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Bochnik Chleba

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About Bochnik Chleba

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. So I'm here with my map, finally.. Map: Just Eleven Galaxies Away Slot: E4MAP20 MIDI: A MIDI rendition of "Sukarabe Fight #3: Moon / Mars", originally from The Hybrid Front //Much well-known being from Valiant map28 Coop starts: Yes DM starts: No Tested in: DSDA //You stand against a huge demonic facility that seemingly stretches to infinity. You will have to get through its void-scape interior to the other side so you can continue on your journey. Screenies:
  2. Hey there, I've kinda forgot that I've signed for this, but seeing this project's renaissaince I will gladly stay and contribute with a map :)
  3. @Demonic Meatball Huge thanks for the generous feedback! I've made a few changes according to it. Change log: Added a backtracking teleport in the exit area Outright removed the bluesphere secret, because I realised just how stupid it was Specific secret doors are now set to Open Stay for better quality of life Aligned some textures where it was necessary unknown echo_v2.wad
  4. There is a switch in that room with the SSG which opens a window, then you go back to the place you start in and jump through onto the SSG. I know I over complicated this, but I just wanted to have some tone setter for the map :) Picture of what I'm talking about: Also thanks for the positive feedback!
  5. Hey there! Just notifying you I had NOT silent quitted and I am still working on my MAP20. I just couldn't work on it consistently because of other priorities, so thats why its taking so long, but now my current focus is to finish this so I don't bottleneck the development. By the way, these maps by folks above me are looking really great :)
  6. Sorry for not responding, but here is my a tad late submission: Name: Unknown echo Slot: MAP31 MIDI: "Gloomy" (from Duke Nukem 3D) by Lee Jackson Tested in: DSDA and Crispy // COOP and DM starts included unknown echo.wad Updated version: unknown echo_v2.wad Screenies:
  7. Here's a quick update on my map: I will try to submit the finished map this week.
  8. I'm still on board. Maybe not able to submit before the deadline, but I will try to finish ASAP.
  9. I've been busy with other CPs and haven't made much progress on my map so far, but I'm still planning to finish it before the deadline. I will try to check-in soon with some screenshots :)
  10. Hi DoomGappy, my map is mostly done (75%). I 've been kinda stuck on making one part of the map, so that's probably why it's been taking so long for me, sorry. Anyways I will send some screenies of finished bits:
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