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This a hot-spot hidden away in a dimension sealed within and from the obscured realm known as "reality." Download links: https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-iii/addons/uac-dimension-1-12 https://www.gamefront.com/games/doom-iii/file/u-a-c-dimension-1-and-1-2?n=1 https://archive.org/details/UAC_Dimension_1_05 https://gamebanana.com/mods/516657 U.A.C. Dimension 1 1/2 Video Tour:
I completed an exhibition DeathMatch using SABot:
Silver, grey, and sullen with a dash of glowing green is this custom creation from you to me. Dead simple and small, yet crammed with my strategic possibilities, I doubt you've ever seen such a morbid fragging pit-based scene. Made for duels, just one versus one, is intense close-quarters combat fun; keep up your guard at all times and prepare to fight and run. The sky is gloomy and dark as Hell with no glimpse of a sun. Give it a chance if you love hot-blooded fights using all the skills needed to win with power, speed, intelligence and might! Can't promise you will love what gets sampled, but go on now -- I end my sincere heartfelt ramble to get you to download this map on a daring gamble! The U.A.C. Dimension Video Tour: Download Links: https://www.moddb.com/company/id-software/addons/the-uac-dimension https://gamebanana.com/mods/513680 https://www.gamefront.com/games/doom-iii/file/the-u-a-c-dimension
https://www.moddb.com/company/id-software/addons/unyielding-death https://www.gamefront.com/games/doom-iii/file/unyielding-death https://gamebanana.com/mods/512815 Unyielding Death This area has secrets too hot to handle; Secrets that can not leak to the outside world: This will likely be a secret for which to die. . . The classified "Unyielding Death" zone can not be forgotten. This secret experimental domain will remain obscured. . . from recorded history itself. Video Tour of Unyielding Death:
Hatred and murderous intent poison the air here, in an area perfect for a cursed arena. Soldiers battle in this demonic church made for offering tribute to and for unholy worship of a false god. Video Tour: Map Contents: Weapons: Super Shotgun Nailgun Super Nailgun Rocket Launcher Items: (x2) "25" Health Quad Damage Green Armor Ammo: Small Shells Big Spikes/Nails File Download Sites: Internet Archive ModDb GameFront Techno Church of The Baron of Hell "NAV" File Demonstration: Do you not have the chance to play with human opponents, but want to enjoy Techno Church of The Baron of Hell? I made a solution: The file "Techno_Church_of_The_Baron_of_Hell.nav" is for you! Here it is: Techno Church of The Baron of Hell "NAV" file (Direct Download Link) Techno Church of The Baron of Hell ''NAV'' Video Exhibition: Techno Church of The Baron of Hell Exhibition Match with Human Opponent SQUID N TROLL OCTOPUS: Additional Credits to: Friends whose advice in the past and present helped me -- they know who they are.
The power of humanity to resort to calamity as a tactic; The power to rig misfortune and curse as if dark magic; The power made from sinister intention truly fantastic. . . This is the raw spiritual presence of pure evil; Bliss sadistic in the hearts people often reveal: T'is what lives in the hearts of the ne'er-do-well. . . T'is pettiness I, myself, now share with you; Is true certainly I feel pure evil, too: Kills me inside to admit at times evil is what I do. . . Let it take a form, then, we can love and share; Set it to be inverse: love, positivity, and warm care; Get a dose of my imagination and witness what is rare. . . This realm will behold o' my passion and dedication: T'is a world o' mine inheriting my imagination. Bliss, charm, and intense entertainment is my distribution. MAP CONTENTS: Shotgun; Lightning Gun; Plasma Gun; and Grenade Launcher. Invisibility. (2x) "25" Health orbs and (8x) "5" Armor Shard orbs. (2x) Bullet orbs; (2x) Shell orbs; Lightning orb; Cell orb; and Grenade orb. ADDITIONAL CREDIT TO: "Battle for Everyone's Souls"/"Battle Hymn of the Soul" Composer {目黒 将司} Shouji Meguro/Meguro Shouji, whose song the music in this file was sampled and made into a truly transformative form. VIDEO TOUR OF "Subtle Evil": EXCLUSIVE DOOMWORLD PREVIEW IMAGES: File Download Links: https://archive.org/details/subtle-evil https://www.gamefront.com/games/quake-3-arena/file/subtle-evil https://www.moddb.com/games/quake-iii-arena/addons/subtle-evil
Nightmare Birth Place: A Quake III: Arena Project Where do dreams most beautiful go when they die? Where is their grave after ugly reality buries them? Where else?; In a realm where in dreams decompose, becoming fertile nightmare material; They traverse, entering the land of slumber; To linger and reincarnate as beautiful nightmares that haunt fantastic space. The ultimate destiny for all my nightmares travel here. . . The dark shadows scatter shards of my past ambitions and hopes that consume the light of my dreams; The evil intentions to pierce with power my adversary retribution devour this domain made most beautiful with violence and tenacious steel. The convictions of my synergized dying and dead dreams unifying with my undying lingering nightmares past, present, and future make manifest this product of my absolute best efforts -- this world awaiting you and your opponent being proof such sheer strength in my determination and steel resolve is indeed reality. Video Tour of Nightmare Birth Place: Sample Images: File Download Links: https://archive.org/details/nightmare-birth-place https://www.moddb.com/games/quake-iii-arena/addons/nightmare-birth-place https://www.gamefront.com/games/quake-3-arena/file/nightmare-birth-place Map Contents: Shotgun; Lightning Gun; Railgun; Plasma Gun; and BFG10K. Invisibility; and Quad Damage. (2x) "25" Health orbs and "100" Heavy Armor. (2x) Bullet orbs and (2x) Shell orbs. Additional Credits to: Song sample used originated from "Kick Back" by Kenshi Yonezu. PumaCatOOHHH, for the offer of assisting as a consultant. A certain hard-to-impress special someone. . . she knows who she is.
