megawad. If we receive more than a megawad’s worth of midis, then the midis that don’t make it into the tribute wad will be included in a secondary bonus wad. Midi Prizes: First Place: $250 USD Second Place: $150 USD Third Place: $75 USD Planning to only send out payments via Paypal. Keep this in consideration when joining the contest. Midi prizes are separate from mapping prizes. MIDI RULES The project includes a resource pack to use while mapping. NEW TEXTURES The Resource includes some minor new textures including a new unique exit teleport flat (SLIME09), a custom exit switch texture (SW1BRCOM), and some small minor texture additions from Plutonia. Custom textures are not allowed except for some rare exceptions (maybe easter eggs or something). The goal is to highlight creative and good use of stock textures. NEW MONSTERS There are two new/altered monsters in the resource (same as 100 Line Massacre): The IMPoster - fast moving imp that fires baron projectiles. (replaces SS Nazi) Hanged Marine - a hanged marine that acts as a keen. When all die, it triggers all 666 doors to open. (replaces Commander Keen) We will be doing all of our development on THE SLOTTER SANCTUM dedicated Discord server: If you are interested in mapping, testing, or just keeping tabs on the project, you can join using the link above. The final project will be released alongside the 100 Line Massacre (Anniversary Edition).  (let me know if I missed any relevant info or something...)
  3. Yes, for new sprites to work in Vanilla, they must be renamed to prevent Vanilla from crashing. This is because there's a quirk in Vanilla, where if one sprite name is replaced in a PWAD, it expects the entirety of all Doom/Doom II sprites to also be replaced. Obviously we don't want to do that. However adding newly named sprites is supported in Vanilla, and so something like "RAMO" instead of "AMMO" would not result in a crash. These Dehacked Sprite blocks were added for this specific reason giving mappers the ability to replace sprites using alternate names to avoid a crash. Obviously from BOOM forward, this sorta of quirk was fixed, just allowing the normal replacing of sprites.
  4. I think I previously commented on a thread very similar to this like a year ago or something. I can't say I exactly miss the /newstuff chronicles, because I joined the community in 2021. But I think that it would most benefit the smaller and new creators the most. The problem is that it requires someone to do it. I think the main thing that comes to mind recently that does a pretty good job of showcasing WADs each week is the Doom WADs YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@doomwads The only downside to the above, is that it isn't actually reviews, just a WAD showcase. I think it's a bit harder for new creators to get a start unless someone comments on their thread... Especially if there's a super big project (Eviternity II or MyHouse), your post can get pushed easily to the second or third page, which may result in it being missed. Having a way to see new releases highlighted per week with the ability to comment/rate would be really nice. Currently since everything is in a single thread, new releases will easily get pushed off the first page. Imo this makes it even worse, in that some creators further look forward to achieving such a feat, just to have their project noticed. The issue with this approach is that it's inconvenient. Why should I want to post a review about some random WAD on a page that just includes a bunch of random reviews of other random WADs? At that point, my review is just gonna get lost in a sea of random reviews. This is like if for an app review, you had to go to a random place where everyone rates different apps. Of course, rating/commenting on an app on it's app page is the easiest and makes the most sense. I actually really don't like this. I think people often underestimate the power of having their WAD on the front page, and the fact that newer creators post-2018 can't ever get featured here just plain sucks. In my view, it's almost like we are missing out on a full 5+ years of Doom history. I'd like to clarify that this has nothing to do with my own WADs or projects. If I wasn't a creator, I would still have the exact same opinions about this. Nor is this me "ranting" or "complaining". I have the exact same opinion as when YouTube disabled dislikes or when creators disable comments on their videos. I think that the fact that new creators do not have access to the same features of WADs/creators pre-2018, is a bit of shame.
  5. Actually now that this is mentioned, it'd be nice to be able to actually have enemies that are stuck to the ceiling. If you've ever tried to make a moving or stationary enemy that's on the ceiling, you'll know that it isn't actually possible in dehacked, since during chase, the monster's z-axis will always move towards the player... Which results in the enemy floating down off the ceiling.
