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The DANDY Company

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Everything posted by The DANDY Company

  1. Haha thanks! We did the final part (part 5) last night. Link is in the usual place. Had a blast! Andarch The DANDY Company
  2. So sorry for the delay. Here's a small example. Note that this method only works if you set the player property frozen to TRUE, or else the view will jerk back and forth when reaching the angle limit. Not 100% why, but maybe you or someone can figure out how to get it to work while not frozen. You can download the example wad from our Google Drive here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AOOzgX7NPXynWY-4lZEvNo6dfcwpKeY1&amp;usp=drive_fs Here is the ACS code used in the example: #include "zcommon.acs" #define PLAYER_ANGLE_MIN 0.65 #define PLAYER_ANGLE_MAX 0.85 #define PLAYER_PITCH_MIN -8.0 #define PLAYER_PITCH_MAX 22.0 Script "ConstrainPlayerAngle" ENTER { SetPlayerProperty(0, 1, PROP_FROZEN); while(TRUE) { int playerAngle = GetActorAngle(0); int playerPitch = GetActorPitch(0); //Constrain player angle to bounds if(playerAngle < PLAYER_ANGLE_MIN) SetActorAngle(0, PLAYER_ANGLE_MIN); else if(playerAngle > PLAYER_ANGLE_MAX) SetActorAngle(0, PLAYER_ANGLE_MAX); //Constrain player pitch to bounds if((playerPitch << 8) < PLAYER_PITCH_MIN) SetActorPitch(0, PLAYER_PITCH_MIN >> 8); else if((playerPitch << 8) > PLAYER_PITCH_MAX) SetActorPitch(0, PLAYER_PITCH_MAX >> 8); Delay(1); } } Andarch The DANDY Company
  3. Do the other parts of the script work? Andarch The DANDY Company
  4. It's a .rar file, and it can be opened with WinRAR or a similar app. Andarch The DANDY Company
  5. You're welcome. We'll update the post above with more links once we've gone through more levels. FYI, we did start to use cheats around something like level 10 for the sake of keeping the stream length reasonable cause some levels are pretty tough even with two people hehe. Not a bad thing though :) Andarch The DANDY Company
  6. Edit: Added link to Part 5, the conclusion of this series. We streamed this awesome wad in 2-player co-op on Twitch. The stream videos are available on our YouTube channel: Part 1 (Level 1-10) Part 2 (Level 11-15) Part 3 (Level 16-20) Part 4 (Level 21-25) Part 5 (Level 26-32) Andarch & TomServoCrow The DANDY Company
  7. Hi everyone, It’s been 3 months since the full release of Doom Returns, and we’ve had about 500 downloads so far, but the only comments we received are the ones above. Has anyone played through all 36 levels? Or at least some of them? We’d love to hear your feedback, good or bad. Thanks! Andarch & TomServoCrow The DANDY Company
  8. Yes sorry I didn’t get to this yet. I’ll try to cook up something later today. Andarch The DANDY Company
  9. When using SetHudSize, you have to specify the actual coordinates. So instead of 0.5 for the x/y coordinates, try 50.0. (See the Coordinate Behavior section on this page: https://zdoom.org/wiki/SetHudSize)
  10. Try moving the MAPINFO lump to the root of the PK3 instead of inside the .wad file?
  11. Do you have external resources like in another wad file or pk3 file? Maybe something needs to be added to the configuration in UDB? That’s all I can think of without trying it myself. Andarch The DANDY Company
  12. Do you need to switch the configuration to GZDoom UDMF format? It’s in Doom format by default. Andarch The DANDY Company
