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Everything posted by Treehouseminis

  1. I'm still riding the happy train that I got a mention in the newcomer slot. Thank you all for the work you do, this community is the best.
  2. Well I've been making doom maps now for a year.  That's pretty neat.  :) 

  3. It's a bug in how doom engine renders lines. If it's a super long line/wall, when moving it will look like the wall is moving too, its trying to calculate the position but since it's so long things get wonky. You can help avoid this by just placing more vertices on the lines, making the engine calculate smaller lines more accurately. I've made big ass rooms before and adding more vertices always helps with this visual bug.
  4. I published my very first map lol. I do wanna do a house level, but cant decide if my childhood home would make a big enough level or not. As for the main topic, I think small part of it is talent, or very least practice in other forms. If you've dabble in any other art from, you'll have a decent idea of contrast, composition, and form. Your practice might not have been in the editor but most creative endeavors have overlapping concepts you might not realize it until you do various things. Ive been doing art my whole life, but In a few weeks It will be a full year for me mapping. It also helps UDB is easy to learn, but hard to master. So many shortcuts you learn over time to make things simpler.
  5. These are weird and glitchy and I love it. I found your pink recolor textures from this thread too.
  6. My current project theme is marble, so...I might use some of these beauties :)
  7. Oh any liquid FALL or liquid flat texture I've realised I use A LOT. I detail with those a ton turns out. Liquids on the ceiling is neat. Everything looks cool with blood slime or water in random spots
  8. I have definitely played levels that feel too busy in the detail department. I think everyone has a different threshold for it, I sometimes feel my levels aren't detailed enough but if I stare at the editor for a while and can't think of anything it must be detailed enough lol
  9. Felt like bumping this cuz it's finally on idgames! Thanks for all the feedback.
  10. Meat Machine is on idgames now :)

  11. Ive been trying to do more lighting like this. I guess so far it's not as stark as the above example but playing with sector lighting is one of my favorite things to do. A ceiling light will have 3 or more sectors around it for lighting gradients, most of my maps start at 140 or a little higher to make it easier to brighten with stuff later. etc. I will try to play with extremes like above cuz you're right as it does look awesome.
  12. Does watching random let's plays of doom count? I get like half of my fight, or Layout ideas from watching people play doom. I never outright copy anything of course, but I take inspiration from stuff for sure.(like everyone really) I'll get good layout in my head, and even that doesn't turn out in the editor how I see it lol.
  13. Kinda want to release a map as a stand alone, that's sitting in a project atm. 


    Though I think it's just because I'm impatient and feel the need to release something lol

  14. Idk why I was thinking of doom1, map08 of what episode? Haha. I was also trying to shitpost with ya, get some sleep!
  15. I do wanna play this eventually. EDIT: nevermind found what I was looking for, I deleted my question lol. Apparently I also need to play 20x7...
  16. I mean it wasnt super specific, I dont remember what Map08 or whatever map you were talking about is like lol. Uh, Barons are a cool color, and their death sound is neat. Is that a good enough reason?!?!?! I guess if you dont like the kind of pressure a baron or 2 can give you in certain combat scenarios more than HKs can I cant help ya lol. Just bury my body where someone can eventually find it.
  17. When you want good infighters but dont have lots of space, or dont want lots of monsters. I use them very sparingly, I do like it when they are mixed in with HK's in Slaughter maps, at the very least for more visual variety. In my recent maps Ive been using them a lot more because Im using the rocket launcher from NoSP and Balls of Steel and HK's die way to fast for it to be challenging sometimes.
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