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Everything posted by Xenaero

  1. Pretty sweet to see a modern deathmatch set that still pays homage to the chaotic flow of ye olde dm sets, looking forward to seeing this in an event rotation sometime.
  2. Ohhh nice work on a snappy update. I will start my ch4 onward run with this, even if I will miss the giga-perforator just a little bit~
  3. Super honored that Culling Strike took home a MP Caco, a lot of work was put into it by the mapping crew, the vision couldn't have been achieved without them! Also big congrats to @Xaser and the DC crew for Vesper getting a well deserved caco! It was a lot of fun to play in the VesperDM events and a lot of love and care was put into that mapset! Always good to see oldschool multiplayer shine! Same goes for Shane's Vignettes of Deathmatch, a really fun set that really brings to bear the heart of what got us addicted to Doom Multiplayer in the first place. 30 years of Doom, and the various communities surrounding our game have no sign of slowing down!
  4. That was a lot of fun, we went for a full rotation and the server was pretty packed the whole way through! Thank you to all the mappers and modders that made this set possible! Version 1.1 came out shortly after to address an edge case of client-side prediction weirdness with latency and the railgun, which you can download from TSPG when you connect to the server, but that's a wrap! Congratulations to the team!
  5. The games have begun! Look at all these juicy TARGETS in this server!
  6. It's less than an hour away from the public event going live! Of course, we have made a compilation for this event, packing everything that has been made over the past three months into one pk3! If you don't want to download it when the event goes live, you can get it ahead of time here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vdq3rls0q6u0cczav76pm/cullingstrike-v1.pk3?rlkey=8panykvljnzl8k5loe4fnfs6u&dl=0 Because the server is hosted on TSPG, you will need to join a server running Zandronum 3.2 Alpha, so if your server browser will not automatically install testing versions, check this link to get that set up: https://wiki.zandronum.com/Setting_up_testing_versions At the top of the hour, fire up your favorite server browser, be it Doomseeker or Doom Explorer, and look for the Zandronum server [TSPG] Culling Strike Release Party!
  7. It is time! Culling Strike is near completion! We're at our public release this weekend, with a whopping 31 maps, detailed under the following: MAP01: Shaman, by @RonnieJamesDiner MAP02: Avin a Stronk, by @notTyrone MAP03: Technocratic Halls, by @ProverbialGamer MAP04: The Temple of Gloom, by @exl MAP05: Deck 420, by @Remmirath MAP06: Helium, by @Jark MAP07: Cold-Stone Castle, by @RiviTheWarlock MAP08: Hephaestus VII, by @Volasaurus MAP09: Kenough is Kenough, by @Major Arlene MAP10: The Hoezone Lair, by @ProverbialGamer and @Powerful_hoe MAP11: Her Holy Reticulations, by @Insane_Gazebo MAP12: Death and Taxes, by @luca95 and @Major Arlene MAP13: Altar of Arse, by @notTyrone MAP14: Reinforced Concrete Chaos, by @SkeletronMK667 MAP15: Honey, I Shrunk the Corporal!, by @Volasaurus MAP16: Court of Marble & Violence, by @Zergeant MAP17: Guardian of FAP, by @ProverbialGamer MAP18: Brush With Death, by @Remmirath MAP19: Midnight Party, by @Thanatos13official and @Major Arlene MAP20: Sunset Bloodshed, by @CyanoBlugron MAP21: Industrial Migraine, by @exl MAP22: Orbital Platform, by @Guardsoul MAP23: Manor van Slaughter, by @ShakarAtar MAP24: Epic of War, by @StormCatcher.77 MAP25: Infiltrator Training Facility, by @ProverbialGamer MAP26: Technically Speaking (With a Shotgun For a Mouth), by @Major Arlene MAP27: Skylab 9001, by @Kaapeli47 and @ShakarAtar MAP28: The Scornful Wastes, by @SiMpLeToNiUm MAP29: Hell Is Other People, by @Bridgeburner56 MAP30: Oops, All Railguns, by @exl MAP31: Foresta di Alighieri, by @Volasaurus Many of these mappers put a great deal of effort into their creations, including phenomenal work using the model support offered by Zandronum to really give their maps a visual pop! This project was an experiment head-long into using not only a texture set from Makkon that was originally crafted for Quake maps, but also to take the guardrails off deathmatch map design! We wanted to see what could be done with the Zandronum engine while still maintaining that chaotic flow of high-octane deathmatch! Of course, a very special shoutout to @Tango for his phenomenal Supercharge mod. With some special multiplayer-friendly tweaks, it has provided a unique deathmatch experience combined with these maps so passionately crafted by the Hellforge crew! Additionally, some music tracks from @PRIMEVAL were specially crafted for some maps in this project, including one featured in the trailer! Want a sneak peek? Here it is! We hope to see you join us in an action-packed server on Zandronum! On 4pm EST this coming Saturday, look for the server named: [TSPG] Culling Strike Release Party! Download link will be published at that time! Get cozy, because this holiday season, you'll get to frag your friends with a fresh mapset!
  8. It was super cool to hang with everyone! Meeting a ton of people I've known online as screen names for 15+ years, especially in the MP circles, was a treat. I spent more time socializing than I did actually playing but it was fun all-round!
