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About RetroGamer02

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Small QOL Update: https://github.com/RetroGamer02/free64doom/releases/tag/v0.23
  2. Quick fix for some maps that could crash. https://github.com/RetroGamer02/free64doom/releases/tag/v0.22
  3. Current Public Test release. =) Special thanks to eightbit, Immorpher, and jnmartin84 who all helped to make this new version of Free64Doom possible that I'm now releasing for public testing. I hope you enjoy! https://github.com/RetroGamer02/free64doom/releases/tag/v0.21
  4. Any chance I could maybe lend a hand with this? I worked on porting FreeDoom to the Gameboy Advanced. As you can tell by my Avatar I'm also a lover of the Nintendo 64. =) @8bitdboy
  5. E4M2 and a few others may take a while the map is huge and I have been doing some other stuff the last few days will get back on it as soon as I can. A friend is also helping do testing in the meantime.
  6. Most of the work is optimizing and reducing the complexity of maps to work within 256kb of ram the GBA has. Also thank you. =) I mainly use Ultimate Doom Builder and then Slade 3 to apply optimization such as sidedef packing.
  7. I actually drink Coca-Cola and occasionaly Monster.
  8. New build https://mega.nz/file/vOJjyKpB#biQeyN2vUH9H-P94fAA3WskmhfIVsD0hibSHKDJalRA E3M7 and E3M9 now work though there is a section in E3M7 that will need more work to run fast. Next up to start work on Episode 4.
  9. New build E3M4 and E3M5 work now. https://mega.nz/file/qb4ADASS#OXxniE10PhGeEBYnRpaljJdhryi9I4UOCHjjjnL4kdw Current progress can be seen here. https://github.com/RetroGamer02/GBAFreeDoom/issues/1
  10. I'm glad to see there is still interest in the project if you are keeping an eye on the github make sure you are looking at the MapOpt branch thats where the newest updates are. =)
  11. New build redid E1M7 from scratch and removed some unneeded stuff from the rom. https://mega.nz/file/iLJhHSpK#xU66uRl07X7s4htHC0ngjZIzzopHt-jM_7drw4t1pbo
  12. Found out there is a crash that can happen in E1M7 around a switch will have to figure out why. Well it does not seem to be the switch its self but something near it. Gonna spend some time redoing stuff in E1M7.
  13. Whoops guess I got Heretic and Hexen mixed up sorry.
  14. New build with some optimization done to E1M1 and E1M6. Plus some small other edits. https://mega.nz/file/aGQ20CiQ#1jDvDeYYyHPt-MoGDJcjVnnJhqdFbIGU_UtU2EjI1xA I will sometimes just edit a post with a new build instead of spamming posts so check back every now and then. =)
  15. It uses Impulse Tracker music instead of midi so the music all had to be converted and use no more than 6 channels which causes some loss but cant be helped. Also thank you all for your kind words.
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