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Everything posted by Treehouseminis

  1. Idk how many maps I wanna do with this, at least 3. Modified E1 pallete(for tiny amounts of purple instead of pink), green and wood techbase, etc.
  2. I took like 5days off mapping then I started again. Spooky green wood base.
  3. Awesome thanks for playing! I do get comments like this about my maps a lot which makes me happy. I like being a middle of the road slaughter mapper lol.
  4. Thanks for playing so far! I also look forward to your orange set whenever it releases :) I fixed the textures on the pillar I think, and about that cheese I think Im ok leaving it in, I guess if you have next to 0 ammo its almost a softlock? Also map31 is also one of my favs, I guess I could make more levels like that lol. @worldoffood I tested in 4.8.2 GZ doom and everything worked fine. I would maybe ask someone who knows more about GZ stuff than me. Could be a setting or a load issue. I still run an old version because I dont use GZ for much anymore. Anyway Updating OP with RC3, made some edits to map06 to make one fight a little less cheesable, shoot switch at start, ssg should always teleport. Map07 Made the 667 floor tags a lift so if the double raise glitch happens you can still exit. Map05 end fight should be fixed. Map02 teleport after blue key fight should be tagged all difficulties now. Added a tiny map10 Thank you/Progress stopper (mapsets are a little more professional with these I suppose ;) If nothing major happens in a week or two Ill send it too Idgames.
  5. @ryiron thanks for the demos and review! That one rev, HK fight on map 09 is accidentally the hardest fight in that map. 2nd is probably the last due to how chaotic it is and easy to catch a stray rocket. Map 31 isn't too different from the other maps, it just has different vibe with the music, and with the very straightforward gauntlet slaughter, and more imposing architecture imo. The other maps I wanted to feel fun, almost like a NoSP map or something. I also feel I make slaughter but In a more forgiving way. I make fights as hard as I like them and I'm not an amazing player by any means compared to some. That's weird, but I also didn't test it really. It's normal dehacked language so idk why it wouldn't work. But then again I didnt write it myself. Does it appear in the game at all? Or just doesn't fire etc? You won't be able to finish half the maps then if you don't wanna switch ports. Map03, 05, 08 don't have it at all so you could play those in the meantime. I'm working on a rc3 with a credits map and small fixes I've noticed from comments here and demos
  6. Classic doom maps I prefer more synth and ambient type soundtracks. There's so much variety though, and music is powerful in setting a tone for what the mapper is trying to do. I've made maps with classic midis everyone knows and dark creepy ambient mp3s. For midis I prefer ones that don't sound like a metal or electric guitar rip because midi guitar just sounds so weird to me. I do love doom eternal and it's soundtrack works so well with it.
  7. Oh wow I have a lot of demos to watch now lol. Thanks for the small write up/review. And yeah I feel the music slightly stole the show when it came to the vibe I wanted to convey. I do have plans for a more somber wad soon. Map31 is a secret because it is a more moody atmosphere instead of fast paced more upbeat combat and music. On topic of lock in fights its good to know that how I do them doesn't get too tiring. I think subconsciously I design that way because I watched someone play my first ever map and just cheese a fight I worked hard on and was like ok I need to get better and forcing the player to play how I want them too. I want to work on more connective layouts, maybe not as many lock in fights, but I don't think I'll ever not do them.
  8. Yeah map08 has a secret fight that needs a blue and yellow key. (Clues I'll give the keys are in smaller, filler fight areas.) The switches for them are on the platform right after the starting area to the right. Only way to get the bfg which makes the final fight a little easier. I can agree on secret hunting being kinda tiresome but it was my first time ever doing a secret fight and I wanted to make the 2nd to last map a more challenging one all around. Map09 is a more fast paced finale, just go dont think lol. I'd also be curious to see a demo of map31 because my par time is almost 30 mins... But awesome I'll watch these soon!
  9. Thanks! Yeah need to edit map07 now for sure, first time making a "dead simple" map. I def thought about making a credits map and now I probably will. Seems the normal thing to do now. I did that for B L E A K but never got around to it for this, I was just soe excited that the wad was ready for a beta post. @ryiron won't quote the whole thing for length reasons but yeah I should probably be a little less cryptic with progression. Ill put some health bonus trail start of map05 or something. The Chaingunner fight is especially nasty if you go there first instead of last like you did. Also the last fight was bugged because one of the doors on my voodoo closet was open so the progression was all wonky, I'm fixing that. Idk why never noticed. Map06 I need to make the start a shoot trigger and put monster lines around the teleport, I think that's why it doesn't. There's 3 teleport lines in the closet for the ssg. The fight you can just leave is intended but not so intended that you can go into the other area completely so I feel like putting bars up now. Also yes there were a few enemies that get activated with a secret. Thanks for the demos looking forward to the last few maps!
  10. Another cool demo. Yeah This was the first map I designed solely on the infinite rocket launcher. I wasnt sure how far to take some of the fights yet, there were moderate for me in testing. Also Updated the wad for RC2. I added more variation to the lift in map03. Deleted extra red skull on MAP06 And actually added difficulties to MAP31 because I forgot I never balanced anything on it.
  11. Oh yeah, I remember not sure where I wanted the red key, I forgot to delete the one under the cyber. In testing I could never see it because of sprite overlap and thought running up to it randomly was bad. Thanks for the feedback. I plan to change that lift now and maybe add a candle or change the lighting to make to more noticable. Also in the demo for map02 I was really surprised you got the secret megasphere by carefully jumping. I suck at doom platforming and could never do it, it was meant to be an archvile jump secret lol. But good to know if you got skills you can get it later.
  12. Well hope you don't look at the Title of map07.... a baby won't yell at you for playing it though.
  13. I do love my lock in fights tbh. Maps4, 5, and 8 are not as linear, 3 is linear but has a more satisfying loop I think. Glad you like it so far though. Thanks man. Yeah the end of map01 may be a too steep Increase in difficulty. I did iterate on it a lot and liked where it ended up though. Omg I asked in the 2 doom discords I frequent and no one seemed too know the show. So big shout out to you lol
  14. Just released.  Check it out if you can!



