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Everything posted by NaliSeed

  1. I swear to God, I thought for a split second it was Spiderman ๐Ÿ˜†
  2. Jesus, it's gonna take more than a few medkits to fix that face.
  3. If Blood II used 2D sprites.
  4. It's always been an awful track to begin with, in my opinion. I've always been baffled by how lame the music in Doom II was compared to the first game.
  5. Yay! ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ
  6. This is cool, although I've personally never been a fan of the D64 pistol; it looks too flimsy.
  7. I imagine killing her with a single BFG shot up close is out of the question now?
  8. Running around in the dark and suddenly hearing a belch from a Quake Spawn you can't even see? Yeah, fuck that, hard pass for me. Lmao.
  9. Well, I can tell you the megasphere in Hectic is gone. I finished the map and went to the next with literally a single health point and zero armor thanks to that; lol.
  10. Made another torch using part of Neoworm's work. HexenTorch_v2.7z
  11. Well, they explained the presence of a chainsaw on Mars pretty convincingly in Doom 3. Not sure about this, though.
  12. Are the old Doom novels any good? The ones from Doom 3 are pretty meh.
  13. Wasn't too happy with the Torch weapon from Brutal Doom, so I made some changes. HexenTorch.7z Mind you, it works as a torch, not a weapon.
  14. Yeah, but, I thought this was a remaster, the original B64 has a couple of rough edges. Oh, well.
  15. I'm a lot more impressed with the Chaingunner model. The ones I've seen are just Zombiemen carrying chainguns, and frankly, they look pretty dismal, especially when entering their attack state.
  16. Lol, I'd forgotten how lame the ZDoom notification sound for secret areas is until I found the one secret in the first map. Feels kind of weird having secret areas in Hexen, but it's a very welcome addition.
  17. Link keeps sending me to this very same page, lol.
  18. I could swear the Chaingun sound problem wasn't there before, I think it appeared in the last couple of versions of GZDoom; it's happening on regular Doom as well.
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