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Everything posted by brendondle

  1. MASSIVE SPOILERS. I highly recommend figuring this map out for yourself before watching the demo Map30 UV-Max in 4:37 poog30m437.zip
  2. Map31 UV-Max in 8:06 dotw31m806.zip Proof of using software (photosensitivity warning): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1516230151
  3. Dance on the Water on Doomworld Dance on the Water on idgames Dance on the Water on DSDA aka dotw // dotw.wad Oh boy, a wad with a higher average difficulty than dimensions. Glhf everyone :) Important note: Please play Map31 on software rendering Naming convention: dotwxx-yyyy Starting of with a meme demo because of course Map33 UV-Max in 2:50 dotw33m250.zip
  4. Map05 UV-Max in 1:21 poog05m121.zip Map06 UV-Max in 2:29 poog06m229.zip Map12 UV-Max in 4:49 poog12m449.zip
  5. Map02 UV-Max in 5:53 poog02m553.zip Map05 UV-Max in 1:32 poog05m132.zip Map06 UV-Max in 2:44 poog06m244.zip Map08 UV-Max in 4:54 poog08m454.zip Map10 UV-Max in 1:31 poog10m131.zip Map13 UV-Max in 5:13 poog13m513.zip Map16 UV-Max in 9:26 poog16m926.zip Map17 UV-Max in 3:52 poog17m352.zip Map18 UV-Max in 5:34 poog18m534.zip Map23 UV-Max in 9:06 poog23m906.zip Map26 UV-Max in 7:18 poog26m718.zip Map34 UV-Max in 8:48 poog34m848.zip Map35 UV-Max in 0:43 poog35m043.zip
  6. Map24 UV-Max in 12:22 nosp324m1222.zip
  7. Map16 UV-Max in 13:58 has16m1358.zip
  8. Map13 UV-Max in 6:10 has13m610.zip
  9. Map01 UV-Max in 12:57 dmn01m1257.zip Map02 UV-Max in 7:53 dmn02m753.zip Map31 UV-Max in 3:41 dmn31m341.zip Map32 UV-Max in 12:07 dmn32m1207.zip The grind so far has been absolutely insane. Only one more map to go. Thanks everyone for supporting me <3 ily all
  10. I am so honored to be the third person to reply to this legendary thread
  11. Map20 UV-Max in 10:17 nosp320m1017.zip
  12. Map15 UV-Max in 2:59 nosp315m259.zip Sorry for posting two demos of the same map back-to-back. I know it's seen as annoying for some people.
  13. Map15 UV-Max in 3:07 nosp315m307.zip First submitted demo. Hope I did everything correctly.
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