  6. It'd be cool to be able to have/set a certain tic timer to determine when a music change is enacted. Then the music change could work closer to how Doom Eternal's does, in that you could set the amount of tics to the duration of a measure in the midi for a map, and then the music change could be a bit more smooth. Tho having voodoo dolls able to enact music changes would also be extremely useful.
  7. MBF21 has been a pretty awesome format to work in, but I've definitely run into various limitations and issues. And so I'd weigh in to some of the features that would be nice to have. DEHACKED Pickup Item functionality - I'd like functionality for new powerups / custom powerups like Rayziik said above. It is one of the few features that currently DEHACKED has no control over. My only other comment to this is that I'd like it to use the similar DEHACKED hack of using sprite Prefixes like SOUL or PVIS, as that allows for more creative ways of using power-up actions. So my ideal way of controlling this would to be able to define the prefixes that the new powerup would use. Included could be the defining of overlay colour and/or colourmap definition per powerup. Obviously I'd expect that a new message could be created/customised upon picking up the new item. More control of Enemy Health based on "conditions" - I recently played through Heretic, and the engine has some fascinating features that just aren't currently possible with DEHACKED at the moment. One of those features is the ghost functionality and how some projectiles will go through some enemies. So the idea with this is perhaps something like this could be implemented, or certain ammo resistances could be added for certain monsters based on the projectile or monster. So say a shotgun would do more damage than a plasma gun to an enemy, cuz they have plasma shields. More control of actor's Health before and after death - This is pretty simple, but I wanted to create an enemy very similar to the Zombie in Quake. In that once you kill them, after a certain amount of time, they would get back up. But gibbing the monsters would stop it from resurrecting. However with how death is currently implemented, that makes it very difficult to do in DEHACKED. So my idea is either a codepointer that can resurrect a monster after death and/or give further control over an actor's health. What if there was a monster that could slowly regain health? Percentage of item drop - Very similar to Heretic, I'd be nice to customise a chance of item drop. Perhaps multiple item drops per enemy. Gib Health - I'm surprised this wasn't already a feature. I can use "A_JumpIfHealthBelow" but it's much more of a hassle and a waste of frames. Control when and/or if monsters get crushed or not - I ran into an issue with a project, that if a thing enters a death state, it will always get crushed (turn into a pile of crushed gibs). Since I had set the monster to add the PICKUP flag, it resulting in the game crashing when running into the crushed gibs because it didn't know what the pickup action was supposed to be. It'd be nice to have further control over when monsters are turned into gibs or not. Randomised sounds - Like Aurelius said I'd be nice to be able to use something similar to what the zombiemen use. Perhaps this could be declared as a flag in a sound block definition to also use other sounds if a specific sound is chosen. Again I can do this with "A_JumpRandom" but it's quite the hassle. Colourmap linedef actions - Similar to what ViolentBeetle said, I'd be nice to control colourmaps in a way that doesn't require using fake floors. It'd actually be really cool to have some kind of action that would affect the entire level if the player crossed it. Palette change actions - We've been talking about changing the colourmap mid-map, but it'd be really interesting if it was also possible to change the entire palette mid map as well. Maybe it could be reset to the default upon entering the Intermission screen. Player only teleport lines - It's simple, but damn am I not surprised this hasn't been added yet. UMAPINFO Scrolling skies - I've requested this before to rfomin, but I'd like to have a simple value to scroll the sky horizontally. This is a feature that's in ZDoom ports as well as in the Unity Port, but not in UMAPINFO at the moment. This could be expanded to include multiple skies in something more similar to how HeXen does it's skies with some clouds moving in front of the actual sky. MISC I don't know what to put this under, but I thought it'd be really cool to have further control over the other screens of Doom besides the gameplay portion. What do I mean? I mean things like being able to have an animated TITLEPIC/HELP/INTERPIC, or being able to make your own custom Doom 1 like animated Intermission screen with the ability to specify coordinates for various small animated sections. Or perhaps being able to define your own Endgame screen with a scroll or no-scroll, or have a vertical scroll similar to the end of episode 3 in Heretic. Maybe add the ability to customise / have multiple pages / images / blocks in a sequence, like for the HELP and/or ENDGAME states. HeXen has multiple images / text blocks it goes through at the endgame sequence. In addition, just as MBF21 has added support for multiple map exits (it would be nice to just use a tag on the exit line to determine what map to exit to...), It'd be nice to have multiple endgames, so that you could have multiple endings. If you wanna go even more in depth, perhaps certain endings could have certain conditions on what triggers them, such as what maps were completed in the playthrough. Speaking of, it'd also be interesting to be able to define a custom palette just for one of these screens, similar to how at the end of Heretic episode 2's screen uses it's own custom palette.
