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Eugene Krabs

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About Eugene Krabs

  • Rank
    Krabs: Unfinisher of WADS
    Warming Up

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  1. This pic goes hard, feel free to screenshot! This pi
  2. Or, alternatively, doors with knobs that don't open at all. Or conventional door textures that don't open.
  3. Or FreeDoom, if you are a younger fan who doesn't have the spending money
  4. The first part of my story may seem like a deviation, but it will make sense after you read. I'm Gen Z (2003), so a huge part of our culture was Flash games. All of the classes and schools I went to as a young kid had computers. Cool Math and various unblocked sites were the coolest sites. Down the line, we also branched out to other websites and games. We play on our phones, but we also started playing the Oregon Trail on Archive.org. It was kind of the game that the class would watch one kid play, and we would make funny names and see who lives. Rumors of Flash dying were becoming more prevalent, and we all started getting mobile devices, so while we all still played flash games, it wasn't as much as before. (As of 2022, the genre of browser games has died. Seriously, try to find an HTML5 game that isn't a heartless mobile game port or .io game). I started playing the first Shareware Doom (Archive.org) on the class Chromebooks. It was cool, retro, and people would watch. Cut to summer 2016. We were going to travel to Montana, but the trip was canceled. So now I'm stuck at home. I've always wanted to make a game, so I decided to start then. Unity didn't run well on my old computer, so I switched to modding games. I thought back to Doom (and I had recently seen Doom 2) so I decided to make maps for Doom 2. I started with Doom Builder. I didn't really make anything great, just learning the ropes. After summer, I stopped doing Doom stuff. BUT, in 2019 I re-entered the Doom scene. I was older, and had an actual PC. I use Ultimate Doom Builder now. Now i have a 24GB Folder labeled "DOOM". I play other games, but I always find that I default back to Doom. I still haven't made anything that great, but I'm planning on dropping at least one of my WADS on /idgames.
  5. what was wrong with you during this night?

  6. I personally wish for more. Especially the kinds with commentators, not only gameplay. Imagine having a Doom version of Mumbo Jumbo, or dare I say, Dream.
  7. Arg Arg Arg! I rememb'r me first time in VR Doom. I thought i had died and gone to heaven. and best of all, i got a VR Port for FREE!! Ag ag ag ag!
  8. spongebob me boy, I’ve snorted an entire suitcase of ketamine and I’m going to fucking die


    1. Eugene Krabs

      Eugene Krabs

      Arghaghaghaghagh i have just huffed a paint bucket with a Pain Elemental arghaghaghaghagh

    2. Dubbag


      did you get paint all over me first Pain Elemental?

  9. I've ended up using Ultimate Doom Builder 24/7, because i feel like its the most fleshed out one that isn't a decade old. I also use Slade for tasks like MAPINFO stuff. So what do you guys use?
  10. Had no idea there was just a "wad hosting" website
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