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About Fidchell

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  1. This is a very interesting point to bring up, never quite thought of mapping in Doom 1 and working with the lesser amount of resources. I personally have barely played any Doom 1 WADs because of what she said at the end there, but I did enjoy Episode 4 quite a bit. Struggle is such a great example in aesthetics and gameplay. It's got a few unique maps that really accentuates Antares' style, ones where it's a large environment but enemies around every corner (yet having limited movement), which I can as being too intense, but I feel like every placement is deliberate and you still have plenty of room to move around and take cover. It seems people generally want a lot of space when it comes to hordes of enemies rushing in, and of course this is understandable. I'm amazed that despite the very tight spaces in it, Going Down is a WAD that many people seem to love despite the amount of enemies that are thrown at you later on. And sure, the spaces get more open later on in some maps, but I feel compared to many Slaughter maps it mostly maintains those tighter spaces. The way it seems to go against the grain is fascinating to me. That can be true for some maps, I agree. Maps by Ribbicks or Danne, however, I found were exceedingly difficult, but usually had another way to approach the masses of demons, whether it was before or during the encounter. They had me think outside the box and approach the fight differently; I would often catch myself doing the same exact strategy over and over again which is a really bad habit of mine. When I tried something new and thought about the situation, I would usually succeed rather quickly! Slaughter I feel can be great if mapped with a lot of attention to the layouts of geometry itself and enemy placement.
  2. There are plenty of people out there I noticed that don't care for maps that center around mass amounts of enemies in a concentrated space, aka Slaughter. I've been playing Speed of Doom recently and noticed that there was a bit of a split in player opinions on how it develops late into Episode two. As someone who enjoys fighting off armies of demons in this style, I have some questions: What don't you like about slaughter maps? What type of gameplay do you typically prefer? What do you consider your favorite WAD of all time and what do you love about it? This is all purely out of curiosity and I'm not against anyone who dislikes slaughter. Thanks for your time!
  3. I think I might have figured it out, so I'm posting again in case someone else has this issue. I followed Valve's advice (using the compatibility options under the admin options) but it was not enough unfortunately. This seems to happen most when there are more than 3 people, linedefs just suddenly not working all over the place. I went to restart a map every time we would enter it and the linedefs appear to work when I do this! We have to pistol start, but it's better than being stuck in a big holdup because a linedef isn't tripped.
  4. Hey, everyone! I've been trying to host a server for some friends to play some Doom Co-op, but some maps unfortunately seem to break while they run fine on Singleplayer. Specific examples are Valiant Map09 and Ancient Aliens Map15. Both maps have issues with certain sectors rising/lowering so it prevents us from progressing. Any help would be appreciated!
  5. The MIDI is a rendition of Mother Zone from Megaman Legends 2. If you want the MIDI itself, you can pull it out of the WAD with Slade.
  6. Alright! I've decided that I want to end progress on this specific map. I've fallen into the trap of putting more time into making the map look pretty rather than having good, nicely flowing gameplay. Turns out for me making a more classic type of level where you roam around is a lot tougher for me than the more arena-type of map I did for my first outing! This has taught me how important it is for me to plan a level ahead of time, so thanks for hosting this event, Scwiba! I'll leave the WAD here for anyone who is interested, but I'm not terribly proud of it. I'm still very willing to hear any feedback anyone has even with its clear flaws. It's Boom-compatible with implemented difficulties, tested in DSDA-Doom and GZDoom. https://mega.nz/file/XmIhFZTL#wshgzu7yXTTcHUDk3dRrjQSfPQkepRuqkOVaWYUNew4
  7. Very pretty, the purple and green look nice together here. Holy crap, that's an impressive amount of maps for just this month! Not just that but they even look somewhat complex from here. You planning on releasing these in a pack?
  8. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to do more than one map this month. This one turned out a lot bigger than I was anticipating and I was spending Oct playing spooky games so that didn't help! I'll be sure to release it for you guys to try out (even though it's supposed to be a part of something larger), but I should do more testing. Here are a couple more screenshots in the meantime. Adding some lighting and finishing up the last area which has a tiny farmstead.
  9. Some more screens! I doubt I'll finish this pack by the end of this month with this pace, but I'll try to at least get a couple done.
  10. First map in the pack will be a start in a dreary and eroded ravine-type environment, which opens up a little later into a tiny settlement. Experimenting with mixing different earthy textures, trying to make something that looks natural and has been under rough weather.
  11. Good luck to everyone! I will attempt a small pack of several maps with an outdoor theme with a castle and arena type area waiting at the end, a mix of traditional run and gun with some tough slaughter bits later on. May be a bit much for one month but I'll aim to get as much done as I can amidst a bunch of other tasks! Looking forward to seeing everyone else's projects!
  12. Sign me up! I've finished my first map recently and I'm down to do something a little larger, a mini-map pack with around several maps, time willing. Thanks!
  13. I definitely tried to make UV a challenging experience, but thanks for making this video, as it showed me where the ammo issues were apparent! Next time I'll make sure to do runs without taking advantage of secrets.
  14. Thank you three for the feedback thus far. It seems my biggest flaw as a mapper so far is ammo balance! I think I had the dual mindset of not only having knowledge of the map and its threats but also knowing where the secrets are, which can be a big help for sure. I also like to make use of infighting wherever I can, so that helped a good deal with ammo conservation and made certain fights, namely the yellow key fight, doable with what I had. In the future I'll certainly try to make beginning sections more bearable with a better arsenal as well. I'm glad you guys enjoyed the sights at the very least!
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