  9. This was fun to play through! I'm excited for the rest of the episode. High quality tunes and maps from the crew.
  10. For those who haven't hopped in the Hellforge Discord, where we're coordinating the project, there have been some developments since the announcement! It has been a busy week! If you want to jump in on the action and try your hand at some multiplayer madness, join the Discord and ping me, I'll get you rolling! If you're interested in contributing a map outside of the Discord, hit me up here and I'll see what I can do to accommodate! Some new powerups have been added to the mix for some extra multiplayer flavor! The Hastesphere! Pick up this cool blue orb and get 30 seconds of increased movement speed and firing speed! The Quadsphere! Touch this crimson orb and feel the power! Specifically, four times your damage for 30 seconds! The Randomsphere! You may be reminded of a Skulltag-era powerup, and it works in a similiar way! You have a chance to pick up a Soulsphere, Megasphere, Hastesphere or Quadsphere when you run into it! Be sure to time it carefully... We're kicking off the mapping period officially starting today! Here's some screenshots from works in progress from @Insane_Gazebo, @notTyrone, @StormCatcher.77, and @ProverbialGamer!
  11. Oh shoot we got a BETA?! I need to squeeze this into my free time somewhere
  12. Hello, my loves! It is my pleasure to announce the start of another big multiplayer-centric map set! Culling Strike is a Zandronum-based Deathmatch community project brought to you by the Hellforge community, aimed at utilizing some of Makkon's texture packs along with @Tango's Supercharge mod! This combination brings together high quality textures and blistering gameplay in a modern take on Deathmatch that you yourself can help shape! You will see a lot of the same faces I worked with on the Hordes of Odamex project that was released last year! This is including but not limited to @Bridgeburner56, @Major Arlene, @Kaapeli47, and more, as they will be helping to bring Culling Strike to a Zandronum Deathmatch Server near you! • Build your maps with an absolute minimum of 8 deathmatch starts, with your map's scope centered on providing an arena accommodating 8-12 players. The intention throughout the project is to have 8 to 12 players respawn comfortably and have a fighting chance! • Spread out your player spawns and weapons for coverage. To clarify, each spawn must be accompanied by a placed weapon. Consider placing armor, powerups and super weapons like the BFG, or Supercharge's Minigun in public spaces for players to fight over! • The default Doom arsenal is replaced by Supercharge variants, but also be mindful of the cool extra weapons like the, Scrapgun, Stomper, Minigun, and awesome Railgun as well! Those should be placeable objects with names prefaced by "Tango", so look for "Tango Minigun", "Tango Scrapgun", "Tango Stomper", and "Tango Railgun" in your UDB weapons list! • We are not using the Skulltag weapons or items/decorations, so don't worry about placing or using anything that doesn't display a sprite while using Zandronum's config. • No inescapable death pits! If a player must take damage in an area, no more than 5% per hit. No instakill pits, everything out of bounds that may do damage must have a way back to the playing field. • Your map must be made in Zandronum UDMF configuration in order to take full advantage of modern features offered by the engine. • Custom MIDIs are allowed, but our skybox and texture selection is going to reference only what's included in the chunky resource pack! • Cleverly placed monsters may become their own sort of environmental hazard that players have to watch out for... It's easy! You make a box, drop in a couple of weapons for your players, and some Deathmatch starts to kick it off! But in all seriousness, please review the following: • View @Doomkid's video about making fun Deathmatch maps! • Additionally, you may find @Decay's post on multiplayer mapping useful: • Want to look at some existing Deathmatch maps yourself to get an idea of how they flow? Fire up Doomseeker in your Zandronum folder and join a server! You can also review some of the great packs here by yourself or with bots*: https://doomshack.org/recommended.html I would particularly recommend Greenwar, UDMX/UDM3, Bourgeois Deathmatch, and Aeon Deathmatch as great examples to check out! *NOTE: You can fight against bots in the source port Zandronum! This can be accessed by selecting Options -> Multiplayer Options -> Offline Skirmish! This is also a great way to get a feel for your map's gameplay loop. Those bullet points may set you on the right track, but before you put linedef to canvas... ➤ Join the Hellforge Discord, where the project is being hosted. Once there, check the #select-your-roles channel where you will find Culling Strike listed at the bottom. Select that reaction emote and join the fun in the Culling Strike category! This will be where you find our resource pack for the project, as well as where the bulk of submissions will occur, but I will also be updating this thread with screenshots of maps that people submit! In addition to keeping abreast of the project on the Discord, you will also get pinged for when we do weekend playtesting and have a blast playing on everyone's maps as they stand so far. Last, but not least, our mapping period will start August 1st and conclude on October 1st, so be sure to have something playable by October 1st and we can work it out through the month to clean up any stragglers. And while there are no limits to the number of submissions, be aware that we really just want your maps to be fun to play! To pique your interest, here are some screenshots from a showpiece map that @Major Arlene has been working on to show off Makkon's textures!
  13. Congratulations on the release! It's not every day a fully fledged CTF mapset hits the floor!
  14. It's cool to see people try their hand at deathmatch mapping, they play pretty well! I like the usages of lighting, something we don't often see in the classic DM packs.
  15. I ended up playing this live and I gotta say, what a project. It's been hours and I'm still actively thinking about various aspects of it. It's an incredible feat of both engine features and storytelling through its structure and events. I got spooked a few really solid times, too. Phenomenal work by everyone involved. It's one of those things in gaming history that I find myself wishing I could re-experience it all over again. Incredible stuff. When I was at one of the endings, I was trying to articulate it to viewers, and really there's very few other ways to describe this as anything other than an experience. Marvelous.
  16. Category: 1 Died on E1M4, 71:08, secret level finished, Kills: 165/280 dwim-july23-xen.zip Made a large tactical error oopsie doodles
  17. Dang this looks wild, good luck on the project! I'm certainly looking forward to playing the result.
  18. This is unfortunately a common complaint, but no one wants to be the first one in the server! There are some events that happen weekly, such as the Monday Night Horde event that happens at 8pm EST, people tend to congregate around that, for example. I routinely see players jump in any multiplayer server for either snap gatherings in their communities or even just to wait for someone to join. Jump in a game and you might find that people will join you!
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