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About ProfBloom

  • Rank
    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Played through the first 12 maps tonight, loving it so far. Gorgeous maps, great combat, and things don't drag despite high kill counts. Nice and zesty, too! Can't wait to play more!
  2. Finished this tonight, had a total blast with it. Map 13, holy smokes. What a beginning and what an ending! I thoroughly loved the animated texture for the shifting colors, too. Great job, everyone!
  3. I'm excited to play this! The screenshots look gorgeous.
  4. Played through the first ten maps, absolutely loving it so far! It's very classical Doom feeling, with handsome maps, nice combat, and great callbacks to great wads of the past. Very excited to play more, awesome work, Cartel!
  5. Finished playing through this tonight, had a blast from start to finish. The only real flaw I found was in map 06, there's no way out of those fountains. Stellar work overall, though, loved it, great work everyone!
  6. I opened this without reading the MIDI credits and nearly got whiplash at the title screen music. I can't tell you what a smile that put on my face. Can't wait to play this!
  7. Played the whole thing start to finish in one sitting last week and had a total blast. My main thoughts are that the sound effects need audio balancing (some lifting sectors were way louder than others) and that it would be nice if secrets were all tagged. Had a total blast otherwise, really great work, Darch!
  8. I ate a lot of Junkfood tonight and it was fun as hell. Only about a quarter of the way through, but having a total blast. Great job everyone!
  9. Started this tonight, totally blown away by the creativity and fun on display. Just mind blowing stuff. I wish I could actually go to the cinema for a 5D John Romero film...
  10. Finished RC2 tonight in a single sitting, had a total blast! I may or may not have had to restart Map 06 to make sure I had a lot of cells left for the ending... Totally loved the whole time, and agreed with others, map 7 was a lot easier for me than map 6. Awesome stuff all around, I feel thoroughly squonked and satisfied.
  11. Finished RC3 tonight, what a great set! The visuals are spectacular and the fights are really well balanced and fair. Very seldom did I ever feel overwhelmed, and I'm not great at slaughter gameplay. I didn't run into any glitches this time, either. Awesome work!
  12. Played through the first seven maps of this tonight, had a total blast. I love the look of the maps, and the fights are engaging, a bit spicy, but very fair. One thing I noticed, there are two red skull keys in the red skull key fight in map 6. There's one with the cyberdemon, and one on the altar surrounded by eyeballs. Other than that, I haven't noticed many rough edges. Awesome set, and I can't wait to finish it!
  13. Gorgeous map! I found the difficulty totally reasonable, not too hard at all. Really enjoyed it from start to finish, I'm very partial to maps with lots of purple.
  14. I'm so blown away by how fun map 33 was. I got to it while playing tonight, and it was just a total blast. The entire wad has been spectacular so far, it's been such a joy to play.
  15. So glad to see this finally released, it's a banger of a map! Great job on it, Spoon!
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