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About SlippySlipper

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  1. No idea. Sorry I keep forgetting that I have this account
  2. It's working now! Turns out tartaurus doesn't have a different start screen. All I had to do was hit new game, select the difficulty and everything worked.
  3. So I click and drag Tartaurus.WAD onto Gzdoom.exe and click doom 2 when it asks which Game to play. It comes up and just runs doom 2 as usual. Sorry I can't describe much when it comes to computer lingo
  4. Still can't run Tartarus for whatever reason. Not that I'm ready for it lol
  5. Sorry I can only reply so many times per day. What is file hierarchy?
  6. What's weird is it works for Brutal Doom no problem, but when I try a new WAD it just decides to run the original WAD files
  7. I have no idea what any of this means lol. Sorry
  8. I tried this. It just loads Doom 2. Or Doom 1 depending on which I click
  9. How do I load user made WADs? I try the whole drag and drop thing with GZDoom and all it does is ask which of the Official Doom WADs to load.
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