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About Shikamaze

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  1. Recently, replaying the original scythe, i faced map 28. Run from it features a off screen timer that instakills you after some time. That map seems to be almost 100% regarded as bad, and i thought about it for a while, and could not think of a way to make the map concept work in a way that would be enjoyable but also "true to the original''. Can you think of a way to make this map gimmick work? What are some other map concepts that also don't work (excluding joke maps)?
  2. Question about tool assisted. Since in these runs it's possible to use RNG manipulation for some stuff, why runners don't use it for, as a example, dealing max weapon damage or having only the lowest damage roll on hits, which would always make runs faster?
  3. Title. What makes a Doom level lag, is it a CPU can't handle all that stuff, or is it GPU can't handle that much stuff? On a similar question why are ZDoom based ports laggier?
  4. I can only imagine what "ASS WAD Doom" wielded when you searched it.
  5. The method i have been using to extract Midis from wads right now is 1-Open the WAD on SLADE 2-Get whatever song i want 3-Open it on VirtualMIDISynth 4-Convert it to WAV This works fine, the problem is that it wields 100mb files for 4-5 minutes of music. For longer ones this number can reach up to 1gb which is a lot. Is there a more efficient way to do this that doesn`t take that much storage?
  6. In new Doom, having hotkeys is useful for quick weapon switching. In Classic, since weapon switching is slower, there is really no point. Or there is? Do you have hotkeys for weapons? What are they? Bonus question, if you don't, where on the keyboard do you switch the weapons?
  7. I really dislike secrets in general. I feel they break the balance of the level, since a extra megasphere, more ammo or new gun can make a hard map a joke. There is also this really bad habit of mappers hiding secrets that break the balance so much that it's impossible (or way, way harder) to complete a level without them. They break the pacing of the level too. "Let's stop those epic back to back fights to do a switch hunt so you can backtrack and get a power-up!". Secrets work best in short maps where you can acess them in the middle of the action, Plutonia map 15 is a good example of that, even though there are too many secrets there. I *REALLY* hate when mappers hide secret fights on the level too, and i can't see any reason why anyone would like that.
  8. They did though. They had the time to send a bunch of UAC soldiers to the base (they were on the planet already, but the orders came from somewhere), and even if the demons killed everyone there instantly, the people at earth would have been able to shut down their way of the portals, trapping the monsters on Mars.
  9. I usually play in glboom+, and i notice that sometimes cyberdemons will focus me: 1- When there are other enemies attacking him And 2- Even when i don't shoot at him at all. What is the reason for this? I never noticed this behavior on anything that isn't a cyberdemon, and this erratic behavior makes encounters balanced around infighting really boring since he will for no apparent reason rocket my face.
  10. You need to choose, one has to go, which is more important for Doom community, the Archvile or the BFG? Assume that whatever is gone, is gone from "history" as well. If BFG goes, it doesn't appear in Doom 1, if Archie goes the same applies. I choose these 2 guys because, in my opinion, they are the 2 things that make Doom so versatile in mapping. I would say that Archvile goes. Some of my favorite maps are reliant on the BFG for fights, and i think that gun makes way more combat scenarios possible, but i also think the Archvile is the best enemy of all time, so any choice is "valid".
  11. I have been collecting stuff for close to a year now, and it's starting to become a mess of source-ports, iwads, pwads and some mods. How do you organize it to know where everything is?
  12. Sigil was different in that he "sold" it but also released it for free. Unless i'm missing something this one is only available after a donation.
  13. I don't know a lot about law, but can't he get in trouble by doing this? He is releasing a level for something he doesn't own for money. Even if it's for charity, this doesn't seem legal.
  14. I would say Scythe is a pretty good replacement for either Plutonia or TNT. It has a good difficulty curve, starting easy and going really hard on the last 10 maps, and i don't think it's that demanding for a older computer. Map 30 would probably make a list of hardest final levels somewhere though.
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