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About Honsolo56

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    Mapper and Modder
    Warming Up

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  1. That worked! Thanks for the help!
  2. How do I do that? Like as in where do I put it?
  3. I am trying to add an AltDeath for the imp but don't know how. Any help is appreciated, thanks! The second death state specifically. ACTOR DoomImpII replaces DoomImp { Health 60 Radius 20 Height 56 Mass 100 Speed 8 PainChance 200 Monster +FLOORCLIP SeeSound "imp/sight" PainSound "imp/pain" DeathSound "imp/death" ActiveSound "imp/active" HitObituary "$OB_IMPHIT" Obituary "$OB_IMP" States { Spawn: TROO AB 10 A_Look Loop See: TROO AABBCCDD 3 A_Chase Loop Melee: Missile: TROO EF 8 A_FaceTarget TROO G 6 A_TroopAttack Goto See Pain: TROO H 2 TROO H 2 A_Pain Goto See Death: TROO I 8 TROO J 8 A_Scream TROO K 6 TROO L 6 A_NoBlocking TROO M -1 Stop Death: TRO2 G 8 TRO2 H 8 A_Scream TRO2 IJ 8 TRO2 K 5 A_Fall TRO2 L 10 TRO2 M -1 Stop XDeath: TROO N 5 TROO O 5 A_XScream TROO P 5 TROO Q 5 A_NoBlocking TROO RST 5 TROO U -1 Stop Raise: TROO ML 8 TROO KJI 6 Goto See } }
  4. @Nevander how do i do that
  5. Is there a way to make moving trains without moving skyboxes? if so please explain.
  6. Quake 3 kind of did that.
  7. sad TAG2 debunked more doom edit: nvm
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