  8. It kinda irks me that these are listed as "disadvantages", as I see a majority of these points as "advantages" given the mapper knows what they are doing. It'd make more sense to call them "consequences" or "results" imo. Without many of these "disadvantages", doom maps would be alot less interesting with less functionality to boot. Especially with lower complevels, these can easily be seen as a boon. I constantly use merged sectors to have further control of certain sectors, while also keeping the visplane limit under control. After all, the more control sectors I can keep out of the view of the player for Vanilla, the better. Another great example is if you wanted to construct a silent fast crusher. The easiest way is to duplicate the crusher sector far away from the crusher in the map, and it'll drag the sector's sound origin away, therefore creating a silent fast crusher. That's not even bringing the idea of adding an extra out-of-bounds sector to move where the sound origin is for a sector. I see merged sectors as giving the mapper more control and options. This is only an issue if you are using Doom Builder settings that don't try and "break up" merged sectors. I always have "merge dragged vertices only" set, and therefore moving parts of a map is never a problem for me.
  9. Hell Revealations is now on /idgames! (again - but this time as final final) There will be no more updates for the megawad, so if you're waiting for that, this is the best it's gonna get :P >>>>>>>>>>>> HRs ON /IDGAMES <<<<<<<<<<<< Again I'd like to thanks everyone for their support and feedback for this project. It took 8 months to put it all together, but over 3 months to get it all spruced up and finalised. The megawad wouldn't be in the state that it's in now if not for everyone's contributions. I'd like to bring attention to two additions HRs related: We now have official HRs Help Demos, which will show how to 100% all 44 maps (main megawad + bonus wad), with some extras in maps thrown in as well. You can either download the demos or watch them on Youtube. We have an official HRs Demopack in the works in the speedrunning section. The goal is to get UV-Maxes for all the maps. It wouldn't be an HR project without a demopack! :P
  10. Yes, in time. I've submitted the wad to /idgames, but it takes a little while for the file to be updated. I'll probably post when /idgames is finally updated. The main reason I wanted to post the final update (besides fixing a whole log of bugs - you can see in the changelog of the last post!), is so that we could get started on recording demos for the official demopack!
