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About Hillerbob

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  1. It definitely looks like there is more stuff in the post than a link to the moddb page
  2. I actually dont know why i made this forum when i dont have any content for it. So i will make sure that i actually have stuff to make a forum about.
  3. I am not very good at writing descriptions for mods but i think that the problem is that i have not spent very much time writing the mod descriptions so i am going to rewrite the description here and hopefully it is better and actually describes this mod
  4. I am going to start making the files for mods ready before i post the forums for mods that i made and I had a file for this Mod almost finished and i was going to post it pretty soon after i made this forum Also on the other posts i have made i provided a link to the mod on moddb that can be downloaded
  5. Work in progress! This is a weapon pack for Doom 2 that attempts to recreate the weapons from the M9K mod. I will try to keep the weapons true to the original weapons from M9K. Link to the mod page is here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/m9k-weapons-pack-for-doom-2
  6. I presume that no one else has contributed to this mod or will and i have a certain feeling that everyone who has seen this has forgot about it and basically all the maps i have made for doom are very linear same for the 2 maps i made for this mod and no one has submitted any maps so i will close this cp soon unless anyone posts any maps which i doubt anyone will.
  7. I have almost finished episode 2 for this mod i just need to make around 2-3 more maps and then it will be done!
  8. I am listening and i spent multiple hours fixing map01 today also i have started working on a vanilla doom 2 mod today that is not a cp or a 200 level mod
  9. Almost finished remaster for level 1 and im decently far from finishing level 2
  10. I was planning on making fixed versions of the levels i made that didn't look very good for this mod i M going to start working on the fixed version today also i did link a few of the moddb screenshots on the forum post and added a guideline for episode 1 and 2
  11. I will get to working on a remastered version of this map today. Also i dont want to cancel this cp because people might have already started making maps to participate in this mod.
  12. I put a bunch of screenshots on the mod page i dont know why they are not showing up for you i can see all the other images
  13. I am contributing to this and i have made the demo level and posted it on moddb i also worked level 2 a lot i probably worked on level 2 for about 3-4 hours today. Also i have realised that 200 levels is definitely way to much i will continue to work on doche mod but i am taking a break for a bit
  14. Don't say you're bad at Doom modding! At least fake being great until you make it all great! Magic lives among us! Don't put yourself down; lift yourself up!

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