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El Jeff

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About El Jeff

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    Formerly thatonespymain
    Junior Member

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  1. wouldnt it be really really funny if the first map i did in over a year was using the same assets for the last map i did
  2. For map 08’s secret look in the monster closet in the starting room
  3. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, is it 1.4 now? Sorry for late reply btw
  4. Sorry for taking so long with the RC threads i was busy bc it was test week
  5. Thanks! I was supposed to upload 3 but the other 2 didnt upload
  6. Sorry if this one isnt to good i aint good at writing and i also did this on my phone
  7. Wad file (complied by @Doomy__Doom and @Emperor S P O O N) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f_FWs3ZjBdJq6DmXHarcMdGT7WuHBPoq/view?usp=share_link - Release Candidate 2 Port: UMAPINFO supporting boom IWAD: Doom 2 Comments: 2 enemy community project is a 42 map community project created as a spiritual successor to the original 1 enemy community project that was released around 15 years ago. The event started on June 15th and submissions concluded on september 30th. The maps are sequenced in 5 different episodes which each have a small theme that’ll show up around the episode. The maps later on get rather challenging and may take some time, so i recommend playing this in multiple sittings. The title screen, intermission screen, title graphic and custom hud were done by @Emperor S P O O N. Maplist (compiled by @Engired) Screenshots
  8. i forgot about it i'll be writing it as soon as i get home
  9. Its fine, the projects finished i just need to write a release thread
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