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Everything posted by Treehouseminis

  1. I thought I changed the general access. I did get an email notification which I assume was from you. I let that one through and I just edited it again to allow access, I hope anyway.
  2. I Figured out google drive I think, hope this works for ya. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nkbySEMEAQr3aUMkU5eGEVwRzr-5oPNo/view?usp=drive_link
  3. Actually the whole cube was miss aligned somehow lol. Fixed that. Added some metallic textures to the lifts to make it more obvious, looks cooler now imo so good mentioning that. Also added some white marble textures to the first steep stairs to make them pop more. Will update my OP comment as well. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ah3mig2xcqo50ffhhk9qy/MAP18V3-1k1k-AorticAscension.wad?rlkey=f6vlxq392dgyha18kt9hv1kmb&dl=0
  4. Id argue since you can see them raise it might be enough signaling for the player to interact with the lifts. I was going for a fleshy theme. I could maybe retexture the first set of steep stairs, I kinda thought it would be obvious as there's no where else to go, even the manc gets lifted lol As for difficulty I don't mind it. If it needs to be higher than map18 then it's fine. If you played on HMP and still found it busting let me know but I stand by the UV setting.
  5. well I had on mbf21, and there werent blocking. I turned it to doom2 and they were. I didnt mess with any other settings.
  6. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w1lzror55w10hcnp6c0wv/MAP18V2-1k1k-AorticAscension.wad?rlkey=b2509vjt7rky86yrcmws2kin7&dl=0 ok tested in DSDA with doom2, 1.9 comp. Removed the corpses. And the closets no longer being connected was because I drew the ceiling detail that the corpses were on last, and it messed with the joined sector stuff. I didnt test again after I made that lol. Also raised the walls on 3rd platform cuz if the vile jumps you off its kinda game over.
  7. I must have tested it in wrong comp level. The hanging corpses weren't blocking for me whoops. As for the closets I have no idea but I'll look into it.
  8. Ok it should be good in case I missed anything. I tried to make it non cheesable/breakable. Map 18 "Aortic Ascension" music: "Inhabitants" - AD_79 stock textures https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ah3mig2xcqo50ffhhk9qy/MAP18V3-1k1k-AorticAscension.wad?rlkey=f6vlxq392dgyha18kt9hv1kmb&dl=0 Hmp is slightly reduced UV, HNTR adds a few more resources on top of HMP edit: replaced link with V3
  9. Pretty fun map. Only complaint is the eye switch to open the door to the beginning area again is a SR not a s1 door open stay, I had to hit press the switch 4 times cuz of the imp horde. Also the soul sphere is a pain to get, I figured out how to get it, but the pixel perfect jump is too much for me. I was able to make it one time out of like 40 attempts
  10. Yeah this is going fast! I love seeing the work so far. Helps the scope is so restrictive. I'm hoping to post a draft tomorrow or Monday. I'm using the resticed space but making it a lot more vertical lol
  11. Had another question about this project, did you need the map to start as the 1kx1k square or can we make a shape that has the same area?
  12. This sounds very fun, and nice change of pace for me since I gravitate towards big maps. I'll take map 18 slot
  13. Map03 of this little set I'm working on. Hope ya like slaughter
  14. every time I actually 100% everything in a map it makes me happy because Im very bad at finding secrets.
  15. Yeah that looks pretty good so far. The first screen the hallway looks a little empty but it's still a wip. Don't be too hard on yourself and once you get this done you can work on something else. There's always another map to work on I find lol. I'm a newer mapper myself and the only tip I got on gameplay is just attack the player from multiple angles at once as much as you can.
  16. Just started playing this, map11 kicked my butt a little ngl. What I thought would be a fun 15-20 minute romp like the others took me almost an hour cuz I kept dying lol. But very great set overall so far!
  17. Just finished map04 on UV will probably do the secret later. Great Stuff! Maybe its odd but I found I had the least trouble with map04, maybe because its not as claustrophobic and I got used to your mapping style playing these in one sitting, better walk slowly otherwise another vile will wake up haha. Each level feels unique with combat and visuals, I can see myself looking at this for inspiration to my own maps :)
  18. Idk if anyone else has used them in this CP, but midis from Streets of Rage would be pretty cool. But yeah the stairs are a nit pic, no problem going up them lol.
  19. That was a fun map! Visuals area great. Monster counts dont matter a ton if the map is fast paced and not too long. My only complaint is the music feels more medieval than high paced snythwave or scifi etc. Also going down the stairs in the arena near the end is awkward as you can get stuck easily on the detail.
  20. Lost Civilization is pretty chill Imo. Maps are bigger and open, multiple pathways, pretty interconnected etc. Combat can be a little difficult at times but compared to the hard actual advertised hard stuff it's not bad at all. It's mostly chill cuz the exploration aspect is a huge part of it.
  21. I'm too lazy to install a launcher, do what I do and just drag the wad files together into the .exe
  22. Surprised that hasn't been spotted before lol. Thanks for pointing stuff out, but since I had it on final release to idgames already I'll leave them as a reminder that these were first maps haha. Also thanks for playing!
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