  11. ------------------------- DEMOPACK ------------------------- It wouldn’t be a Hell Revealed project without a demopack! Now that Hell Revealations is final and demo-compatible, I figured why not host a demo recording event as per HR tradition! Hell Revealations includes two WADs: The main 33 map wad (HRs.wad) and a bonus 11 map wad (HRsBonus.wad). The /idgames release is now up-to-date! Download HRs Here's some simple rules: Please only use the latest HRs.wad and HRsBonus.wad Record demos using Complevel 2. Use a UMAPINFO compatible port (DSDA Doom, Woof) if recording D2ALL for HRsBonus.wad Please use the prefix hrs or hrsb (depending on WAD). Acceptable categories included in the spreadsheet, TASes as well! Please post records only. (Non-records will be compiled into a separate pack) We will be uploading demos to this thread. I will be updating the sheet whenever I check whether the demos are valid. Please include what category your demo is for. The goal is to continue accepting demos until the entire UV-Max list is filled up. After that, we may wait a while til we get some better records or other demos. Here is the spreadsheet of current submitted demos (HRs.wad and HRsBonus.wad in separate tabs): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tY0EfpwNRbsO_34lzCAoOoVcWk0pqvz8-K-VHtRV8_Q/edit?usp=sharing  Here are some NOMO help demos that show 100% secrets and some extra non-secret secrets for all maps: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OgoqFvkjzTviK6BHe7tVQCve1CMfFy9y/view?usp=sharing Also NOMO help demos are now on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSRd115WA2_m8tJmjRTB2xnd1Kh-zfUYU Also this is my first time managing a demopack, so please be kind :)
  12. Hell Revealations is now FINAL! Hell Revealations Final Forever v2 Again, thanks to everyone who helped us knock out fix up the WAD! Here's a special shoutout to the Thursday Night Survival and the Wednesday Night Deathmatch teams for helping us find and fix the final bugs: @Keyboard_Doomer @boom_compatible @Lil_Ruff Thanks to The SLOTTER Team again for having to fix up the megawad one final time! :) Introducing the HRs Help Demos: I've put together a full nomo demopack that shows how to get 100% secrets in all the maps (for both MAIN and BONUS WADs). It also shows off some hidden non-secret stuff as well ;) Download HRs Help Demos Thanks again, Arsinikk v2 Changelog:
  13. Yay! Project is finally out! Had alot of fun mapping and testing for this! Congrats on the release! :)
  14. Figured I'd give a status update just before the end of the year. It's been a little quiet (perhaps a bit silent... night) on The SLOTTER Team's end. At least in regards to Hell Revealations, although we did release our annual Christmas Megawad. Due to the Holidays, we are awaiting some fixes for only two maps. Once those maps are fixed up, Hell Revealations will be released in it's official forever final state! In addition, we will also be including full nomo help demos to help those who get stuck in the levels. I don't wanna give away too much, but I'll just say that we at The SLOTTER Team have something new planned in the near future relating to Hell Revealations.
  15. Yeah I'd like to test it myself, but I'd assume with the amount of enemies GZDOOM may have some trouble. Does turning off dynamic lights help in any way? Because dynamic lights in GZDOOM tend to be very performance hungry. I'm glad you enjoyed it! It is far tougher than "100 Line Christmas". Can you elaborate on what you mean by "the sequel is more playable"?
  16. ENDOOM for 200 Line Christmas: Snowy Slaughter (not super crazy art, but does it's job. Decided to make it non-animated to fit the "frozen" theme):
  17. To be clear, I think it's only fine to make changes if the mapper gives them the ok to. I would not like geometry altered in one of my maps, nor would I want it touched at all because I tend to use very specific nodebuilder settings for my maps, and any change could potentially break my maps. I would say that it is less common for mappers to use particular nodebuilder settings, but in my opinion, mappers should have been reached out first before their maps were altered. Plus we are talking about a vanilla wad, which means things like visplane and drawseg oveflows are a thing. Resaving a map with geometry changes and/or different nodebuilder can literally be the difference between the map crashing in Vanilla or not.
