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Everything posted by Treehouseminis

  1. Does it matter where I put the dehacked lump in slade3? If I have 2 levels currently do I put it at thr very end of everything?
  2. Hello, very new to doom editing. I managed to make my first map, created a text file for the ending screen graphic, and make a dehacked file to change the name of the first level. Problem is I cant get a new dehacked file to make a change to my 2nd map I just added to my wad. Im still uncertain if I need a dehacked file for each level or if I just need one. Heres what I tried. make a 2nd dehacked file, putting it last in the lumps so it follows everything after MAP02. For some reason I also just edited the first file to include name change for map02 but it was in the same place as the original Lump, so end of MAP01, this did not work and it make it so nothing worked. Im very confused. everytime I make a new dehacked file and import it into slade and rename it "dehacked" the file reads a bunch of nonsense. But my first ever dehacked file it was the simple stuff like this Patch File for DeHackEd v3.0 # Created with WhackEd4 1.2.4 BETA # Note: Use the pound sign ('#') to start comment lines. Doom version = 21 Patch format = 6 Text 17 16 level 1: entryway1: Viridian Tomb I cant seem to make a file that just includes a patch note for level 2, it just comes out as nonsense, and when tested doesn't work. when making a second dehacked file to just edit the 2nd level name it also comes out as nonsense. Are you only allowed 1 dehacked file in slade? Im very confused, all the tutorials ive seen are for just one level. Any help appreciated
  3. All fair critiques. I added stairs to the start room cuz I had items up there I didnt want to be cut off it you jumped down. A just incase thing cuz I overthink, but not enough to realise stairs looked out of place lol The big pillar room I was trying to figure out how not to cheese. And force the player to stay in there but I couldn't think of anything concrete. I kept getting reminded by wads like sunder and abandon where you need to like 4 switches but I thought the one slow lowering one would suffice. Yeah I added some megas after playtesting a lot and barely surviving, but after I got the hang of the fight cuz I did it so much you can do it barely getting hurt. Maybe I'll turn some off on UV Thanks for the feedback
  4. Finally got my feet wet in mapping after being a fan for most of my life. Spent about 2 weeks of free time on it. I think in the future ill learn how to make and replace the art and do a proper mini wad with several maps for idgames but Im happy with this for now. format : doom2, boom All Vanilla assets. Its a small slaughter-ish map. lots of monsters but most of them are in the last fight. Difficulty is on the medium side to not too hard at all for experienced doom players. plenty of health and ammo, and room to move around I just wanted to have a little fun on my first map. Difficulty settings minimally added. UltraViolence for hard and the easier difficulties are wrapped together. average play time is 15 minutes Its technically Boom format in Ultimate Doom Builder but I didn't use any specific features. Tested in prBoom+2.6.2 and GZDoom 4.8.2 I prefer prBoom because the lighting is a little more atmospheric (idk gzdoom settings super well, I just try to get it to look retro lol) screens : Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zdt1icnga1duar6/ViridianTomb.wad?dl=0 I know some textures aren't all aligned super well, Ill fix it when I eventually add to to it. Appreciate any feedback.
  5. Ok I got it! Thank you both. Ok so I need to connext a teleport line to a sector, AND place a teleport item in said sector. I'm at my desk and just tried the sector tag thing and couldn't figure out why it still wasnt working. Thank you.
  6. Ok so I was just connecting lines, I need to connect a line and a sector with the same tag then?
  7. I just started making my first map and having trouble with the teleport mechanics. I'm using ultimate doom builder and selected boom format on creation because I was like, well I like this source port better but all the video tutorials I've found dont use it and it seems to have less features. My mistake because I'm trying to figure out how to make a teleport closet work properly. I have figured out how to make a line def open a door in another sector, join the sectors, monster teleports (its sorta slow it might be my closet geometry) But I cant figure out how to make it not a silent teleporter. I'm using the "teleport same line tag" function but all the options have silent. All the other one dont have a "same line tag option". And the "things" teleport item doesnt have a way to tag it to connect it with anything. I've experimented not even tagging a line and it auto teleports to the "thing" teleport destination but how does that work with a bigger level with multiple teleport destinations?
  8. I'm using which after looking it up isnt the latest release anymore.
  9. No worries, I thought I'd comment on it since I believe the original post said boom compatible which is only slightly true lol. Still one of my fav releases this year
  10. Some of my favorite mapping styles here. Not completely finished with the wad yet but I had trouble running map17 in prboom+. I was at the exit of map16 and after the end stats screen the game crashed and I got a "ZDoom nodes not supported" type of error. I couldn't even start a new game and cycle through the maps using pagedn key, got the same error and crash going from 16 to 17. I am able to play them in GZDoom and that's what I'm doing now, I just always try to use prboom first cuz I prefer it. Not sure if it was a comp level issue on my part, i'm not sure. Kinda new to changing comps levels cuz I've never had to do it before.
  11. Oh hey you made both maps I mentioned. I wish I could enjoy them, they look amazing from what I've seen/been able to play. I made it to the rocket launcher arena in BoC, the 2nd wave with all the imps makes my pc cry. I've been meaning to upgrade my PC but money is tight for me right now. Would just a better CPU help at all? Since doom runs more on that? Or am I thinking about it wrong?
  12. Thanks for the detailed explanation! I guess it's time to upgrade my PC lol
  13. I've tried googling my question without much results. I know big maps with lots of monsters of screen can cause problems, but when I play something thats prBoom+ compatible I only get slight frame drops and nothing major. I've played Combat Shock, Sunlust, a few Sunder maps, Abandon and never had huge drops, a few stutters but nothing unplayable. But recently when I try to play maps made for GZDOOM, like Bastion of Chaos(i even got the low spec version) or The Slaugher Spectrum my frames go in the single digits and its unplayable. I've messed with the settings a lot, turning resolution down, turning a lot of lighting and other effects off, only getting a few frames out of it. I cant react fast enough when I'm getting 10fps on these hard maps. I've heard the doom engine is run mostly on the CPU, but I'm curious to why I'm getting such better performance on some maps than others, when it's similar in size and scope. Is GZdoom really that intense? Running GZDOOM ver 4.7.1 in open gl. I've tried other rendering options but this seems to be the best. My 6 year old pc specs: I5 4460 3.2ghz 16gb ram R9 290x
  14. Made a profile to just comment this is one of my favorite maps I've played in a while. Great job!
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