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About Flamsey

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  1. Some textures of the gore in Console Doom were changed. Does anyone know where the sprites are online? I'd like to use them.
  2. Basically I'm trying to use both of these wads together, however this Doomguy sprite wad, which changes his weapons to what he's actually holding rather than the beta gun, however it overwrites the Smooth Weapons wad I'm using. I'm looking at Slade but I'm not sure what I actually have to change. The wads in question: Smooth Weapons Enhanced [v3.2.1] Doom Guy 3'rd person sprites updated
  3. eh its noteworthy enough that its mentioned in the official guidebook at least.
  4. In the official strategy guide for Doom, one page mentions a wad at the end called "Doom Argh!" by a Joe Pantuso. I searched idgames, nothing was there. Google reveals nothing either. Am I missing something? Or is it lost? The page in question: https://imgur.com/a/7zxLHnv
  5. Cool! Is there a way to use this with the Smooth Weapons Enhanced mod? It changes the weapons to their default version when i use it with it.
  6. Hey I was wondering if you could could make a version of this without the Lost Soul change, or at least let me know how I could change it back
  7. also, you are expecting me to think that the praetor suit has been sitting in hell for a millenia, and is only a *bit* rusted??
  8. sure, but they could've just been repurposed for this, not nessecarily created for it. Plus, why would a dimension be set a millennia back? That isn't how time works.
  9. also doom 64's manual said that the "DOOM" files were classified, explaining why no one remembers him except a highly religious person, mostly because religious beliefs have always stuck around through the ages. we know the manual is canon because doomguy acts erratic and seems to have ptsd, exactly how he is stated to act after being interviewed by therapists in doom 64's manual.
  10. Actually, since the street prophet mentions the "mark of the beast" in the opening for Doom Eternal, that means that it takes place in the same universe, because y'know, the Doom Slayer would've become a hero after the Ultimate Doom, Doom II: Hell on Earth, No Rest For The Living, Final Doom, and Doom 64. Since to everyone on Earth it had seemed that he just mysteriously disappeared after Doom 64, religious people probably thought that he might return one day, and when the demons invaded, the street prophet was obviously trying to give the people hope that the Doom Slayer would return now and slay the demons. So yeah, same Earth.
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