  15. I think You Should Marble is collection of 10 Marble Themed maps with different color combinations and themes. Most of the variations are done with marble, Though in the later maps I started to use different stuff. I did get a little tired of restricting most stuff to marble textures. Slaughter, Combat puzzle game play. HMP and UV. I hope each map feels unique. There are different combat styles throughout but for the most part I like big rooms and weird architecture. Not every map has every weapon. Forced pistol starts(thanks mbf21). Later maps can get kinda tough, especially map08 isnt too kinda on UV blind runs. With the mood the music brings I hope its fun and fast paced set for people to play. Ill also be honest and say Map01 is more of a speed map but I got a lot more ambitious as I worked on the wad and kind of grew into a style so to speak. With UMAPINFO there is a secret exit end of map03. (or use idclev Idc) Map07 uses '666' and '667' triggers so please don't skip killing mancubi otherwise you will get soft locked. Features : 1000 Health Green Cybers (mastermind replacement) Infinite Rocket Launcher (chainsaw replacement) Tested mostly with DSDA with MBF21. Any Limit removing port that supports MBF21 and UMAPINFO should work but let me know of any Bugs of course. Drop Box RC3 -Credits- Dragonly for the very quick HUD edit Enator18 for dehacked help Otex 32x24intex Doomgappy Muumi Mechadon Skies Map / Track list : Screens
  16. Floors that heal monsters would be super interesting too. Like oh this HK is 1 ssg blast away from being dead and it walks on a healing floor and gotta start all over again.
  17. How dependant are the bright effects on the pallete specifically? Would I be able to change some things around it would it effect the bright effect too much? I would love to use this stuff with the more teal change that's in Eviternity1/sunder.
  18. Woo! It was fun mapping for this, I got bogged down In other projects otherwise I would have done another map or 2. I only played a few of the other maps so looking forward to them all compiled.
  19. One more map to go then I will make a post.


  20. It's probably because after 100s or even 1000s of hours in doom vanilla, limit removing etc, but playing doom with hardware rendering and mouse look gives me motion sickness sometimes. Only fps that does that to me. It just feels wrong on my brain, so no. Doom with mouselook and jumping will never be the new norm I don't think.
  21. Don't have the room anymore, but it was a jagged tiny hallway that led to a room with a bunch of zombie men inside each other so half of them couldn't move. I had a vile teleport in with a line half way into the room, and an exit switch. I was very proud of myself when I got the teleporting to work and the exit switch lol.
  22. Are you making levels with these as well or just making the all the resources? These are some dream level textures for me I would love to play around with these eventually.
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