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Reviver replied to Neurosis's topic in Everything Else
From my "refocused" revision version of "Plane Perfection": -
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Reviver replied to Neurosis's topic in Everything Else
Special Screenshots exclusive to Doomworld of "Plane Perfection": -
Quake 1/2/3 - Working Webpages with Models, Maps etc.
Reviver replied to Azuris's topic in Everything Else
PLANE PERFECTION [REFOCUSED] What is true "perfection?" Merriam-Webster may define perfection as: "freedom from fault or defect : FLAWLESSNESS"; "MATURITY"; "the quality or state of being saintly"; "an exemplification of supreme excellence"; and/or "an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence." A human such as myself in the refocusing of Plane Perfection sought "supreme excellence" more so than grasping for "FLAWLESSNESS" in developing and fine-tuning Plane Perfection. Despite my best efforts, my humanity asserts itself upon me flaws I commit in my crusade to create something with "an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence." With all that I ever was, that I am, and ever will be, I crafted this nightmare made from my joys and frustrations to create an epic duel(s) for you and your opponent. Weapons: Shotgun Lightning Gun Railgun Plasma Gun BFG10K Power-Ups: Invisibility Quad Damage Items: (2x) "25" Health orbs "100" Heavy Armor Ammo: (2x) Bullet orbs (2x) Shell orbs Music: An ambient music track heavily based off of "Swordland" from the anime series "Sword Art Online" OST originally performed as a song cover version by musical artist "Guitar" Hsu. You are now ready to witness "perfection". . . YouTube Video Tour of Plane Perfection [Refocused]: Plane Perfection [Refocused] (00:02:55 in run time) Screenshot Preview(s) and File Downloads available here: Plane Perfection [Refocused] Internet Archive sub-site Alternative File Download site: Plane Perfection [Refocused] ModDB site Sample Images from Plane Perfection [Refocused]: -
Quake 1/2/3 - Working Webpages with Models, Maps etc.
Reviver replied to Azuris's topic in Everything Else
I did a drastic refinement of a Quake III: Arena map and finished up today. I went all-out with regards to gameplay (including with Bots in Single Player Mode), architecture, artistic style, immersive elements, lighting, and strategic options in movement and control tactics: https://archive.org/details/grim-domain Sample Pictures: Visual Tour of Grim Domain: -
Quake 1/2/3 - Working Webpages with Models, Maps etc.
Reviver replied to Azuris's topic in Everything Else
Quake III: Arena Free for All Duel map "Shotgun Domain Reloaded": https://archive.org/details/shotgun-domain -
Greetings, everyone. Perhaps some of you may be interested in the release of Persona 3 Reload. For those not aware of the franchise, Persona is a spin-off series from Atlus, a Japanese company. It is a Japanese-style Role-Playing Game that offers also a simple simulation of Japanese high-school student life and even elements of somewhat elementary "romance" and "relationship" aspects that are called "Social Links." The synergy of battles and balancing personal life on a strict schedule is a major part of the gameplay experience. If you are familiar with Persona titles, then I still recommend at least researching Persona 3 Reload to see if its enhancements and remastering are up to your standards, especially to see if the music is something you can tolerate for extended periods of time. Here is a link that leads to a YouTube video presentation that, without spoilers, is an early example of what can be done in the starting battles of the game: