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Alex S.

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About Alex S.

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    Grizzled Ancient

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  1. I hate nothing. Any Doom is good Doom but I do lean toward preferring TAG2 a bit more personally.
  2. The only person who gets the right to judge you, is you. Your individuality and your own personal spark is what makes you amazing. Don't ever let anyone make you feel like they're above you or that they "know better". You're perfect the way you are, and your flaws and shortcomings are what make you human. This community stands with our member eternally - We are with you in spirit and in friendship. We accept you as you come. Please, I hope you read this and I hope that when you do, you take comfort in my words, knowing that you're special to someone.
  3. How is PowerSlave: Exhumed? I played the original and loved it. I've been thinking of picking up this awesome remaster/re-release. Is it as good as the screenshots/reviews make it out to be?
  4. Every year when autumn comes, I have the undying sinister urge strike. The urge that can only be satisfied by the act of playing Hexen!
  5. Ha! Thank you I never knew this and honestly should have just looked at the source myself. Cheers man!
  6. Systems engineer. I work for an ISP. Stress is life.
  7. Why does the word 'fuck' appear in HERETIC.EXE at 0x8A15C?
  8. As it comes, the DOS Doom source is not able to be compiled because of missing DMX sound middleware that was redacted for copyright reasons. That aside, it's easy enough to remove any dependencies on this library and compile anyway. If I were to compile any of the original Id Tech 1 game source code, I'd probably bring the project in to Watcom C or Borland C on a DOS machine and build it that way.
  9. Proudly part of the minority who doesn't use source ports. I have nothing against them, just personal choice is all.
  10. One thing AI cannot replicate is the true love and passion of a dedicated creator. I would not feel like there was the same level of quality in anything AI-generated because a true fan and creator must be a human being in order to put out a good map.
  11. I entirely support saving as needed. If the developers didn't encourage this as a part of normal gameplay, they wouldn't have allowed it. I think shaming a player for "save-scumming" is ridiculous.
  12. Thanks for the feedback - I will work on it.
  13. I've seen that as well. Their implementation is great - very simple and straightforward.
  14. Yeah, this release is a modern re-implementation of QCracker which is probably the older tool you're referring to. It was a DOS-only 16-bit command-line program that worked pretty well for the time and is still pretty cool today.
  15. Especially when the software you're reverse-engineering stores unencrypted hashes in memory ;)
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