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About Borg

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    Control (key) freak
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  1. OK. Try this: https://doomshack.org/uploads/Raven.zip It includes a partially completed map 07.
  2. Sorry about that. I will try and get a new link up. I am actually working on adding another map so it may be a while.
  3. Been there. Making each new map better and better and then deciding that all the previous maps are crap.
  4. I am great at measuring as well as knowledge of construction and I make boring maps. I really do envy creative people. You may be a really great mapper and just don't know it.
  5. Thanks for reminding me. I'm 3/4 done with the wad. I had forgotten how much I liked Hellbound.
  6. This happens with other mods too but when I run UDINO on ZDOOM. I just get Doom 2. Maybe you can help me out.
  7. He was using a mouse. He was setting up freelook. I pass on youtubers doing blind play throughs of this map. Way too frustrating. I will, however, watch John Romero play it. He's got some work to do. Hopefully he will do it again. It's gotta be 100 to 1 shot that anybody gets it on their first playthrough without looking it up on Doom Wiki. Even then you're going to screw up the first couple times.
  8. Sometimes I go on a mission trying to get better. Then I think that maybe I have gotten better. Then I watch Zeromaster play the same level. Mission aborted.
  9. For a moment, I wondered why you agonized over this seemingly arcane issue, and then I remembered that I don't have a creative bone in my body, so why in the hell would I understand your thought process?
  10. I didn't used to like slaughter maps but I recently began to enjoy building strategies. I have actually grown to like some of them. I have been playing Sunder map 11, Furnace, trying to get all the way through with only safe saves in UV. Finally did it. I am not a very good player which may partly come from the fact that I still play keyboard only. Probably the only really boring part for me was rocketing all the Hellknights on the ledge. Okuplok gave me trigger finger. Just not a fun experience.
  11. Ah! That's right. You don't need the keys. You just need to trigger the W1 linedef action.
  12. I started S2 . How many of you have been able to get to map 32? I'm not quick enough. You have maybe 10 seconds. Maybe it was Alm's way of saying "don't bother". I thought 32 was OK.
  13. It's been a couple years since I played Scythe 2 and I think I will play it again soon, now that you have brought it up. I just finished Sunder map 10. I consider myself an average player. Keyboard only, no pistol start and I save at safe points. There is nothing in Scythe 2, as I remember, that compares with Sunder in difficulty and I'm only at map 11. I doubt that I would have gotten this far on my own. I rely on decino at times for strategy. I reserve the right to be wrong about Scythe 2 though, until I play it again.
  14. Well done. I like tough fights. I didn't look around that much for stuff to pick apart because I was too busy staying alive.
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