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About Nacho_y

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  1. In my opinion nope. Even though we have such a big community and mod/map creators, that in a way, are the ones that keep all this alive, there is no way that a "massive" influx of people comes just like that and starts mapping. Definitely some newcomers yes but thats all. I think its great that content like these is getting done, and even better, that they get such attention. It a shame the classic game gets outshadowed by the Brutal Doom trend that seems to have stained the game. I have to admit, my childhood entry to gaming was with Doom 2 all the way back in the 2000, then when i grew up i kind of forgot it, and when i came back to see whats up i was like instantly hit with that version of the game; and although i didnĀ“t disliked it at first, i realized that that thing deviated me from the original game, and the real good content that people keep uploading, and even older ones that i didn't even knew. I apologize if this was off topic but i wanted to express this as i feel most of returning players or newcomers may have stumbled upon it like i did. And maybe they will now that i think of it, with this boom on youtube you are mentioning.
  2. I didn't know there was a recreation of Doom 64! I tried the bethesda d64 but didn't like it at all. I will definitely give that a try! As a side note, just saw 1000 lines 3 and its incredible. Thanks for that mention.
  3. Hi. I'm searching wads with interesting visuals so I can get an idea on how to make a good looking one. It has to be with vanilla textures if possible. I remember seeing one that I really liked in a stream, maybe if I can get a screenshot I'll share it so somebody can point me out the name.
  4. Hi, Recently I learned to record demos, I usually do this method where you go to properties of the file and type " -skill 4 -warp 9 -record mydemo" etc. I wanted to know if there is a way to record all the levels I played in one playthrough; because the problem I have is that when I finish the level, the lmp file is saved but if I want to record the next level I have to close the game and manually repeat this command stuff, which, in case I wanted to record an entire WAD set, its pretty tedious. Another thing I wanted to ask is for other demo recording method. I searched around the internet and I've found some but they weren't very well explained (I have no idea about these computer things, when I do want to record something I just use some program, but in this case it's different); I do know there is a way creating a .bat file, I would appreciate if someone can explain me step by step how to do it? Or simply any other method I could use. Right now I use gzdoom because its practically the most accessible port for casuals, but I'm learning to use prboom+ (I've read somewhere that gzdoom isn't recommended for recording demos) so keep in mind I don't have much knowledge on this neither, again, there is not a lot of info on how to use prboom+ not even on YouTube. This may upset some of you but I genuinely have no idea of these things, and there is not even half of threads or info in my native language, therefore Im here.
  5. Hi all. I would like to play a megawad with the "haunted moon base" feeling of the classic doom 1. It's a very broad thing im asking, but i don't know that many megawads at all.
  6. I tried it, it's not, but nonetheless that is some nice maps! thanks the one i remember was like five maps if im not wrong, the first revolved around a small room with 2 windows (from where cacodemons would come) and behind there was 2 doors with an invisible wall (this would open around 5 rounds maybe); the next room was very reddish and once opened the level was just a mess, a lot of demons would surround you, including this black baron of hell. the remaining maps where very similar, with other "special" demons, this is, if im not inventing stuff. maybe i should post this in the "find a specific wad" thread, but i don't think this is a WAD, just a invasion set like Shepardus said.
  7. Hi all. i need help finding a game mode i played years ago that i cannot remember the name, i've been searching around with key words but nothing. this game mode of classic doom was based around specific maps, and you would have to make through rounds, the further the round, more monsters would appear and certain weapons and stuff would become available around the map (the maps were not very big though). i do remember some monsters were stronger, like there was this baron of hell with a black color palette, but maybe that's just a false memory of some wad i played back in the day. i really don't remember the port, but i have a fuzzy memory about skulltag maybe? (sorry if i'm wrong). i would very appreciate it if you could help me, and sorry again if this is not the right place for the thread.
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