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Sneezy McGlassFace

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About Sneezy McGlassFace

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    Formerly known as HrnekBezucha
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  1. A little something in the works, not as intimidating as it seems, i swear. Snowy gothic fast paced action, a little inspired by rush. (I don't know how to make it just animated pic so it is what it is)
  2. Don't know how to make this an animation so it's a tiny video. Something to look forward to, asexual pride colour scheme
  3. The real question is when the demonic invasion would happen. The godemperor Elon (praised be) promised mars cargo ships next year (2025) now that SpaceX is already set up on the moon, oh wait
  4. E1M6, Central Processing. Trying to seem smarter than actually is.
  5. There's a source port called ponky-doom that changes the order of menu items every time they're displayed. Among many other shenanigans. Youtube
  6. I didn't know any English first time I played it, and i figured out that the first is easiest and it gets harder each step down. All games i knew had it the same way.
  7. The only problem with this is that (to my knowledge) it doesn't give more money to the developers, artists and publishing crew who put everything together. These people get their wage, and everything else after that is absorbed by the company. There are performance bonuses if the game does well but that's different to the idea that if you buy a helmet skin for $5, the person who designed it gets a little kickback. They don't.
  8. I empathise with you, believe me. I can spend weeks or months on a map, and sometimes twenty people ever play it and give feedback. That's a pain every creator feels, in Doom or anything else. But the thing is - they don't have to. We're not entitled to praise for making something. That's not how that works.
  9. I absolutely agree, games are expensive to make. Keeping this many employees for this long costs a lot of money. The thing I would push against is about this from an older ign article. Source Perhaps, games wouldn't need to be this expensive if people were paid in a more sensible way. I'm sure Bobby (and other higher-ups across the whole industry) do do some important work, but I have a hard time accepting they contribute as much to the game in proportion to their pay.
  10. This thing you said in the article really got me. Feeling obligated to buy the new doom, even if it doesn't seem all that appealing just so id software wouldn't get broken up. I'm paraphrasing. Because especially lately, it sure seems like there's no pleasing the corporate machine. If a studio does poorly, they get closed, but even if a studio does really well, and their game is both financial and critical hit, they get closed too. Prime example being Hi-fi Rush developers, Tango Gameworks. It's a relatively low budget game, reaching to universal acclaim, everybody talked about it, and how they want more games like it. Good job, Tango congratulations for this great achievement, now clear your desks, you're all fired. What's going on here? So does it really make sense to throw 70 bucks in the gaping maw of executives who didn't actually make the game in hopes they'll keep id away from the chopping block? That's a lot of money for something you don't really want to buy, don't you think? By the way, you don't owe them anything. Yes, id is a legend in the industry but that status should never be used as a leverage over you as a customer. None of us is responsible for their success / failure. It's a company, and companies aren't friends. My last AAA game purchase was Saints Row IV, which was -holy crap- in 2013. Gone for indies since then. Small games made with passion. That's where the real innovation is, that's where soul is, not just seeking infinite growth at all cost. Yes, you have to sift through a mountain of garbage to find the real gems but they are there, and they're well worth the effort. For 70 bucks you can get 2-5 top tier indie games that will be way more fun than a single big budget AAA release, guaranteed. Plus, with indies you're far more likely to pay money for the game and then have the complete game, none of the exploitative in-game slot machine bullshit for cosmetics and features and what not.
  11. I think that anybody can make a map, and I'd encourage everyone to give it a try. But don't feel like you have to. It's not a requirement or an expectation. We're all here because we enjoy doom. Whether we play or make maps or music or textures or work on the engine or whatever else. If you wanna contribute, playing and giving feedback is great way to do so.
  12. Hey, Eureka is my editor of choice! Sure feels like it's from past century despite being updated somewhat recently. Actually, i didn't know it's got mbf21 support. Did you make it boom format and looked up the new numbers for line triggers? Good job
  13. Oh, fam! I'm knee-deep in projects as is but I'd love to make an asexual-themed map for this. Black-gray-white-purple is just such a perfect palette. Count me in.
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