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Everything posted by Treehouseminis

  1. cool! can you detail about the floor usage? I can fix these things faster if I know what you mean exactly lol. But yeah corrupted hell base is popular, I found it easier than normal techbase for some reason EDIT: Nvm I opened the map again and I realized what you meant, a lot of the floors on the details didnt make sense or weren't changed to rubble textures when should have. Think I changed most of those. The only textures I saw that were easy to spot where the ones bordering the doors, just moved them up a bit.
  2. I can take map26 "Slaughter em" sounds like a simple enough prompt! Also love the custom graphics posted so far.
  3. Im calling map32 mostly done. Its one giant arena for funsies. Maybe it can be a fast paced short break, plus its a secret level so I think Its allowed to be a little silly. Play tested about a dozen times and haven't found anything major. calling it "Icon O Fun" if that gives any hint on what this map entails lol https://www.dropbox.com/s/muec4orqkswasg3/MAP32iconofun.wad?dl=0
  4. @Codename_Delta idk if you gotta chance to test my map26 yet but I had a fun idea for a map32 I can take that slot as well.
  5. These are really fun so far. I just got to the hell levels but map07 is my favorite currently. Very nicely designed city level.
  6. Awesome thanks so much! Yeah map01 last fight can be tricky, but when testing if you stay opposite wall where the cybers spawn and focus on the pinkies it becomes a breeze, imo. Map04 has the most direct Control references I think I like making slaughter stuff that isnt crazy difficult. I cant single segment stuff like Sunder or Abandon, but they're still a blast to play, even on HMP. Like I wont ever put crazy platforming that's so common, cuz I suck at it lol.
  7. I just meant that the design of the areas gives me a slaughter type vibe, but the combat didnt live up to my weird expectations. It's a very nice built map.
  8. Interesting little level. My favorite fights were the very first one, and the smaller one where the pain elemental teleports behind you with a manucubus in front, I think there were spectors and imps too. But too add on what others say it was pretty easy and the fights as a whole have a different vibe than the aesthetic itself. I only found 2 secrets, the backpack and a mega sphere. I didnt need the mega as my health was topped off, and I still had most of the mega armor left, which I thought would be a secret when I grabbed it. I thought it would be harder from the screens lol.
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/s/daopjzwhmral13r/MAP26corpsicle.wad?dl=0 MAP26 "Corpsicle" Ok calling it done baring any bugs. Tested in prboom with FINAL DOOM compatibility. Short map with a punchy ending, rocket ammo is tighter in UV. Secrets help reduce difficulty.
  10. I edited my comment. I completely missed a room somehow lol. No bugs! But yeah I agree the facing away was good, I like it when that happens because you get to start the fight and wake the monsters up. Just this time they didn't wake up lol
  11. I slightly disagree with Sonikkumania, I think if you wanted a map to emulate doom2 map02 with killing everything with the super shotgun it does a decent job. Monster density on some rooms reflects that. I enjoyed this detail here. I actually put something similar on my 2nd map ever but it was blood instead lol but this part confused me a bit, I think these monsters are set to ambush but they already face away from the player, I killed one and expected the other 2 to wake up and fight but they didnt. It was a shooting gallery with statues. Not setting them to ambush would fix it. Otherwise fun map, but it was a lot of brown, but thats doom2 stock textures for ya. EDIT: I opened the map in UDB and realized I completely missed a room with 2 imps! lol my bad it was even the room in one of your Screens. doh.
  12. I've made a few slaughermaps myself but like most of them they're pretty linear. This has inspired me to try the opposite. I played on HMP and had a great time. Just difficult enough for me to be on my toes, but only die a few times. I tried it on UV first but got stuck on the narrow room with hellknights flooding the room and revenants above. I bet if I go back with a different approach I could do it, but your HMP is my UV, it's perfect lol
  13. I think Im about halfway? Not sure, just kinda going with the flow so far. Going for a semi destroyed invested techbase.
  14. Oh I thought I had those textures on that weird double door. Good note one the yellow door too.
  15. I dont remember messing with the settings in prboom so it's probably in software mode
  16. halfway through map 3. The combat is, dense for lack of a better word lol. Im enjoying it so far. Though there seems to be some visual bugs. A lot of the switch reveals in map1 and 2 make the sky look weird, I know its just brighter sectors but it does stand out in a weird way. I forgot to SS but the long vertical tunnel you drop from the plane in map01, if you look back its all warped with missing textures on the inside. Besides it looking off in general Im not sure how you would make the effect look more convincing, the fact you have doomguy jumping out of a plane is really cool though. And I found this visual bug in map3, I had something similar in one of my maps, turns out it was a missing texture somewhere in the map that overlaps with the view angle, might be that but Im not sure. Also not sure why theres 2 skys looks kinda off imo.
  17. Sorry you got a little more frustrated. There are 2 teleporters in the big pit, with the imps/cyberdemons. and when testing the caged archvilles can be shot from below with the auto aim, you don't need to climb the stairs. I dont aim to be super mean with this slaughter stuff. Map03 is a little shorter. There isnt a bfg fight. Map04 is full slaughter though so if you dont feel up to it I understand. Thanks for the playthroughs anyway :) but yeah my maps are linear, I should try something else in the future lol
  18. Hey @thelamp this might interest you if you liked my last set? :)
  19. Thanks for the review so far! It's been a long time since I played TNT stuff so the comparison is interesting to me, but it's a very good comparison :) edit idk why this posted twice my bad
  20. Hell yeah(pun intended) idk if I'll finish my begining of april but I'll do my best, maybe, maybe... take other slots if they haven't been taken by then lol
  21. Saw a few slots still available. I can take map26. I love doing doomcute and details so this sounds fun. I assume the later levels are more hell themed?
  22. You can right click sectors and edit things in grid mode. But if I were you I'd get a cheap usb mouse.
  23. The bottom part of those, mostly the white and teal stuff makes me wanna make a liminal space pool room map lol
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