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About Drywtler

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  1. I read "HD 2D Doom Remaster" and I thought: How could you even translate Doom into something like Octopath Traveler? A bit dissapointed that it was just reimagining the original assets in high definition... I personally don't use high definition anything when it comes to Doom but hey, different takes of the monsters, weapons and the rest of the assets are always welcome!
  2. Not forum a forum but a community site of all Valve games, and a fairly recent one too: LambdaGeneration
  3. I didn't knew you could get softlocked like that 💀 will fix in the next version
  4. Half-Life and Minecraft, in that order. Both were pirated so no registered hours there, plus Minecraft used to not preserve that kind of info very well. I do have HL now on steam raking up 100+ hs. On Steam the top 3 are: Clicker Heroes - 454.4 hs Terraria - 221.7 hs Sven Co-op - 127.8 hs Though Clicker Heroes is more idling for hours on end, and it should be even higher because I used to play it without opening up Steam most of the times, since it was a Flash game and my netbook at the time wasn't powerful enough to run it smoothly, with or without Steam tbh. On Epic I have Fallout: New Vegas which just passed 300 hs as of recently. I wonder how much time I've spent on The Battle Cats, been playing that on and off since 2018...
  5. I'm not a cinema goer so by the general consensus I missed on: A huge portion of Pixar and Disney Animation Studios catalogue. Star Wars (not a huge fan of the franchise). Superhero movies (be MCU, DCEU, etc. Though I watched the first Deadpool when it was still screening). Star Trek (though I've seen some of the new-ish movies on TV). Puss in Boots 2 (didn't think I would like it that much being a sequel, but I missed on seemingly the best animation Dreamworks has put out since the foundation of the studio). The Walking Dead (didn't care about zombies, nor what the story was actually about, and I hated how it took so much of FOX's schedule here in Argentina lol, they migrated it later to AMC when the channel appeared) (thanks for reminding me of that franchise @ApprihensivSoul) But the movies I wish I watched when they came out that come to mind right now are: The modern Sonic movies (I'll watch them in the wait for the third one's release) The IMAX screening of Akira The Pokemon movies that I haven't watched on TV (wasn't a huge fan of the franchise back then, and when I could watch the series there were huge gaps between episodes, seasons even. But Pokemon grew on me over time) Dragon Ball Z movies from when Beerus showed up, onwards. As any Latinoamerican boy, I am not immune to nostalgia, I like DBZ. but I was phasing out of the franchise, and again, not a cinema goer. I'm also not suscribed to any streaming platform like Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video, etc. So any BIG SERIES that were the talk of the town you've heard of and probabbly love, I missed them in their entirety, I don't know if I'll ever watch Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul. With the amount of shitposting they made around those series I would be pointing out each and every single memed scene or phrase non-stop (that did happen while watching American Psycho, I did enjoy they movie regardless). I did watch the Fallout series on the high seas *wink wink* to see a car crash and I was greatfully surprised with how good it actually was... Anime? Boy, most of the popular battle-shonens that weren't Dragon Ball, being: Naruto and by extension Shippuden and Boruto (most Naruto fans don't care for Boruto). One Piece (no way in hell I'll start reading it now. My friends also are an unwanted reminder of when a new manga chapter releases). My Hero Academia. Demon Slayer. Jujutsu Kaisen. Attack On Titan, Season 2 to The Final Season Part 3 Part 5.2 Final Cut Extended ReMiX feat. Dante from the Devil May Cry Series & KNUCKLES (There was ONLY ONE SEASON back when I watched it and never catched up). Not shonen but I remembered: Psycho-Pass Seasons 2 and 3 (seems that they weren't that good compared to the first). And basically anything from 2015 or 2016 onwards that you can see on my MyAnimeList from 2015~2016 and up (my M.A.L. anime list sorted by airing date in descending order. Start dates and/or Finish dates on completed shows may not be logged). Gaming-wise well, I stated before in other threads and my neocities site that I am quite anachronistic with the technology I have and acquire over time. Earliest console(s): 4 Famiclones from 5~6 years old to 10, a portable Mega Drive/Genesis at age 8 (not a Nomad). Latest console: (modchipped) Playstation 2, for my 10th birthday (it was that or a birthday party, chose the former). A huge jump in technology from the famiclones and the portable MD/G (not counting the emulators I had on my dad's pc). I mean they were technically still making games for it but all I played were from before 2010 and/or older (collections) and the 7th gen consoles were all the rage at that point. I really wanted a Wii. Cool games there, and also being