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Krystle Kris

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About Krystle Kris

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  1. So this is the page for the stream, if you want it. I don't know how to embedd properly but you should be able to go over and watch it on twitch. As I said before, this was the first 11 maps, up to Factory. It turns into Stardew later, so you can skip that if you want. Just figured I'd show my playthrough and some of my musings. I couldn't get the secret in Map 03 behind the exit, so I cheated and jumped. I am using GZDoom because it's what i had on my computer, but without mouselook, but with mouse enabled for turning. It takes me a while to figure out how to get it to record without keeping it at frame. The technical difficulties stop at around the 10-11 minute mark. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1279093574
  2. So, I did the first 11 levels + the 3 secret levels. Then I swapped to Stardew, but yeah, if you wanna see my playthrough so far, here it is. I'll stream the rest some other day. When / if I can figure out how to link something here correctly, I'll link it.
  3. I genuinely fear for our boredom, if people remember the boring sections as *even more boring* than they were because of select memory and stuff. I fear for when Plutonia shows up... for our lives. If you thought the OG plutonia had Chaingunners and Revenants everywhere, I'm certain our memories are gonna make them even more common.
  4. 'Tis unfortunate. But at least you can read the changed text on the OG thread, if you're curious.
  5. Aw, you didn't take a look at my End Screen Text? I even did that one from memory, too!
  6. Sure. Just be warned it's probably even more cursed than these. I won't spoil the super-cursed stuff, but just, uh, I'm pretty sure people had a little more fun than they should in those ones. Sometimes because they gave up on remembering what was actually in the map so they made it more 'fun,' or because they wanted to embellish it a little more than the plain, drab things that they knew they remembered.
  7. Fair enough. I was just giving a reason for the way off things. Like I said, if you knew the SSG is in a map, in a seperate room, but don't remember where it was or what the room looked like, you'd just place it in a random room somewhere. Kind of explains the waterfall room. You know there's a water room that you jump into and there's a key there, but you forgot where it was, or how to make it connect the way you remember it connecting in the space you have. That's another big reason some things may seem way off; trying to connect rooms together when you've made something off means you have to try and figure a new way to connect them, leave them unconnected, etc, or maybe leave something out or change its location because it doesn't fit in with what you have already. Anyway, glad to know you still enjoyed it. ^_^ I can't wait for TNT or Evilution from memory. I honestly have no memory of the text screens in those games, so if I write for them, that'll be fun.
  8. Thanks for noticing the text was a little different! I wrote the intermisison screens as I stated a couple posts above on my other account, 'mistylear19.' I wasn't able to log in or recover it, so I just started using this one since I only really posted in that thread to begin with and apparently had this just lying around here.
  9. I'm surprised you didn't get the secret exit in map 02. Also, I'm surprised you didn't notice that the teleporter and switch were on the wrong sides in Map 03. Also, there weren't doors connecting back to the teleport and switch to the middle structure.
  10. I can't be sure for every map, but some of the 'really wrong' things here can also be attributed to the fact some of the map makers aren't really mapmakers at all and some haven't played certain Doom 2 maps in over ten years! That could easily lead to the strange SSG room in Underhalls, where you know it was in a room with computers, but where was it, exactly? Some may be map makers deliberately making it screwy, but I know for a fact that's how it was for some people! I wrote all of the intermission screen dialogue; I didn't even remember there being an intermission screen for Nirvana when I first set off to do it, and I've played them more recently than ten years ago!
  11. Wow, I'm late to the party. I'll have to stream this at some point. I had a huge issue with personal security, scams and viruses all happening at once that kind of drove this in the back of my mind. Funnily enough, it was watching Decino play a haste map and say "That's what I get for playing in OpenGL" that reminded that this was a thing I helped contribute to.
  12. So that's all the maps, right? That's the most important bit done, yeah? Now just to wait for the WAD to finish being implemented. We'll probably have to replace music and update the WAD release as music trickles in as to not delay this even further.
  13. Aw, you got the noclipping mancubus fireballs! Woo! It'll be fine. The map doesn't need to be the best, because if it was, people would doubt it was from memory! Also, only 2 maps left! Woo!
  14. 2 more midis (one which is still unclaimed) and 3 more maps. Woo!
  15. 4 maps left. I can't wait to stream this. I'll probably end up being a beta tester for the full WAD. xD Also, since we have Map 33, does that mean we'll have to go back to Underhalls and add the secret exit to it if it's not there already?
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