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About Treehouseminis

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  1. Ok fixed everything you mentioned Im pretty sure. Even found some other alignment errors. I also hid some lines from the automap for more atmosphere maybe. -Reduced Revs in the yellow key unlock, also moved the arachnos closer to you. -first room bars easier to break and navigate -added rails to the first outside arena so navigation wont be as confusing. -Made secret a little easier to tell, not as "random" now I suppose lol -Added some shells in the later fights -ammo shouldnt be clipping now hopefully. And moved some around in other arenas. Viles should spawn first now in the other areas you mentioned. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jm06b133jx23ynihy3sos/treehouseminis-inter3-TerminatedBliss-V2.wad?rlkey=nrldjwwnpluo8agfu996a87v6&st=k3iaj7v3&dl=0
  2. @Moustachio fair criticisms. I'll fix those soon and make a V2. I was wondering if I made a too difficult map.. I am un familiar with the interception series but the resources looked fun to play with. The yellow skull fight is indeed the hardest, one strategy that always works for me is walk back and forth in the middle and kill the imps, the 2 cybers will Infight well when they spawn. I did purposely set the arachnatrons far enough away that auto aim won't work so even if you had the super slugger it wouldn't have made that much a difference. They are on kill floors after you press all the buttons. I can put them closer so auto aim can work. Probably too mean anyway as the room so chaotic focusing on those 4 first might get you killed anyway. The impassable wires I can do something else with, it's just that I didn't want the player to walk on the outside structure and thought that would be awkward
  3. @Moustachio yeah those bars only have the front line def as a trigger, I can tag the sides as well. Ill wait to make any changes until you give a full review. About the difficulty, I use saves during my own maps so if that tells you anything lol. Never been a one run player.
  4. Ok got a working map! Difficulties are implemented but Ive only tested on UV so far. Map03 slot in wad Episode : 5 hopefully Name : "Terminated Bliss" Author: Treehouseminis Description : Dark Eldritch Prison, Set piece combat that can get difficult at times. Make your escape, just dont fall into the void. Slightly inspired by Prison of Hope from Demons Souls. I did get overly ambitious and its a longer map, roughly 30 mins without saves and reloads. But I was enjoying the atmosphere I made and had ideas lol Music : "Aquifer" - Snaxalotl, Abscission DropBox download
  5. Had fun testing this! It forced me to play differently than usual which is interesting in itself imo.
  6. Eternals first gameplay trailer was also slow as hell. I'm still hyped for this. I know the gameplay will be on point. I will be surprised if the story is decent though. I can sorta enjoy eternal lore for what it is, but I'm here for the visuals and gameplay.
  7. Most maps from Abandon I think. But the first one that sticks out to me is Map06. Just never played a map with that type of architecture before and the first fight with the rev, cyberdemon Infighting took me the longest actually.
  8. More progress. Will I be done by the time Elden Ring dlc releases and I put all hold on mapping for a while? Probably not.
  9. I think the average light level is 128 for this map. Idk how to make a normal map anymore. It's either super dark or super colorful haha.
  10. Last bump hopefully. Now on Idgames and I can stop thinking about it for a while lol. Thanks for everyone who played and enjoyed it.
  11. Glad these maps are short because Im not a great player lol. With saves Im having a great time. It did take me a while to figure out how to exit map04 though, I thought I was softlocked until I tried rocketing myself at the right angle on the exit pillar...
  12. Fun elevator that probably took too long to make.
  13. Oh ok, yeah that makes total sense thank you. I forgot about the switch table. I tried to use doomtools first but no matter what I did I couldn't get all the used textures to copy over. It was only transferring like 1/4 of stuff I used.
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