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About fai1025

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  1. I mean if military helped, I would say it isn't very hard to repell the demons, I mean we been fighting ourselves for like forever, I wouldn't think even a large waves of brainless hoards of monster could win a company with Heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, high explosives, tank, and backed with artillary, drones, airsupports. I'm no military expert but I don't think it would that hopeless for humanity if this thing does happend
  2. I'm sorry but what's PGDN, and also I checked the UMAPINFO again it seems that the normal exit does goes to MAP25, but if it goes to the secret level, the secret level will take you back to 24, which now I just realised, I'll try to fix it. anyway I'm still VERY confused of what's going wrong so Normal exit does goes to 25, yes? GZDoom does work, it goes to 25 for me, so it's UMAPINFO's mistake Secret level takes you to 24 that's confirmed mistake to fix What in the world is PGDN?? if you skip using console command and idclev ofcoure you going to map24 can yous like explain with more clearer wording, remember I'm not a native in English and yous sentence confused me
  3. Thanks for the feedback Given the situation we been through I really don't have the privilege to do "quality control", first I don't have time, this project took longer than it should be, as I mentioned before the deadline was originally Feb 29th, well look at the time now. I also need to leave the States for a few month by the mid of June, and I don't have access to my computer when I'm out there, meant that if I really want the project to be perfect and do "quality control" I'll need to put it on hold for another 2 or 3 month and cost even more time later. Welp it's my fault to expect every people have the same mind set of me that I make the map as soon as I sign up and I don't make up excuses for delays, and certainly don't just shadow quit, and set the deadline by 2 months or so. I mean believe me, as a men with OCD, I would reject half of the map here if I have that privilege. In anycase, I might actually held Doomium3 some time, soon? I'm not sure, but I'll definitely used the lesson I learned from this project. alr this conclude my yapping.
  4. is it not working for you? it's working for me for both GZDoom and DSDA-Doom, I never goes to the Chasm going continuously check if your source port actually runs UMAPINFO, or else I have no idea why it doesn't work for you
  5. New updates/hotfix!! (v.1.2.0) MEDIAFIRE GDRIVE Improve overall text screen visuals including different flat that match the episode's theme Updated both txt file and the post with Music and Mapper credit merge on the txt file, and a map list with author and map number, because @Insaneprophet's gripe (I don't even know what gripe mean, It look negative, so I fix the stuff)
  6. New updates/hotfix!! (v.1.1.1) MEDIAFIRE GDRIVE Fix text overflowing the screen in EP2 text screen
  7. New updates/hotfix!! (v.1.1.0) MEDIAFIRE GDRIVE swapped MAP37 with MAP30 to fix the hard coded telefragging thingy
  8. oof oh no, so erm the telefragging is NOT intentional, I thought fixed it, maybe I have to move the map
  9. I mean I assume there'll be some cosmetics and microtransation, but I don't think they will go overboard with it, since the new Dooms had always been singleplayer centric, and selling crazy cosmet for a singleplayer centric game is quite a nobrainer
  10. oh, if you want to upload it as a standalone map untie to the project then do it at your own pace, no rush
  11. If you can do it in three days, sure. Because I want to upload it on Idgame three days after launch
  12. Hi Fai here Finally! after half of years of gruelling developement, went and come of mappers, it's finally finished!! Welcome to DOOMIUM II, a Community Project where we seek the purest element of DOOM! A sequel to DOOMIUM I, This project aim to create a megawad worth of maps that are Short, Straight Forward, and with Frantic Action, from industrial compounds, concrete cities, mountain ranges, fragments of realities, and many more! The project contain 6 episode of 5 map each with the addion of a secret for each episode, each episode have it's unique theme, including industry, brutalism, and natures, and the classic void levels for the finale episode. This project was originally intended to release in early March and as a late birthday gift to Doom's 30 years of glory! but well it's a extremely late gift now, but better late then never I suppose. MEDIAFIRE v1.2.0 GOOGLE DRIVE v1.2.0 IDGAME coming soon Make sure you have: Require DOOM2 IWAD Require UMAPINFO+BOOM compatible sourceports (DSDA-DOOM and GZDOOM recommanded) Jumping+Crouching disabled Free mouselook optional, but discouraged Default Complevel should suffice To play our project: Load DMIUM2_RES.wad and DMIUM2_LEV.wad together, order doesn't matter Load NON-WIDESCREEN STBAR.wad if you are playing in 4:3 aspect ratio Check DMIUM2.txt and READ ME.txt for more infomations Other info about the project: Pistol startable Singleplayer only, some mapper had implemet Co-op spawns but I do not garantee it'll work What happened to Map24? I dunno, it's gone, like last time, almost like a tradition @stochastic @Li'l devil @Beubeu @JackDBS @Raith138 @Heretic926 @EagerBeaver @Logamuffin @JacaCaca @Steve D @Kuro_mahoh @MFG38 @SilverMiner @Gothic @DoctorNuriel @Bochnik Chleba @MoiraHeart @dmh094 @Pottus @Super Mighty G @Sneezy McGlassFace @knifeworld @DankMetal PLEASE REPORT ANY BUG FOR MORE INFOMATION PLEASE CONSULT THE TXT FILES AND PLEASE ENJOY OUR HARD WORK :)) DEVELOPEMENT PAGE: DOOMIUM I: - by Fai :)
  13. @DoctorNuriel since you dont answer in discord imma ask it here, Whats the source for the midi used in your map, I can't find it anyway, and you didn't mention it in your post
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