  18. Here's an update to the WAD! None of the maps have been changed, it's mostly an update to add a new story and fix some minor things like textures and adding @Bytefyre's DSDACR lump. I will say that this update does alter the maplist slightly with MAP10 and MAP11 switched, and also MAP15 and MAP16 also switched. Usually I wouldn't alter the maplist post release, but I was kinda sleep-deprived while trying to get the megawad on time, so I didn't fully get to judge the map order. ❄️ RC1.1 Download (GDrive) ❄️ RC1.1 changelog:
  19. Figured I'd mention that the project is now released: Merry Christmas everyone! :)
  20. ❄️ Merry Christmas to everyone from The SLOTTER Team! ❄️ 200 Line Christmas: Snowy Slaughter is a community project targeting MBF21 (complevel 21). The project is inspired by Arsinikk and NinjaDelphox's Line Massacre Series and is the sequel to 100 Line Christmas. It uses the new Doom Christmas Enhanced resource pack with some new additions specific to the project. As the 200 in the title suggests, each map was limited to 200 lines at most. Each mapper was asked to add some kind of friction in their maps (Either slippery ice or heavy snow). In addition, each map has a hidden runaway gnome for you to grab (replacing the item count)! The megawad comes with 22 maps (19 normal + 3 secret) from Doomworld Community! All maps were designed with pistol start in mind, though continuous play is perfectly fine. Each map should take around 5-10 minutes to finish. RC1.1 Download (GDrive) This megawad will only work on MBF21-compatible ports (-complevel 21): Compatible Ports: DSDA Doom / PrBoom Plus (UMAPINFO) Woof-based ports GZDoom (Mostly Supported) Eternity Engine Dev Build (Untested) Doom Retro (Untested) GZDoom may not emulate all MBF21 features correctly MAP14 has a HOM in DSDA Doom's OpenGL Renderer. MAP22 (NAUGHTY) will stutter heavily in GZDoom. It's just how it is. Let us know if you come across any bugs in any of the maps. The Slotter Team is made of enthusiastic DOOM mappers all led by yours truly (Arsinikk). Come join our Discord Server for new community projects, keep tabs on the team's projects, or just be part of our open community! :)  Currently released Slotter Team Projects: 200 Line Christmas: Snowy Slaughter (this project) Hell Revealations SLO††ER II (HRs Demo) 100 Line Christmas
  21. Hobomaster's Doom Launcher is amazing for me, since I have a large database of Doom WADs. It really helps to put them in categories such as megawads, miniwads, etc. Years ago I used to use ZDL, which is also a great simple launcher... but not so great when having a huge library of WADs.
  22. Sorry to hear that... Sounds quite annoying. Hopefully you'll get to feeling better :) Right now it's set as Saturday-into-Sunday midnight, but tbh I'm a bit flexible. If you still need some extra time to complete it, I can allow that. The goal is to put out the project Christmas morning-ish CST-time, so just keep that mind as I still need to compile everything before then. (Though putting in one map shouldn't be a huge hassle)
  23. Here's a new update (v1.3) for the Doom Christmas resource pack! Apologies, I've been a bit busy during this Christmas season. :) This should fix an oversight on loading the XMASPACK.WAD in GZDoom (oops) @Superjustinbros This also includes some sprite refreshes as well as a few new textures. Doom Christmas Enhanced is now cut into two different packages. The first XMASPACK is similar to the original Doom Christmas as you can load it with Doom / Doom II / Plutonia / TNT and it’ll work. It’s meant for playing and NOT for mappers. The second package XMASPACK-Resource is the actual resource for mappers to use in their projects. Links: XMASPACK WAD (for players): Download XMASPACK Resource (for mappers): Download Hopefully this resource will be useful for anyone who wants to make future Christmas Doom WADs! Regarding some things that could be added to the resource, we are still missing some things: Christmas sprites for the Spider Mastermind Still missing some Christmas versions of Vanilla Doom textures Special thanks to both @Craneo and @ThatKidBobo for their work on new sprite and texture edits. Thank you! Arsinikk
  24. Title: Snowflake and Chill Author: Arsinikk Music: "Carol of the Bloody Bells" by Arsinikk Link to level: Download MEOW ≽^•⩊•^≼ Difficulty settings: All difficulties implemented. Comment: Christmas castles and some doomcute. Kewl snowflake slotter. Has some level transformation just cuz. Additional credits: Added 1 new animated texture (3 patches) by Arsinikk (me). Specified sky via UMAPINFO. Screenshots:
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