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About Korni27

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    The Hovering Threat
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  1. If I can take two, it would be cool if I can take slot 10 and 32.
  2. This sounds insane... I'm in. I'm up to create some maps and music if I'm allowed
  3. watched the entire playthrough, I am so sorry for subjecting you to the torment of my maps
  4. I've been dabbling in making midis for Doom, and I've created some tracks for Doom GPT, outside of that I've been making some music for myself to use somewhere, but I thought why not spread it around somewhere, and gain some criticism, or tips or whatever else D_ACCELERATION (Acceleration) This is a by ear midification of a song made by Machine Of Loving Grace called Acceleration. The Solos aren't from the song and I kinda made them on the spot, as I didn't have any notes or stuff like that. Overall I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, as I tried to midify songs twice before, and the results were mixed, to say the least D_ASS (Laser Beams) I do not know why the file is called ass, probably because I created this one during school with some adjustments made by me afterward. The 'solos' are kinda good in my opinion and the song is kinda catchy as I have been humming it to myself sometimes D_EYE (EYE ball JudgE) I remember I was trying to make this one sound like System Shock OST D_FAILURE (Peace) This is one of the surprisingly calmer songs. There was an older version of this song, but this is the remade version, my buddies say it's the best one I made so far, so I trust them lmao D_NECOARC (I FUCKING LOVE NECO ARC) Is a midification or Great Cat's Village R from Melty Blood Type Lumina, the last solo is completely fucked as by ear I for the life of me cannot replicate it D_OVERLOAD (Overload, the overlord) It was made for Doom GPT's Intermission screen, my first attempt at a 'solo' and I still look fondly at it. D_SZTRATBAT (Sztratbat) Sztratbat is how a unit in Company Of Heros 2 is referred to, It was made out of sheer boredom D_TASAK (Jebać Kurwy Tasakami) The title is a Polish saying, kinda. Google it if you want to, anyhow this was made when I was bored with my friends on the VC so I decided to make music with them The WIP folder contains short midi clips, of riffs or leads that I thought would sound cool, or that came to my head Anyhow, You can use them wherever you want, just give me some credit or something in a text file. And if any more experienced musicians or whoever else wants to leave a critique and or tips on how to get better, I would really appreciate any comment Music.zip
  5. Oh right, I believe someone pointed out how this sector isn't affected by anything, which was true, and I didn't know what this monster closet was for, so to make it simple I deleted it, maybe it was an earlier version of the map but those sectors weren't connected to anything and prevented some beta testers to get 100%
  6. Can you give me screenshots of what you mean, I was tweaking the maps and fixing bugs and I cannot remember what you mean from the top of my head
  7. Yeah my bad, I was tasked with picking music that will fit for the maps. At first i created a custom track for MAP01 which is now playing for MAP02, as I was informed that in the description generated by ai it said to play running from evil. If anyone else wants the music changed or if anyone wants me to make a custom song you can PM me. I'll then send it over to @iddq_tea
  8. It was because it was not working sometimes, I remember changing it as it was reported that it soft locked some beta testers
  9. Exactly, I think this is one of the only way to make crushers actually a threat to the player, instead of accidentally walking into one
  10. Zombieman - Zombieman Shotgunner - Shotgunner Chaingunner - Chaingunner, oh God oh fuck (only if in a monster closet) Imp - Imp Hellknight - Hellknight Baron of Hell - Baron Lost Soul - Lost Soul, Little Fucker Mancubus - Mancubus Cacodemon - Caco, Tomato Arachnotron - Arachnotron Pinkie/Spectre - Pinkie/Spectre Pain Elemental - Pain Elemental, Meatball Archvile - Archie, Cunt Revenant - Revenant, Skelington Cyberdemon - Cyberdemon, Cyby, Cyber Spider Mastermind - Spider Mastermind, Mastermind, Oh first one, glad someone remembered about her, it's only been 28 maps SS Guards - SS That's my list of how I nickname the demons in doom
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