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Everything posted by Ranger46

  1. I have some: Gameboy Gameboy Pocket Gameboy Color Gameboy Advance Gameboy Advance DS NES SNES N64 Gamecube Wii Wii U Nintendo Switch Master System 1 Master System 2 Megadrive Mark 1 Megadrive Mark 2 Mega CD 2 SEGA Game Gear SEGA Saturn SEGA Dreamcast PSX PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP PS Vita Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One I also have a large amount of Famiclone / NES Clone / Dendy consoles as well, all different models etc.
  2. For me probably: Death, Obituary, Napalm Death, Sepultura, Carcass, Possessed, At The Gates, Slayer & Morbid Angel. It's too hard to pick just one.
  3. PSX Doom was my first Doom game, I got it when I was younger but I didn't finish it until years later. Will always be one of my favourite PSX games. It wasn't that long ago that I last played it and I still enjoy it now.
  4. Great stuff, I will be checking them out at some point.
  5. Stuff looks great, I intend to check them all out soon. Looking at maybe Brutal Doom: Hell on Earth Starter Pack as my first to play.
  6. This tutorial really helps me out a lot, thanks for making it.
  7. Hello, I'm a game fan who has just signed up here. I'm just a game player though with no expertise on game development and just looking for great Doom stuff to play. I'm very impressed with the content on the site and I plan to play a lot of the content for download here. The Doom levels look amazing, some great stuff indeed. I hope that's not a problem to anyone and I hope your games play as good as they look in the pictures. Good luck.
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