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About Alephany

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    Green Marine

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  1. Well I had the idea but several problems appeared : 1. Some maps use special code within those map slots. 2. I have no clue on how to do it. 3. We had too little time to even try it.
  2. I love what this guy has been doing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sjd71luVtQ
  3. Too bad we couldn't make a hub for an easier accessibility for all maps in one wad. It was still a pleasure to make!
  4. If someone drops, I'd like to give it a try if possible of course.
  5. The Community Chest MAP29 NoMo in 09:20:63 cchest-29-NoMo.zip
  6. The Community Chest MAP29 NoMo 100% Secrets in 10:53:71 cchest-29-NoMo100.zip
  7. MAP02 NoMo in 01:20:09 FHC-02-NoMo-10012024.zip
  8. I would have joined but after reading the rules, it's clear to me I won't have enough time nor experience to complete a map. Which is a bit sad because the sky in episode 4 looks astounding!
  9. Can someone tell me how do I fix this problem? Out of nowhere, the categories for the textures disappeared and I don't know how I can get it back.
  10. For the next update, there will be something after taking this portal instead of finishing the map. I won't show it here, you'll have to see it for yourself.
  11. I had NeuralUpscale2x_Smooth Weapons so I think this was the problem.
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