compatible with Gamecube games man... I would have it with homebrew software running whatever the fuck I want nowadays, like I do with my PS2 now (don't have a powerful pc to emulate 6th or 7th gen). Mind you, I was born in 2000 and I'm turning 24 in a couple weeks. No way my parents were gonna buy an expensive piece of hardware to let a small child play games hours on end and possibly break it (which did happen, the PS2 laser lost calibration after many falls), so it was famiclones and other cheap stuff until they considered make a bigger spend. Now specific games: Playing Counter-Strike 1.6 on Cybers/Computer Cafe's (or whatever you call them in your area and/or mother tongue). Going to a cyber was a rare occurence, but that did get compensated later with the arrival of the Conectar Igualdad netbooks (spanish wikipedia article). The many eras of Garry's Mod. I had the chance to buy it 2 times but each one of those wasn't on sale and didn't have a powerful enough PC to play it so I bought other stuff to make my money's worth. Games I was more inclined and/or capable to play. Rockman Online. Back then I was really into Megaman X and saw gameplay of it and I really wanted it to play it, but then it got canned. Pretty much the whole Sonic franchise. I have completed Sonic 1 through 3&K (thanks to the Mega Colection Plus on PS2) and Mania, and have completed Sonic Unleashed on the PS2. The rest of the games are either not completed (CD, Riders, 3D Blast) or never played (Adventure 1 and 2, Heroes, 2006, Unleashed on the 7th gen consoles, and anything after it (Sonic 4 doesn't exist btw), to name a few). I was hooked on the franchise because of the sheer amount of Flash games I've found online, the real games came later. And going back on sailing the 7 seas thing, I wish I had my own PC and a bit more of computer knowledge back when I was a kid because oh boy Rapidshare and Megaupload were havens of pirated content. I saw my father download stuff off Rapidshare a lot, most of it were music albums. I know the download speeds weren't good back then but boy I would have a blast with the knowledge I have now.
  6. I also have a page on my neocities site containing all the doom stuff I've released. I should update it with WIP screenshots of experiments and upcoming maps (shown previously on the "I wanna see your wads" thread) now that I think about it...
  7. can't get anymore linear than this (i didn't read till the end oops)
  8. Brave Story (had to find it on MyAnimeList lol) Fruit
  9. True, but you could also say that's the intention. The first time is a bit of pain but as you play and replay you start to master the game, getting faster times, better scores, which gives you extra lives and continues. However if you are already that good at the game, the extra lives and continues become pretty useless... Maybe now with newer releases of the game (or community ports such as Sonic 3 AIR) which have widescreen support makes traversing its levels a bit easier. Now 3D sonic on the other hand... Never played any so I can't make an informed opinion, except for Unleashed (PS2 version) and it's ok. Music's goated, Sonic missions are fine but the Werehog missions are hit or miss, a bit lenghty but not as long as the PS3/360 ones. Back to topic, I suck at isometric/top-down RTSes. I played AoE2 with friends but I go at my own pace and I get tilted easily when a Scout Cavalry starts killing everyone on my settlement. I got quite far in the main campaign but never finished it. One time I tried playing League Of Legends at a gamer cybercafe and I felt overwhelmed by the ammount of stuff you can choose and equip for just one character. The fact that I didn't have a good pc at home to play it, and while I tried to play the tutorial the cybercafé's internet went down so I couldn't complete it factored in to never touch the game ever again. Thank god. A friend of mine is a Starcraft fan and tried to introduce me to it. I tried to play the OG a bit but with these prior experiences I just never continued And a game that never clicked with me: God of War (the original). Can't remember where I left it, it was entertaining but never completed it. I liked DMC more.
  10. Nos merecemos el dólar a 7000 pesos

  11. Fernet + Coca-Cola. 70/20/10 is the ideal proportion (70% coke, 20% fernet, 10% ice) but I like it with a bit more fernet.
  12. Seems like you're taking this too seriously. People that plays and/or mods classic Doom will still do it regardless of the state of the franchise. Availability and ease of use of modding and map making tools is what made Doom eternal, not the lack of new entries. Doom 2016 and Eternal are there, you can play them if you want, you can acknowledge their existence if you want, so does Doom 64 and 3. It's cool that the franchise is still going on, but it's not the end of the world if Mick's not the music composer anymore. It's your choice if you want to engage with it or not, or as better put by Doom itself:
  13. Lineart Kangaroo (and as soon as I type that I see you mention Wallaby in your rank, and your name is also composed of Wallaby)
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