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About AlexIsBadAtDoom

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  1. Full run through with myself and @LordEntr0py Sorry about the audio, we where trying a new way of recording. Fixed it now!
  2. Full run of What Lies Beneath with @LordEntr0py Due to of course a new recording style (Via Twitch) there where TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES WITH AUDIO but the full run is there for those that are curious. @Paf @SMG_Man I've been swamped for time and by other projects. These vids are still close to my heart but realistically they're going to be a few and far between because life, uuuuuuuh gets in the way. I don't want to commit to any more than I already have, I believe I still have a vid pending for @SMG_Man I need to edit up, it's a slow and arduous process hence trying to find a more freeform format HOWEVER! I do plan to deliver eventually as a man of my word, and hopefully long term will find a format that's less invasive to life.
  3. Last of the current batch, hopefully we'll have more Doomwave recorded soon.
  4. Last of the current batch, hopefully we'll have more Doomwave recorded soon. @SMG_Man
  5. FOOOOOOOOD and a screen cleaning kit (actually really good one). And a meccano stegosaurus. Clear winner.
  6. Yeah SMG_MAN is a very diff time zone, We recorded in his morning, our evening on a weekend so it all worked out. GZDoom for preference, for compatibility reasons. Looking forward to it!
  7. Thanks! That's not a problem, UK here and I'm sure there'll be some overlap, especially on a weekend. Thanks for adding the starts. I'm just editing up extra levels with SMG man, and we've to organise a day to record the next lot but you know.. Santa season so everything's slowed down a bit.. But I am working on them on and off.. they're coming. Busy busy season and all is all.
  8. Hey thanks! Feedback is super handy whilst I'm figuring this thing out so I really appreciate it. If you want to add a note to the thread in the initial post as I'm using that to organise, but if you've created something doom and you're happy to hop in-game with me we'll work out a way to make it work! Just add something to that thread when you're ready and I'll add you to the que!
  9. Thanks! I appreciate you saying so!
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