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About Obscursed

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  1. Scanyon UV-speed in 1:40 Scyn-140.zip Finally managed to get under 1:43 even without elevator waiting for me. Still a lot to improve, but good enough for now EDIT: Oh boy another map: OhGodWhat UV-Pacifist in 00:34 GodP-034.zip OhGodWhat UV-speed in 00:21 God-021.zip Goddamn those pinkies either cornered me every single time or it would have been faster to just go for UV-max instead of waiting for opening / others making room for me.
  2. ARGH, found out that I screwed up my .bat file and played this on -complevel 3. After 80-ish attempts and ~dozen 1:50-1:59 times 1:43 seemed worth submitting.. Don't know if this is supposed to go to failed demo attempts, but here we are. Gonna spam this until I get sub 1:50 if (because of) this isn't legitimate. Now that I checked again, last runner also used ultimate doom. Maybe somebody more experienced can give a verdict for this.
  3. Bdoom MAP1 UV-MAX in 1:23 bronko01m-123.zip & MAP5 UV-Speed in 1:34 bronko05s-134.zip
  4. Tab UV-Max in 0:59 tab1m-059.zip Tab2 UV-Max in 1:22 tab2m-122.zip Good to know, at least these should be on complevel 2 ^^ Edit: AND ONE MORE FOR TODAY: The abandoned base UV-Pacifist in 0:42 cmp1p-042.zip (and I guess UV-speed too) Don't know if I implemented -complevel 9 correctly, but WAD didn't have instructions, last runner used -complevel 9 yada yada yada... :D
  5. Hey, welcome, looks like you have switched to DSDA-Doom (good port choice :), but it seems like you aren't passing the complevel arg, so your demos are in incompatible compatibilities. Do you want these demos uploaded or would you prefer redoing them? Both of them should be run in -complevel 2. You can usually find out which complevel is required for a WAD by checking its textfile, although it's a good idea to check with people who ran the WAD before to see if there are gameplay-breaking bugs in the intended compat and/or play through the WAD first in the intended compat before using it. I had some problems with DSDA-Doom first so I started running with Crispy Doom, later got things sorted out so I changed into this :P Didn't see complevel requirements in WAD textfiles (expect that they were done for Doom 2), so I just played them with DOOM2.WAD as a "base file"/IWAD (or whatever you call that :D). I ran both demos with -complevel 2 parameter and they seemed to be working properly, so yeah, those can be uploaded if it's possible. I'm probably taking a couple more shots on sub one minute in Tab, but too many variables where I can fail :D
  6. Outpost2 UV-Max in 0:43. outpostm043.zip Tab UV-Max in 1:00 tabm100.zip Couple more seconds off from Outpost2.
  7. Outpost2 UVMAX in 0:45. Outpost2m45.zip (Already obsolete, faster time couple comments further down) First day of speedrunning literally anything, don't be too harsh :D Randomly picked fast IL from directory and spent couple hours getting a feel of how things should be done. Probably messed something up with the files / port etc., but instant feedback is effective teaching method.
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