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  1. I thought it'd take way more time for people to find the trick to UV-Max the maps. Nice job.
  2. Update: the wad has FINALLY been released on /idgames, which means you can start speedrunning it. Thanks to everyone who helped along the way.
  3. For the past several weeks I've been battling with /idgames admins to get the wad released on there. In the meantime, I've decided to update the wad to fix a few bugs (thanks @Niloquì and @LabyrinthDoomer). No patch notes due to the fact I don't remember what I changed.
  4. I assume it's due to the fact that the sky sector is at 0 height, in software this will cause HOM so you need it to be at least 1 unit tall
  5. I assume you forgot to delete the testing spawns, because there are voodoo dolls randomly scattered all over the level
  6. V1.2 RELEASED: Fixes: Minor texture & automap fixes in maps 03, 04, 06, 13, and probably some others I forgot to mention here. Fixed a broken middle texture in MAP11 (thanks @ICID!) Fixed an unintentional way to obtain the secret soul sphere in MAP22 using straferunning.
  7. Yeah, in software it happens for me as well. I have no idea what causes it but i can bodge it by setting the ceiling height in the secret room to 128 units.
  8. Can't seem to replicate the issue. 1) Does the bug still occur on the newest version - 0.25.6? 2) What renderer are you using - software or opengl? 3) If you're using opengl, what light mode are you using - glboom, shaders, indexed?
  9. It isn't but i couldn't get anyone to playtest the wad pre-release and desperate times call for desperate measures
  10. I actually don't remember why I made the choice to be DOS-compatible. Either way remaking the entire wad in boom would take too much effort, and I've also played through the wad on ITYTD on my phone to simulate me being a worse player and didn't find it that hard, so, unless there is strong precedent to support the transition, it'll remain purely vanilla with 30 second time limit.
  11. HOTFIX 1 RELEASED: Fixes: Map-related: MAP11 - Fixed a single floating health bonus. MAP15 - Minor texture fixes. MAP17 - Fixed a potential softlock; fixed a non-damaging lava floor. MAP20 - Fixed several previously missing enemies. MAP21 - Fixed damaging lift. MAP29 - Fixed a non-functional switch; fixed several missing textures. Other: Added a new experimental palette that should make it easier to see when picking up items. Older version is still available for compatibility with any demos recorded before the update.
  12. I have tuned it already - on most levels the door is 80 units high, however, on some more difficult levels it's higher, like on MAP12, where it's 192 units high, and on MAP29, where it's 208 units high. However, it's pretty much impossible to adjust for difficulty without some extremely hacky stuff which i couldn't be bothered to do.
  13. Not possible due to the fact that in vanilla there are only two timers - 30 and 300 seconds, both are hardcoded into the engine and are impossible to change Not possible in vanilla however that's what extended HUD is for You can always play on lower difficulties - they are included and playtested.
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