  13. I think if you change them to the sprite name and leave them 0 in length and it should still work.
  14. I had the same issue caused by zero-tic TNT1 states in some custom actors. I changed TNT1 to the actual sprite names, and that fixed the issue. Not sure if that’s what you’re experiencing though. Andarch The DANDY Company
  15. Interesting. I wasn't aware of some of those properties because they aren't listed here: https://zdoom.org/wiki/MAPINFO/Intermission_definition#Cast_properties Glad it worked for you though. Andarch The DANDY Company
  16. Exactly. We had to do this in Doom Returns because monsters that had increased scale were appearing way larger than they should have, so I created actors just for the cast call using a scale that would appear correctly. Andarch The DANDY Company
  17. I have added the below text to the release post: Important notes Doom Returns is not intended to be played with any additional mods loaded. While some mods might technically be compatible, loading additional mods might break the game and/or make some levels unbeatable due to custom scripting/events. Additionally, a few levels have assets (such as textures, sprites, and sounds) that are intended to guide the player. Mods that change these types of assets might make completing some levels extremely difficult or impossible. Doom Returns is intended to be played with mouse look. While it might not be absolutely required to finish the game, a few secrets might require you to look/aim up or down to locate and/or activate them. Also consider that 3D floors and stacked sector portals are occasionally used to add verticality to levels, and navigation might be difficult without mouse look. Jump and crouch are disabled by default in Doom Returns. Enabling them will likely ruin the intended experience by making it possible to bypass sections of some levels. Doom Returns is designed for pistol-start on every level. Modifying this in any way might break some levels. Andarch The DANDY Company
  18. Sorry, Doom Returns wasn’t tested for compatibility with other mods. I’m not sure what would cause this, but I can tell you that we didn’t change anything related to scaling for items. It’s important to note that Doom Returns is intended to be played as-is, and loading other mods might break things and/or make levels unbeatable due to custom scripting/events. Andarch The DANDY Company
  19. Not sure, but I can provide an example based on what we did for the tank, and maybe it will be helpful. I'll try to do this today. Andarch The DANDY Company
  20. Hi everyone, We just streamed the first two levels of the newly released Episode 3 in co-op mode on Twitch! Check out the recording here: https://youtu.be/t8MZ3W6H2K4 Andarch The DANDY Company
  21. If I’m interpreting your question correctly, then yes it’s possible. We did something like this via ACS in Doom Returns for a mechanic in which you are firing a tank gun. The player’s view when controlling the tank gun has limited angles since it wouldn’t make sense for the gun to point all the way up/down or rotate 360 degrees. Is that similar to what you mean? Andarch The DANDY Company
  22. I think I found a solution. But first want to mention that in the map you uploaded, the door linedefs were pointing to Script 0 instead of 2 & 3, so I fixed that. To correct the issue with the door blocking you, I widened the sectors between the line portals and door to 64 units (see image below). For line portals, there must be enough space on the other side of the linedef for an object to pass through the portal. Players are 32 units wide, but I did 64 just to be safe (the original width was 16, which is why the player couldn't fit). Now you can pass through the portal after the door is closed. But I'm not sure what's supposed to happen after that. I'll leave that up to you. I attached the updated wad file to this post (limbo_edited.zip). Also note that you will still hear the door close even though you can't see it because it physically exists close to the line portal. Andarch The DANDY Company
  23. Hi everyone, The full version of Doom Returns is now available! This release (v3.0) is the debut of Episode 3: Descent into Darkness, and it's also the official full and final release of Doom Returns containing all three episodes and a total of 36 maps (each episode contains 10 main maps and 2 secret maps). Updates and improvements have also been made to the first two episodes. Please keep in mind this was a casual project that we worked on in our spare time over the last four years. The maps were made more or less in sequential order, with a few exceptions, so levels generally get more complex the further you go into the game. This reflects how our mapping/modding skills improved over the course of development. Requirements Latest version of GZDoom (v4.11.3 at the time of this writing) in hardware rendering mode DOOM2.wad Important notes Doom Returns is not intended to be played with any additional mods loaded. While some mods might technically be compatible, loading additional mods might break the game and/or make some levels unbeatable due to custom scripting/events. Additionally, a few levels have assets (such as textures, sprites, and sounds) that are intended to guide the player. Mods that change these types of assets might make completing some levels extremely difficult or impossible. Doom Returns is intended to be played with mouse look. While it might not be absolutely required to finish the game, a few secrets might require you to look/aim up or down to locate and/or activate them. Also consider that 3D floors and stacked sector portals are occasionally used to add verticality to levels, and navigation might be difficult without mouse look. Jump and crouch are disabled by default in Doom Returns. Enabling them will likely ruin the intended experience by making it possible to bypass sections of some levels. Doom Returns is designed for pistol-start on every level. Modifying this in any way might break some levels. Download location https://www.itsdandytime.com/doom-returns-downloads Note: In case you can't access that site, here's a direct link to our public Google Drive where the download is: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-R7NjDNh6YxrC_v-iytOwm23DEAq395r?usp=sharing For more info about Doom Returns, visit our website at https://www.itsdandytime.com. Thanks for your patience as we got this completed! We'd love to hear your feedback after you've played it. Andarch & TomServoCrow The DANDY Company
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